Do you feel better right away?

Contributor: CuteDee CuteDee
Are you the type, if you take something for a headache, you FEEL better right after you swallow the pill? Like just knowing you have taken something, makes you feel better?

Ive been taking some dietary supplements and I FEEL like Ive lose weight but cant really tell... its only been a few days!

Im just wondering if anyone else feels like this or is it all in my head?
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Contributor: Vegan Silk Vegan Silk
Originally posted by CuteDee
Are you the type, if you take something for a headache, you FEEL better right after you swallow the pill? Like just knowing you have taken something, makes you feel better?

Ive been taking some dietary supplements and I FEEL like Ive lose ... more
it is probably in your head, but others feel the same way. it sounds like you are describing the placebo effect. placebo on wikipedia

If you are feeling an effect before a medicine has actually gotten into your bloodstream to work, it is most likely your head making your body feel better. But this is are real benifit, many people do very well taking only placebos.
Contributor: CuteDee CuteDee
I have heard of that before... Im wondering how many others feel that way too? I always tell my bf to take some meds when hes got a headache but he tells me it doesnt help... Silly boy!!
Contributor: That Man from Mars That Man from Mars
Never for me, but then I'm very stubborn.
Contributor: babyrock babyrock
Hmm, I wonder if that works for other pills as well. Like V.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Tis called the placebo effect. It has worked for me before, haha, mainly with my Tums, which I take as anxiety meds when I get a stomach ache. It literally makes me feel sooo much better, overall.

Edit: Should probably explain that I have emetophobia, the fear of vomiting, so if I feel sick I immediately start panicking. When i take Tums I convince myself I am not going to get sick.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Nah, I never feel better instantly after taking pills for migraines cause they are physically there.

There have been times in the past with weight loss things where I have imagined I could feel improvements, but unfortunately they were in my head
Contributor: Wondermom Wondermom
no, I deal with chronic pain and know the time between taking a pill and waiting for it to get into my bloodstream very well, it is excruciating. It makes me wish I was in the hospital so I could have the dilaudid in my IV and feel that warm rush as the pain killers hit your body and it starts to melt away. ummm so yeah, I don't ever get the placebo effect, and I am jealous of those who do.
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
No, I have to wait the 30-45 minutes until it kicks in. I may feel a bit more relaxed, knowing that relief is coming.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I wish! I try to avoid medicine (just a firm believer in letting my body fix things on its own whenever possible), and I have an absurdly high pain tolerance. Thus, when I do cave to take medicine, people know it's bad. And by that time I pop a pill, I'm craving instant relief and still have to wait for it.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I have two related chronic pain disorders (chronic intractable migraine and fibromyalgia) so I don't get releif until the medication kicks in. I feel better knowing I've taken something, but the pain doesn't quit until the meds work. If the pain is very bad, I'll take it with warm water and chew it (as long as it isn't a long acting med, then chewing it could result in an overdose) so that it kicks in quickly. In fact, I am in the habit of chewing my immediate release pain meds.

I've had so many meds NOT work, and some that only work sometimes, that every day is an adventure in pain for me.....and not the good kind.....
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by CuteDee
Are you the type, if you take something for a headache, you FEEL better right after you swallow the pill? Like just knowing you have taken something, makes you feel better?

Ive been taking some dietary supplements and I FEEL like Ive lose ... more
I get frequent migraines and I do not feel better right away.

I honestly feel like that would be a placebo effect- just knowing that you took something making you feel better.

I wish I did though, my migraines are brutal.
Contributor: kelaaa33wish kelaaa33wish
No it takes awhile for it to go away.
Contributor: CAKES CAKES
It takes a while to work for me.