Have you ever faked just too save your mans ego??
For ladies... to fake or not to fake
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I don't fake. My Man can take it if I don't come. And, if I don't he knows we need to continue to work on it, if I really want to. Why should I miss out?
A few times, a long time ago, when I was having a lot of problems with climax I did, but I realized I was reinforcing techniques (and time frames) that didn't work for me, and he was thinking this stuff was working. That wasn't good for either of us.
You both need to work on what works, and if necessary, SHOW him what works for you, if he can't get you to orgasm. Then he can try it. If necessary show him what toys work for you, so you can use them together.
You both benefit from honesty.
A few times, a long time ago, when I was having a lot of problems with climax I did, but I realized I was reinforcing techniques (and time frames) that didn't work for me, and he was thinking this stuff was working. That wasn't good for either of us.
You both need to work on what works, and if necessary, SHOW him what works for you, if he can't get you to orgasm. Then he can try it. If necessary show him what toys work for you, so you can use them together.
You both benefit from honesty.
I've never faked it. I'd just rather be honest.
Faking an orgasm is more of a disservice to yourself than it is an ego-boost to your partner.
I've never "faked" one, but early on in my sexual history...I didn't really "know" what one was! I thought I was...turns out I wasn't though.
Nahhh, and it always startled me immensely to see how many females have done such a thing, especially that many of them do it regularly!
It wouldn't only be totally disrespectful to a partner, it is also the sure way to take any chance out to make mutual pleasure work! I rather whine and pull legs and whimper and beg and repeat my opinion than turn to faking or other horrid deeds! ^^
It wouldn't only be totally disrespectful to a partner, it is also the sure way to take any chance out to make mutual pleasure work! I rather whine and pull legs and whimper and beg and repeat my opinion than turn to faking or other horrid deeds! ^^
I answered on the guy's post too opps, no don't do it be upfront with him.
I have NO idea how to fake it lol
I don't fake anything and I don't care to encourage anyone's ego.
Nicely put!
Originally posted by
I don't fake anything and I don't care to encourage anyone's ego.
Im not a lady lol, but my wife has told me she has faked it before. That was before we got married though. I did take a slight blow to the ego about it, but I know that she has more of the "pleasurable orgasms" rather than those earth shattering ones, so she said it feels good still, its just not the "orgasms" I was expecting. I would much rather she be totally honest with me though. In my opinion. My ego can take it, and this way I can also try to find out what I can do BETTER to make sure that she DOES have that "earth shattering orgasm".
Originally posted by
Lady Hazel
Have you ever faked just too save your mans ego??
I wouldn't ever fake it because I wouldn't ever want to be in the position of explaining that I know it seemed like I was really enjoying that for months, but I didn't and now I want mine. It makes a lot more sense to me to try and get mine right off the bat than lie about it and hurt my partner even more later on.
Not worth it. The struggle to succeed is better in the beginning than shorting yourself.
Seems like a lot of work, and I'm not that good at acting.
Never have, never will. I'd be honest about it.
I'd never fake it. Faking just means I'll either have to continue to fake while the guy thinks he's doing a good job, or I'll have to explain later why it suddenly isn't working.
It's best to just be honest. A good man will listen to what you like and try to work with you. If a man's ego is such that he can't or won't handle that, then he obviously doesn't care enough about your pleasure and thus is not worth your time or trouble.
It's best to just be honest. A good man will listen to what you like and try to work with you. If a man's ego is such that he can't or won't handle that, then he obviously doesn't care enough about your pleasure and thus is not worth your time or trouble.
I do not fake with my partner. I think when communication is healthy and open, that includes our communication in the bedroom. My partner wants me to enjoy myself as much as he does, or more. So he is willing to take however long it takes, and do whatever it takes, to make sure I enjoy myself.
Relationships thrive when there is honesty across the board. If you fake, you are cheating both of you out of a happy, healthy, fulfilling relationship.
Relationships thrive when there is honesty across the board. If you fake, you are cheating both of you out of a happy, healthy, fulfilling relationship.
He takes it personally if I don't. A time or two I have if I knew that it wasn't happening.
99% I never fake, because if I'm not satisfied I am not going to lie about it
Originally posted by
Lady Hazel
Have you ever faked just too save your mans ego??
I don't feel the need to fake it!
NEVER FAKE IT! You're just hurting yourself. Why praise someone for doing the wrong thing? They will just keep doing the wrong thing.
I sure hope my girlfriend doesn't fake her orgasms.
Originally posted by
Lady Hazel
Have you ever faked just too save your mans ego??
I've never faked it and never will, I made it clear to my partner from the start that I have a hard time orgasming and just penetration or light play is never going to get me there unfortunately. He doesn't take it personally because he KNOWS it's not his fault at all, he feels bad that I can't but he's SUPER good about making sure that I have my bullet or something to help. He said he faked it with his ex before though haha, that's a whole other story though and I understand why he did.
I used to fake it when before I met my boyfriend.
Too much effort. And faking it could lead to some awkward moments in the future.
Too much effort. And faking it could lead to some awkward moments in the future.
Originally posted by
Lady Hazel
Have you ever faked just too save your mans ego??
When it came to my man there was never any reason to fake it.
A long long time ago, when I was a newbie, I faked because I didn't know any better. Now I know that the only person I'm hurting is myself if I fake, so obviously I don't fake anymore.
I never understood this. If you fake it, doesn't it mean you're missing out on actually having an orgasm? I'd rather be honest and just jerk off afterwords.