Just curious.
Have you ever taken a class to defend yourself from rape? Have you ever done anything to prepare yourself just in case?
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I didn't take any self-defense class, but I know exactly what to do...strike the jerk's groin with my knee, or grab his testicles and squeeze HARD!!!
I attended a self-defense class with my all female PE class, but I don't remember much of it now.
No, I haven't.
When I walk somewhere in the dark, I carry my keys like an eye-gouging weapon, but that's it, unless never drinking in public counts, but that's just because I'd never drink if I had to drive, and I never let anyone else drive.
I taught a class at church on how to defend againist a sexual attack some of tthe ladies in the class really got into how to protect themselves. One lady was attacked and she told the guy she would not resist and to take it out so she could get him off, and she grabbed his dick and started running down the street, he was begging her to stop.
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