Feeling Clean?

Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
One of the main reasons I hate summer is because I can never feel clean. I shower twice a day, have more soaps and cleansers in my shower than Rite Aid and Walmart COMBINED but during the summer no part of me feels clean! EVER! Am I crazy or do some of you ladies also go through similar?

(sorry, I didnt know where else to put this and its been driving me nuts the last two days with no AC and 100+ days >.<)
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Contributor: gavind gavind
I think this is so normal. The heat from the sun is making girls feel this way. I would suggest indoors if you can do this. EdenFantasys Logo
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
I agree! I hate feeling sweaty and greasy. I tend to get really sweaty between my fat thighs. Ugh! It feels so gross.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I think you're just sweaty from the 100+ degrees heat, why don't you buy a 'Gel Ice Pack' at your local drug store, freeze it and wrap it with a thin towel or bandana, and rest it on the back of your neck. It's the most effective way to cool your whole body down, and you'll feel much better!
Contributor: wdanas wdanas
When I get to feeling gross in the summer I'll rinse off in a cool shower. Not necessarily a full scrubbing and soaping, but it's very refreshing and the important areas can still be washed as needed.

I find that changing bras and undies is more frequent in the summer after being outdoors - you just can't feel clean and comfy with a cold clammy bra.
Contributor: lalyy lalyy
I do feel all dirty during the day because it is so hot! And I have to wait until night time to shower, otherwise When I shower during the day i get hot 5 minutes later. And the AC is only on for an hour.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by wdanas
When I get to feeling gross in the summer I'll rinse off in a cool shower. Not necessarily a full scrubbing and soaping, but it's very refreshing and the important areas can still be washed as needed.

I find that changing bras and ... more
Yea, i tried the cool shower and after i still felt gross >.< Which was what prompted me to post
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I sometimes use antiperspirant or powder under my boobs and on the backs of my thighs. That's where I seem to sweat the most. I hate boob sweat. My husband likes it on me, he's such a Kink.
Contributor: jjdd jjdd
Baby powder helps absorb sweaty-ness.