Mothers and Expectant Mothers- did you smoke during your pregnancy (ies)? Private Voting.

Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
While I was working, the subject of smoking came up a couple weeks ago. I'm quite sure EVERYONE at my place of employment smokes cigarettes, and most of them smoke weed. Well, I'm the only exception.

Anyway, we were talking about how stressful our jobs were, and how the others used smoking as a coping mechanism. One of our pregnant coworkers chimed and stated that she loved relaxing with a cigarette at the end of the shift.

I couldn't help but say, "When you're not pregnant, right?" She told me, "Oh, I still smoke, but it's only one cigarette like once a while or something." I was incredibly bewildered by her statement, because I thought it was common sense that smoking while pregnant seriously risked the health of the baby.

My friend talked to another one of our coworkers about what our aforementioned coworker said, and she brushed it off. Apparently, for her first two pregnancies, she continued to smoke. However, for her last two pregnancies, she didn't smoke because it made her incredibly sick.

So my question for you Edenites is this: did you or your partner smoke, drink or consume illegal drugs while she was pregnant? If so, why?

All opinions are welcome.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Yes, I or my partner did smoke, drink, and/ or consume illegal drugs while she was pregnant.
4  (15%)
No, I or my partner did not smoke, drink, and/ or consume illegal drugs while she was pregnant.
17  (63%)
The infamous other.
6  (22%)
Total votes: 27
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Beck Beck
My partner is a smoker and smokes weed, so yes during all three of my pregnancies he smoked.

I don't smoke cigarettes, but I smoke weed on occasion. I did smoke at the beginning, since I did not know right away, but quit when finding out.

My cousin has 6 kids now, she smoked cigarettes with all of them. She couldn't carry her babies to term and they came out 5lbs-6lbs.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I quit smoking cigarettes when I got pregnant. The very day the test came back positive, in fact.

My other vote is for this: I have mental health issues that require loads of medication. I had to come off of this medication when I was pregnant. As a result, I was very unstable. My stress levels were high which is very bad for baby. In the last month of my pregnancy I was flying off the handle. I was told to take my anxiety pills but also told my son would likely experience withdrawal from the medication when he was born. I told them to go to hell and that I wasn't putting him through medication withdrawal. My husband suggested I smoke weed when I was having a panic attack one night as opposed to my narcotic doctor approved medication as this would not cause withdrawals for our son. I had done research that suggested that in many countries smoking weed while pregnant is a regular practice and there is little harm done to the baby by doing so, especially in comparison to the harm from my meds. So to calm a panic attack, I smoked twice while pregnant. I felt awful after anyhow and decided I would rather just have the panic attacks after those two times despite my researching. I didn't want any foreign substance in my son's system. I dreaded taking a baby safe cold medicine even. So that's my little story.
Contributor: karay123 karay123
I quit smoking in college, so that's a non-issue. But I stopped drinking when I knew I was pregnant.
Contributor: js250 js250
No cigarettes or alcohol form the second my test was positive. Started smoking again when the baby was about 9 months old. Don't do drugs, so that is a nonissue.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
While I was working, the subject of smoking came up a couple weeks ago. I'm quite sure EVERYONE at my place of employment smokes cigarettes, and most of them smoke weed. Well, I'm the only exception.

Anyway, we were talking about how ... more
In fact with all three of my pregnancies I either quit smoking or had already been off the smokes for years before getting pregnant. All of my babies were tiny (just over 5 lbs all of them) and my son came a month early because of a near miss with placental abruption. I can't imagine what the problems would have been if I had continued to smoke. It's hard enough on my body to make a little life I figured I'd help it as much as possible by avoiding alcohol and smoke inhalation and eating properly. As all three of my kids are amazingly healthy I think I made the right choice. I am just not one who can sail through a pregnancy easily.
Contributor: Tagmstr Tagmstr
My fiance has not gotten pregnant yet but is going to stop smoking the day she finds that she is. It isn't worth risking harm to your child. And if you are responsible enough to have sex, you should be responsible enough to care about your child's health.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by - Kira -
I quit smoking cigarettes when I got pregnant. The very day the test came back positive, in fact.

My other vote is for this: I have mental health issues that require loads of medication. I had to come off of this medication when I was ... more
I figure you did what you had to do, don't beat yourself up over it! THC is a lighter hitting narcotic than most anti-stress meds and stress is toxic to a developing fetus. You weighed the benefits and the possible problems and chose what worked for you. If your son was born healthy then pat yourself on the back and turn off the guilt voice! Besides the hormones in pregnancy can cause your system to go haywire with panic attacks even if you aren't normally prone to them...if you are then it's pure hell. I know, I endured the attacks through all three of my pregnancies because I was told absolute horror stories about pot and newborns.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
No, I didn't start smoking until years after I'd already had kids.

Contributor: All His All His
i smoked up until the test came back positive, in fact my last cigarrette was while waiting for the test results. My husband smoked up until the day my son was born, but then quit because my son was born with lungs complications and couldnt be around smoking in any way. it has been 3 and a half years and we still havent smoked since. personally think that if you make the decision to have a baby that you are responsible for their health and it is a known fact that cigarrette smoke is extremely harmful to everyone, especially such a helpless little person
Contributor: blacklodge blacklodge
I smoked cigarettes for probably 3 months of my pregnancy. I didn't know I was pregnant a month and a half of those, and the other month and a half I spent trying to quit. I eventually did though. Pregnancy actually gave me asthma. I'm sure smoking had a hand it in, but my doctor said there are some women who do develop asthma due to pregnancy. How odd.

And yes, some people who smoke throughout their pregnancy do have smaller babies, but my mother smoked thru having me and my brother and we both were 9+ pounds.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I figure you did what you had to do, don't beat yourself up over it! THC is a lighter hitting narcotic than most anti-stress meds and stress is toxic to a developing fetus. You weighed the benefits and the possible problems and chose what worked ... more
Yep, he was and is a healthy boy! Thank goodness because I'm sure I would have blamed myself and my stress levels had anything been wrong with him.
Contributor: Destri Destri
I smoked some while I was pregnant with both my boys. They came out healthy and are still that way today, as adults. One of my sons has rheumatoid arthritis, but that is not because I smoked.

I voted 'other' because I never drank alcohol or did any drugs while I was pregnant, just like I don't today....
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I smoked cigs but I had to cut down. Did not do anything else tho. I have two healthy kids and I smoked with both of them.
Contributor: EdenJP EdenJP
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
While I was working, the subject of smoking came up a couple weeks ago. I'm quite sure EVERYONE at my place of employment smokes cigarettes, and most of them smoke weed. Well, I'm the only exception.

Anyway, we were talking about how ... more
Contributor: TexasBrat TexasBrat
I don't smoke or do drugs anyway, so no. I barely ever drink either.
Contributor: KinkyNicki92 KinkyNicki92
i dont smoke at all and i occasionally have a glass of moscato. never while i was pregnant though