Do you color match your toy collection?

Contributor: eeep eeep
I don't color coordinate mine, but I try to get a nice variety of colors. I also tend to prefer greens, dark purples, and reds. Not big on most pink colors or white.
Contributor: Breas Breas
I don't colour co-ordinate no.. then again I don't have many to co-ordinate at this time lol... but I don't think I'd do that even with a large collection. Too much work for me heh,
Contributor: Oomph2687 Oomph2687
I like the vibrant colors...greens...purp
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
For a while, I'd always select purple toys. One day, my partner pointed out that there should be some variety in colors, so now I'm looking at pinks and blues and greens. I'm not a big fan of warm colors, though. Not sure why...
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Originally posted by Antipova
I color-coordinate them to "rainbow"! I just need something yellow, but it looks like it'll be a long wait.

Anyway... I also sort of do the "to an extent" thing. I choose which colors suit me best, which usually wind ... more
Rainbow here too. For something yellow, try the Nosy Toyfriend, great for the g-spot. I got that one, and the reviews got that toy all wrong (some said it was external only - poor girl).
Contributor: lalapetitee lalapetitee
More yellow vibs would be awesome!
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
I have lots of pink and purple toys, but I also have the random green or black toy. I just want a collection that will get me off I don't think that color matching is too boring though!
Contributor: GoneBabyGone GoneBabyGone
I never color coded anything. If I did get a mix and match set like the aluminum ones I might.

I like the variety and colors.
Contributor: charcat charcat
Originally posted by lalapetitee
I have been debating matching the colors of all my toys. I'm afraid my collection will be too boring. But on the other hand it will be sleek and collective. Do you color match your collection?
It actually never even occurred to me. If there's a toy I like with a few different color choices, I'll pick the prettiest but other than that I don't even think about appearance!
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by lalapetitee
I have been debating matching the colors of all my toys. I'm afraid my collection will be too boring. But on the other hand it will be sleek and collective. Do you color match your collection?
Contributor: sweet&lush sweet&lush
I buy whatever has nice material but I do have a lot of pink and purple sex toys
Contributor: Lano4ka Lano4ka
Not really