Which one to you think is more eco friendly?
Featured by EdenFantasys
Silicone VS. Glass
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either recyclable?
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I would think glass would be more eco friendly
Both silicone and glass are recyclable, although I think the facilities for silicone recycling are less widespread at the moment.
Silicone rubber melts at ~500 C (932 F) whereas borosilicate glass (which is the most commonly used variety for toys) has a melting point of... well, I'm seeing conflicting answers, but it's significantly higher than silicone. The lower answers are all around 800 C, which is about 1500 F! So it's actually more energy-intensive to recycle glass versus silicone.
Silicone rubber melts at ~500 C (932 F) whereas borosilicate glass (which is the most commonly used variety for toys) has a melting point of... well, I'm seeing conflicting answers, but it's significantly higher than silicone. The lower answers are all around 800 C, which is about 1500 F! So it's actually more energy-intensive to recycle glass versus silicone.
Reducing waste is more important than recycling, but it is important too!
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are either significantly less wasteful?
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I'm not certain what the energy input required for silicone vs. glass manufacturing is like. I *think* fossil fuel-derived oils are required to manufacture silicone rubber (as a component of the product), but I'm not certain, and depending on where glass is made it will likely use fossil fuels as an energy source.
Fun fact: I think the reason silicone is more hygienic than regular rubber is that in its molecular structure, silicon forms the backbone of the polymer instead of carbon. (Though I don't have a very solid grasp of this.)
Fun fact: I think the reason silicone is more hygienic than regular rubber is that in its molecular structure, silicon forms the backbone of the polymer instead of carbon. (Though I don't have a very solid grasp of this.)
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anything else you would like to add or think about this topic?
perhaps ways we could make them more eco friendly?
perhaps ways we could make them more eco friendly?
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