We had this big discussion, reminiscing about our "old days" of contraceptive worries. We used to depend on the TODAY sponge and loved them. Then, cannot remember when( maybe in the late 80's?) they "went away" and there were even sitcoms on TV where woman were "hording" them, and how there was a ridiculous super high price for "black market" sponges!!!
I see where they are back, looking same doughnut shape they were before. I have no clue when they came back, since slightly after then disappeared from the market, I went into "want a baby mode" and despite only having on child, we have never needed birth control since.
However, we were wondering if others had that same "dependence" on a technique that then became "unavailable" and also had that same stress and distress about it!!!???
What is your "oh no" story?
I see where they are back, looking same doughnut shape they were before. I have no clue when they came back, since slightly after then disappeared from the market, I went into "want a baby mode" and despite only having on child, we have never needed birth control since.
However, we were wondering if others had that same "dependence" on a technique that then became "unavailable" and also had that same stress and distress about it!!!???
What is your "oh no" story?