I'm interested in your thoughts on the sex education in our public high schools. What do you think should be included? What shouldn't? Are you happy with what you learned in school? What your children are learning? Below are some things that you can consider, but feel free to include others.
What forms of birth control should be included? Abstinence only or should they include information on other options?
Should Anal sex be discussed? Oral sex? to what extent?
Should gay and lesbian relationships be discussed?
Should people who are transgender be discussed?
Should giving/receiving pleasure in sex be discussed? In how much detail?
What forms of birth control should be included? Abstinence only or should they include information on other options?
Should Anal sex be discussed? Oral sex? to what extent?
Should gay and lesbian relationships be discussed?
Should people who are transgender be discussed?
Should giving/receiving pleasure in sex be discussed? In how much detail?