What do you call your vagina?

Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
Pussy, Cootchie, my girl, and the one that my mom used to call it "bootchie". WTF? That one cracks me up.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
LOL @ Bootchie (in the post above mine)

Names I use for vulva/vagina: my bits, cooch, cunt, pussy, coochy, my junk, girl bits, girl parts, woo-ha, vadge, snatch

Heh, I didn't realize I had so many names til I started writing. ^.^
Contributor: ajdlp1 ajdlp1
Originally posted by Blinker
Maybe you call it your beaver, snatch, or Marie Osmond.

I've heard it be called a Trapper Keeper and snakehole.

I call mine everything from cooter to twat.

What about you?
I just recently got my first ever Brazillian wax and when my husband saw it he started calling it " Smoothie " so now even in public he can talk about having a smoothie and nobody know what we are really talking about ! LOL !
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by ajdlp1
I just recently got my first ever Brazillian wax and when my husband saw it he started calling it " Smoothie " so now even in public he can talk about having a smoothie and nobody know what we are really talking about ! LOL !
Awww that is sweet! Mine talks about a 'juicy peach' for the same reaction.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by petite-n-sweet
I just wanna say LOL @ "For heaven's sake, Man, put your dick away." I'll have to use that a few times.

I call it pussy, kitty, or vagina if Im near minors or elders
Yeah. He's an old "Free" hippy dude, and seems to think that peeing in the Wild is a God Given Right. Maybe he's right. The other day, after I had said, "For God's sake, Man, put you dick away!" while he was happily whizzing near the fence, and I could see him from the deck, he asked me if I ever peed in our yard. NO, WE HAVE TOILETS! I have never peed on our property outside.

He didn't believe me. *sigh* Living with him is like either training a wild beast, who refuses to be brought down, or raising a 12 year old boy who refuses to grow up. I love him so much, though. Dick hanging out and all.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann

I have no idea where it came from. It just fell out of my mouth one day.
Contributor: TheCleansing TheCleansing
I'm a guy, but I hear ladyflowers here and there and I find that one cute.
I normally refer my vagina as my "ladybits"; mostly because I like saying "lady".
Otherwise I say pussy.
Contributor: RadRach RadRach

Contributor: Lavender*Moon Lavender*Moon
Being I have 2 young children who LOVE to repeat things just to get reactions, we generally use technical terms. However, when I'm felling silly, I'll call it "HooHa". Behind closed doors my hubby calls it pussy and I call it cunt. Once and a while, I call her "bitch".
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
My best friend calls it her squishy bits. I loled at it the first time I heard it.
Around friends I call it 'the vajayjay'
If I'm dirty talking, it's pussy.
Contributor: Not here Not here
Pussy, twat, box, cooch, cooter.. Vajayjay ONLY if I'm being totally sarcastic. Vag sometimes..

When I was little my cousin called it her "Moo" or her "Moo-Moo" which grosses me out to this day. blech.
Contributor: YvetteJeannine YvetteJeannine
If I'm w/ my husband, I usually use 'cooch'...OR 'willow' (as in, PUSSY WILLOW!!)..When w/ my gf's, sometimes I'll use 'pussy'..but generally I like to stay away from 'cunt' because it's traditionally been used in such a bad context for so long now....
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I generally go with "pussy".
Contributor: Sera Sera
Pussy and cunt, are really what I go with.
Contributor: Unconventional Unconventional
I don't call it anything unless it's 100% necessary. I can usually make reference to it with context clues without having to say the word "vagina". I'm not embarrassed about saying vagina, I'm embarrassed about giggling over saying the word vagina.
Contributor: Lif3sambiguity Lif3sambiguity
Poohter! ( i dunno how to spell it but that looks right)
Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura ZenaidaMacroura
I say vagina, pussy, vajayjay, bajingo, lady bits, naughty parts. Haha. Cutesy and silly, yes. But funny.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
I generally say pussy or vagina, but when I'm in a sillier mood, I use squish mitten. I got it from a Bloodhound Gang song and it's just more fun.
Ooohmygosh, so effin' cute.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Annemarie
I named her Trouble... because everyone wants to get in Trouble!
Lol, perfect!
Contributor: kitti kitti
i call mine "flower"
Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
Vagina, Vag, and Vajayjay mostly.
I grew up in a house where my mother thought that Vagina and penis were unacceptable words. She never told me why she felt this way, and she also never gave me a word that I would be able to use without her somehow getting offended. Because of this, vagina has been almost the only thing I have ever been able to call it, other than "baby gate" when I was pregnant.
Contributor: Destri Destri
Pussy, cunt (I love that one) and when I am feeling silly, I call it a woo hoo.
Contributor: PuplePleasures PuplePleasures
Cherry Mocha Whip Cream
Contributor: Latsyrc728 Latsyrc728
My Hubby started it....we call it Paradise
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Usually just puss or pussy. We don't tend to make references in front of the kids but keep it generic when we do. My 6yr old came home from Kindergarten calling her parts her solar galaxy.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
Pussy. I do like squish mitten and trouble. I may start using those.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Originally posted by Blinker
Maybe you call it your beaver, snatch, or Marie Osmond.

I've heard it be called a Trapper Keeper and snakehole.

I call mine everything from cooter to twat.

What about you?
I like Cooch and pussy, but I think I am liking twat! Very funny.
Contributor: AU AU
I am uncomfortable with saying the word vagina (interestingly, more so as I get older.). We tend to use a variety of pet names for both male and female parts. Mine are called coochy, puss (but for some reason pussy isn't comfortable.), pee-pee (long story.), wobbly bits, pinky, petals, others that aren't coming to me now. Oh! And poochy specifically for the bulge in undies.
Contributor: AU AU
Originally posted by P'Gell
Yeah. He's an old "Free" hippy dude, and seems to think that peeing in the Wild is a God Given Right. Maybe he's right. The other day, after I had said, "For God's sake, Man, put you dick away!" while he was happily ... more
My 8 year old nephew thinks he can tinkle anywhere with shrubbery. Last year he darted outside to the front yard when he had to go. The bathroom was closer! And recently he used a bush at a very-peopled park. I scolded him lightly, and told him that I held my bladder for a trans-Atlantic flight. Again, the restroom was fairly close. I get freaked out when people are so comfortable with taking their normally hidden parts out. I feel there is a time and place for such things in civilized societies!