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Do you mind explaining how your outer labia piercings are positioned? And are they hoops, or barbells, or what? I have a VCH, have had it for like 2 years probably, and I love it. I've contemplated getting something else done, but I don't
Do you mind explaining how your outer labia piercings are positioned? And are they hoops, or barbells, or what? I have a VCH, have had it for like 2 years probably, and I love it. I've contemplated getting something else done, but I don't want it to look cluttered down there or anything.
Oops! Sorry, I only just saw this.
My outer labia piercings are about half an inch below my clit, and they have maybe 1/4 inch (my technical measurement is 'one finger width') between them. I used to have CBRs in them, but the look just wasn't right, and I kept losing my balls all the damn time, so I switched to curved barbells, and it looks a lot less busy, as mine fit well. You can't see any of the bar, just the two ends.