How did you end up learning about sex? did you have your parents tell you? learn from schools? movies? or just wing it on your first time?
Did you ever have the "Sex Talk" ?
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I don't really know actually.
My parents have never even mentioned sex to me, so im still waiting for that talk
Nope, never had any "sex talk" from my parents. Learned some things from friends and the internet and just winged the rest.
My mother handed me a book. Yeah. But I had total access to the library and, later, to the internet. I was always pretty well-informed; I just had to take the initiative myself.
I never really got a "talk" about it, no. I've asked my Mom if she could tell me what sex actually is, but I think I made her uncomfortable. So, internet for me!
Definitely no talk, learned through school though.
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