I want to buy my first expensive vibrator. I just wanted to know what you guys thought was the best for my money? Thanks
What vibe is best to get? Especially if it's my first expensive toy.
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Are you looking for a clitoral vibe or a G-spot vibe? Leaf Life looks really good but I don't have it so I can't compare it with the others. The only one of these that I have is Gigi. I adore my Gigi even though Lelo vibes usually don't work well for me. I think it's the fact that it's shape alone is terrific.
Get the Lelo Liv. It's an all around great toy.
I'll pick either the Lelo Gigi or the Zini Ran, I don't like to waste money on clitoral-only vibes.
I vote GiGi. It's my absolute favorite vibrator. It's so versatile!
Originally posted by
I want to buy my first expensive vibrator. I just wanted to know what you guys thought was the best for my money? Thanks
My money's on Gigi, hun.
Yeah, I'm gonna be a pain and go against the crowd. I'm gonna guess your lean is for internal since you have two internal and one external. Based on that, I'm knocking out Life even though it's actually my personal favorite on your list. Out of Ran or Gigi, Ran is way better for me at least. Gigi was a bit weak and the curve was no good for me. *shrug* I much prefer Ran's shape. Plus it has, like, a gazillion patterns so if you're new to those it gives you a lot to play with.
Gigi or her sister Liv. I love my Liv.
I'm saving for a Lelo liv but from your choices I'd get gigi
Originally posted by
I want to buy my first expensive vibrator. I just wanted to know what you guys thought was the best for my money? Thanks
the gigi
If those three are the only ones you have your heart set on, I'd say go for the Ran. The Gigi is nice, but I've heard many people complain about not being able to get to their gspot as well, plus the Ran has more power and options. In any case, that's the one I really want.
Thanks for all the great answers
Originally posted by
I want to buy my first expensive vibrator. I just wanted to know what you guys thought was the best for my money? Thanks
I was dissapointed with Gigi because the vibrations are not strong enough. It stays in the drawer all the time.
I myself would love to get the Gigi
Originally posted by
I want to buy my first expensive vibrator. I just wanted to know what you guys thought was the best for my money? Thanks
I myself would love to get the Gigi
I myself would love to get the Gigi
Well of the ones you have listed I only have life. I like it a lot! It is very pinpoint though. If this is your first expensive toy I would get Mimi first. The buttons are a little hard to push, but it is a great toy, and at 78 vs 130 I think it is a better value. Or perhaps you are more of an internal vibe girl. In that case I would vote for the ran.
I myself would love to get the Gigi
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