Alrighty - most common options are smartballs and luna beads, but there are other options on the market. Lets figure out which are the best.
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Size and Shape?
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Bang for your buck!
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If you had to recommend any of these, which would you recommend?
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What do you think of the size and shape of these balls? Which are too little, which are too big, which keep falling out?
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I have only tried the smart balls. I think they have a great shape, are just the right size, & stay put.
Wicked balss go in easier....Smart Balls are more comfortable after they are in and you are used to them.
I have heard complaints that smartballs are too big. I don't feel that way, but I do feel luna beads are too small...
I love my smartballs! I find that they are sort of big and I require lube to insert them but they are totally comfortable.
I'm sadly disappointed in my smartballs. They feel too long, too shaft-like, not enough ball-like. They just aren't comfy. Le sigh.
Aren't they the same size, pretty much?!
Originally posted by
I have heard complaints that smartballs are too big. I don't feel that way, but I do feel luna beads are too small...
I only have the Smart Balls for now. They're a great size and shape, as long as lots of lube is used to insert them. The only time I've found them too large is when I have to remove them unaroused, which can be almost painful.
Well, I think there's some variation - the Tengo Uno and the crystal egg (a single) - is certainly smaller. Luna beads are smaller than smartballs. I have no idea about the other ones, I just tried to grab a selection.
Originally posted by
Adriana Ravenlust
Aren't they the same size, pretty much?!
I meant just the Luna Beads and Smartballs. Their descriptions say they have the same circumference and diameter (although length differs).
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Well, I think there's some variation - the Tengo Uno and the crystal egg (a single) - is certainly smaller. Luna beads are smaller than smartballs. I have no idea about the other ones, I just tried to grab a selection.
I prefer SmartBalls. I've had several sets and want to point out that some color combinations are more stimulating than others. The vibrations feel different. This morning I held a pair in each hand and it wasn't my imagination: they really do feel different.
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I prefer SmartBalls. I've had several sets and want to point out that some color combinations are more stimulating than others. The vibrations feel different. This morning I held a pair in each hand and it wasn't my imagination: they really
I prefer SmartBalls. I've had several sets and want to point out that some color combinations are more stimulating than others. The vibrations feel different. This morning I held a pair in each hand and it wasn't my imagination: they really do feel different.
Wow, ok, so I thought that was my imagination! I had a pair of black and silvers that were awesomely stimulating - and I replaced them with a pink-on-pink set that are way more ho-hum. They still out-match the luna beads, no matter what.
Originally posted by
I prefer SmartBalls. I've had several sets and want to point out that some color combinations are more stimulating than others. The vibrations feel different. This morning I held a pair in each hand and it wasn't my imagination: they really
I prefer SmartBalls. I've had several sets and want to point out that some color combinations are more stimulating than others. The vibrations feel different. This morning I held a pair in each hand and it wasn't my imagination: they really do feel different.
That's good to know because I am thinking of investing in some!
Originally posted by
Wow, ok, so I thought that was my imagination! I had a pair of black and silvers that were awesomely stimulating - and I replaced them with a pink-on-pink set that are way more ho-hum. They still out-match the luna beads, no matter what.
I should be getting some like these in any day. They're a new type though, not even available for sale yet. I can't wait to try these out and see if they work on me!
i honestly wouldnt be able to decide either ! lol
I just received my Smartballs Teneo Duo yesterday, and although I haven't tried them yet, they do seem pretty big compared to the other ones I've taken a gander at. I'd love to try the Luna Beads or the SinFiv Emigi.
This is very interesting! I got a pair of the red & white ones even though I requested pink & white & I wonder how they'll be. Are we talking only the original version of Smartballs here or the Teneo as well?
Originally posted by
Wow, ok, so I thought that was my imagination! I had a pair of black and silvers that were awesomely stimulating - and I replaced them with a pink-on-pink set that are way more ho-hum. They still out-match the luna beads, no matter what.
I prefer the smartballs teno duo. They are a little large, but comfortable in.
Never used them before. What should I look for as far as quality?
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Which are actually effective at tightening your PC muscles? Which are actually effective at being stimulating? Which just feel like a waste of time?
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I don't know if they're tightening my muscles, but they are stimulating, especially in public
ANy can be to both in my opinion.
Smartballs blow luna beads out of the water, in my most humble of opinions
I would like to try the teneo uno since it is from fun factory like the smartballs. I just wonder if they are more effective than the smartballs.
I am interested in the Teneo Duo, myself.
Originally posted by
Naughty Student
I would like to try the teneo uno since it is from fun factory like the smartballs. I just wonder if they are more effective than the smartballs.
I've found that the smartballs have worked for both strengthening and stimulating, but both only to an extent. I've heard that smaller balls strengthen the muscles more because it takes more work to keep them from slipping out, so I'd be curious to try a smaller set.
Teneo Duo have a more flexible connection between them so they're more comfortable for people who find the original SmartBalls too long and shaft-like.
Is the sizing the same, but the material more flexible?
Originally posted by
Teneo Duo have a more flexible connection between them so they're more comfortable for people who find the original SmartBalls too long and shaft-like.
I don't know, but I sure hope so. That's my intentions. Hopefully I'll be able to answer this better soon.
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Which ones offer the most at the most reasonable price?
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I think all the ones you've chosen are reasonably priced.
I think the luna balls, while reasonably prices for what you get, are too expensive given how useful they are.
I agree. Especially since you can't fell them at all.
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I think the luna balls, while reasonably prices for what you get, are too expensive given how useful they are.
SmartBalls are relatively inexpensive and long-lasting.
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There are lots of options out there - but which would you recommend, if you had to choose one.
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But I'd also give my vote to the Smart balls and the Luna beads.
Teneo Uno and Teneo Duo are also great. I do enjoy Lelo Luna beads but Fun Factory Original SmartBalls are my current favorites.
Other: Emigi
Desi just looks so great... I fell in love with it even before Eden.
I like the smart balls
I chose the Luna because that's the best of those listed but I'd go with the Emigi or Ami over all.
I will bye a pair of smart balls next
deff the smart balls
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There are lots of options out there - but which would you recommend, if you had to choose one.
Smart balls...
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