Where sex toys go to die

Contributor: LimeGreen LimeGreen
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So I have recently gone through my toy box, only to find tons of toys I never use anymore, and am unlikely to use again. I debated over what to do with these old friends. I wonder how many other toy lovers have this dilemma, what do you do with them? Keep them? throw them out? Turn them into art? Build a robot with them? I ended up just putting them back into a box and coming up with this question!
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Contributor: Nashville Nashville
Originally posted by LimeGreen
So I have recently gone through my toy box, only to find tons of toys I never use anymore, and am unlikely to use again. I debated over what to do with these old friends. I wonder how many other toy lovers have this dilemma, what do you do with them? ... more
link <-- Old Thread.
Contributor: LimeGreen LimeGreen
oops. I am new to the forum lol, thanks for the link!
Contributor: Nashville Nashville
Originally posted by LimeGreen
oops. I am new to the forum lol, thanks for the link!
It's all good! Yea, there was another one before this ... wayy before this but I just don't have the energy to go sifting through for it.
Contributor: Epiphora Epiphora
I still want to talk about this. Because I still don't know what to do. I feel really horrible just throwing them out. I need ideas!
Contributor: LimeGreen LimeGreen
Originally posted by Epiphora
I still want to talk about this. Because I still don't know what to do. I feel really horrible just throwing them out. I need ideas!
I just popped em back into the box for a while longer. Maybe I will try to build megatoy! lol
Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
Originally posted by Epiphora
I still want to talk about this. Because I still don't know what to do. I feel really horrible just throwing them out. I need ideas!
If it helps, I give anything that I don't like that can be sanitized to friends.

I also gave a toy with a rubber cover that I'd only used once to a friend, and she just ripped the cover off.
Contributor: Epiphora Epiphora
Originally posted by Backseat Boohoo
If it helps, I give anything that I don't like that can be sanitized to friends.

I also gave a toy with a rubber cover that I'd only used once to a friend, and she just ripped the cover off.
Well that's the thing. Most of them are plastic and can't be. and/or they just aren't good enough to give away.
Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
Originally posted by Epiphora
Well that's the thing. Most of them are plastic and can't be. and/or they just aren't good enough to give away.
Awe, that's a shame. I generally use condoms over anything that I can't sanitize unless I know I'm keeping it (and then, of course, i don't fuss over sharing) and I clean my toys constantly, so I never fuss about it.

You may just have to throw them out. =(
Contributor: Fearsome Fearsome
have them bronzed. (I'm kidding)

Do what you will with them. If they are in really good condition, you could give them away, or sell them (whatever) as long as they can be sanitized.

If they are not in good shape, you can always make an artistic statement by lumping them all together into a decorative statue.
Contributor: Sera Sera
I'd give them away.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I'd just keep them or throw them out. I wouldn't recycle them or give them to friends.
Contributor: Lily Night Lily Night
I'm personally a fan of the sexy art idea but seriously, if you can find someone who would honestly buy a used sex toy then totally sell it . . . or if your friends have a dog in need of a new chew toy . . . that's always an option.
Contributor: IrishLassie IrishLassie
I havent gotten to the point where we have haad to get rid of toys as we dont a lot a this point in time. However, the hubs left out one our toys and I didnt know and our dogs got to it and completely obliterated through the toy. the only thing that survived as the bullet. so that toy definitley went into the trash.

Personaly I dont think I could ever give it away, to me, it just might be a little awkward, so we would probably just throw it away if it ever got to that point.
Contributor: married with children married with children
We just throw them out when we dont like them, or dont plan on using them again.
Contributor: Solar Ray Solar Ray
Throw them out if they can't be completely sterilized but if they are made of something like glass, stainless steel or pure silicone then certainly sterilize them and see if you can give them away or even sell them if they are expensive. Mostly though with cheaper toys... throwing them away is the most logical choice even though it does seem wasteful.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I just recently gave 3 vibes I don't use to my best ladyfriend. We're super open and she's really the only person I could see being cool with having my hand-me-down toys, hah. I told her that if she doesn't want them she can toss 'em (I foresee at least one being tossed coz it's only TPR and she's probably not gonna wanna use condoms with it forever). At least those toys got a second chance at being loved (I'd only used each of them 3 times tops), but it's not like you can just keep passing them down the line without it being super weird.
Contributor: LimeGreen LimeGreen
I suppose some may get skeeved to give toys away to someone (however close to you they are) But I did end up giving some to my best friend, and I had only had one partner at the time and was sure I had no problems. I still wouldn't accept used toys but it just wasn't an issue for her. They were lightly used to begin with. I myself would be unlikely to even accept toys that were sanitized. I threw out a few the other day that simply were not getting a bit of love.

Would be neat to see artwork created from retired toys in my opinion.
Contributor: Rory Rory
I give my old toys to Good Will!
Contributor: Rory Rory
Ok I was just kidding!!! My old toys end up in the garbage.