Have you ever faked an orgasm ?

Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by ChuChii
I wondered if I was the only one who did this before, but if I fooled around with a guy and I wasn't really turned on, I would fake an orgasm.
i found out though that even when im not faking it but am getting a lot of pleasure from it, he thought i was actually orgasming. oh geez...
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
I have a few times, sometimes with other guys I'm just not that into it or they don't know how. With my husband never.
Contributor: HisLittleFiend HisLittleFiend
I don't, ever. To me there isn't a real point to lie to my SO. Sex isn't all about the orgasm for us, so if it happens- great! But, if it doesn't, it means either work harder or just enjoy the experience for what it was.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
I don't fake, never have, never will, and I expect my partners to give me real orgasms!

People who don't bother with their partners are assholes not worthy of my time or pussy!
Contributor: phoenixfire phoenixfire
I have faked orgasms in the past. I told myself I was doing it to protect my partner's feelings. I've given that up now. It's scarier to be honest, but it is also more productive.
Contributor: zombiegirl2013 zombiegirl2013
did before.. when i was younger
Contributor: Rory Rory
I used to when we were younger but I haven't in years.
Contributor: Real or memorex Real or memorex
I have never faked an orgasm, but I have faked level of enjoyment. Sometimes it isn't doing anything for you and you're ready to check out, and I don't want to pretend I am in extasy when that happens, but I do try to look pleasant and supportive of the endeavor instead of bored.

This answer assumes a nice partner doing things I normally like on what turns out to be an off night - if I actively dislike what is going on, I stop it.
Contributor: Inkkythesquid Inkkythesquid
Yes, My Ex Was Terrible In Bed And I Really Didn't Enjoy It Much, So I Would Fake It So He Would Stop Trying To Last, Cum, And Stop. Lol
Contributor: Creepellah Creepellah
Originally posted by ChuChii
I wondered if I was the only one who did this before, but if I fooled around with a guy and I wasn't really turned on, I would fake an orgasm.
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
I'm naturally very vocal, squirmy, and shivery if I'm feeling great, and I have mini orgasms which aren't quite satisfying. lol Sometimes he can't tell if I have quite gotten to where I want to be or not, so he asks. And sometimes I feel bad for taking too long when really he has given me a few orgasms. I'm just not quite satisfied because lots of the time before bed I want one that will leave me limp and falling asleep. But I will tell him that I'm happy. I think that's another issue entirely and I'm just sex greedy. o.o; What do you think?

If I didn't have so many different kinds of orgasms, it wouldn't be an issue and he would always just know. e_e I wish I was less confusing. My mini ones sometimes feel strong to him. And then sometimes I come quietly and am perfectly satisfied, but I can keep going and enjoying myself and we can stop when he wants. And sometimes I come so hard I just go limp and shivering for a minute and he knows for sure I'm happy.
Contributor: CaseyDeuce CaseyDeuce
I used to do it more often, just to basically make it end. I knew I wasn't going to get off so instead of him continuing to try, I faked. Now that I'm older and wiser, I'll just say "get off..." LOL