Would you feel guilty if every item you received was free, either from points, gift cards, and/or assignments? I am broke right now so I'm really grateful for the points and review programs here. I do feel a bit "guilty", or should I say embarrassed, but I also know EF wouldn't have the programs in place if they couldn't do it and stay in business. I only earn like 100-150 points per day, which is much less than some others here. Thoughts?
Would you feel guilty if...
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I understand feeling this way. Even if I know something is truly free, I will still feel slightly guilty for not having some sort of exchange of money/services/some form of payment. I just can't help it. I don't think feeling that way is necessary, though!
Well, in a way, posting reviews is a form of a "service" by informing customers, many of whom will be paying. I get what you're saying though.
Originally posted by
I understand feeling this way. Even if I know something is truly free, I will still feel slightly guilty for not having some sort of exchange of money/services/some form of payment. I just can't help it. I don't think feeling that way is
I understand feeling this way. Even if I know something is truly free, I will still feel slightly guilty for not having some sort of exchange of money/services/some form of payment. I just can't help it. I don't think feeling that way is necessary, though!
yea I would feel a little guilty
I try to make sure I review everything I get for free and give at least that back to Eden.
If your points are truly earned - by helping to create the community, writing honest and well-written reviews then the item you get is not free. The time you spend and the value you add are sought by the maintainers of Eden - that's why they made the points program. The point rates are calculated so that they won't bankrupt the system unless people start trying to game it. But spam-for-points is quickly and efficiently dealt with here.
In my country there are sites that specialize in connecting people who write on forums for cash with commercial forum owners. I don't remember the rate paid but it's about what you get on Eden and it's not as open and straight-forward as it's here. I much rather do reviews and discuss things here, as me, honestly, than earn money-per-post pretending to be a 16 y.o. who's found the "best eye-shades ever". Even if I may make less from the mathematical point of view, for me it's more. And on top of that I get to choose from things that are very, very hard to get in my country.
In my country there are sites that specialize in connecting people who write on forums for cash with commercial forum owners. I don't remember the rate paid but it's about what you get on Eden and it's not as open and straight-forward as it's here. I much rather do reviews and discuss things here, as me, honestly, than earn money-per-post pretending to be a 16 y.o. who's found the "best eye-shades ever". Even if I may make less from the mathematical point of view, for me it's more. And on top of that I get to choose from things that are very, very hard to get in my country.
No, i would not feel guilty, first of all - people who write reviews, interact on the forum, even click "I like it on FB" - all advertize EF and i believe EF would have to pay much more to someone who does social media networks professionally.
I feel more like - we invest our time and get little reward in exchange.
I feel more like - we invest our time and get little reward in exchange.
I agree with Wild Orchid and Alaskan Beauty. If you're writing reviews, doing the advertising and contributing to the site, it isn't just some random freebie. If you contribute things of real worth (rather than spamming the forums to point farm with pointless threads), you earn your points and you really are contributing to the community and the website as a whole. You could almost view it as a minijob, but instead of actual cash you get sex toys.
I don't feel guilty about the amount of free items I receive and review because I usually also buy something with most of my orders for review items.
The more time I spend on EF, the more goodies I want to buy. I try to tell myself that I can pay for half my purchases in points. Of course, that way I end up with more toys
Often times, I forget I'm earning the points. I really love the atmosphere of the forums and the information from the articles and reviews. I feel as if you're an avid reviewer/contributor doing your share of contributing to the site and giving back to the EF community, then you shouldn't feel guilty (or if you like the fun atmosphere the site provides). But I could understand why it might always be a thought in the back of your mind. Free things, especially the high value free things, always makes you feel just a bit guilty even when you've earned them. It's just human nature.
I feel a little like I'm not doing enough to earn the Video review points! I try out something new, and then just get on a camera and talk about the product! I feel like things this interesting and fun shouldn't pay so much!
Nope, the programs wouldn't exist if they couldn't afford it.
I don't feel guilty. You spend your time or you spend your money, and I am grateful that my time on Eden means something.

Think of it this way if you didnt post comments and review items etc they wouldnt have as much popularity. So you are kind of working for your items anyways.
Originally posted by
Would you feel guilty if every item you received was free, either from points, gift cards, and/or assignments? I am broke right now so I'm really grateful for the points and review programs here. I do feel a bit "guilty", or should I
Would you feel guilty if every item you received was free, either from points, gift cards, and/or assignments? I am broke right now so I'm really grateful for the points and review programs here. I do feel a bit "guilty", or should I say embarrassed, but I also know EF wouldn't have the programs in place if they couldn't do it and stay in business. I only earn like 100-150 points per day, which is much less than some others here. Thoughts?
No. I get a lot of free stuff from this website from my points and what not.
No, I don't feel guilty at all. Realistically the reason Eden can have things like the points program is because they make enough that they can claim most if not all of it as a tax write off.
the points program has allowed to get sex toys for myself and others when i have no job or money... i think the points program is great, especially for those can't realistically drop 70 - 80 $ on a nice toy.
I don't feel guilty. I generally try to review everything I get, and I tell friends about the website. I don't think you can mooch free things and not be beneficial to the community here.
As long as we are honest about the way we get out points/ gift cards I see any reason to feel guilty. We do Eden a service, we write, we do videos etc. They respond in kindness and generosity with gift cards -points etc so we can use more stuff to review and enjoy our lives.
Money is tight here right now, but I feel I do work for Eden and they pay me with product.
It works for both of us.
Money is tight here right now, but I feel I do work for Eden and they pay me with product.
It works for both of us.
I don't feel guilty in the slightest getting stuff with my points. I always try to do my best with any reviews, forum posts, and any topics or polls I start. So long as you aren't just spamming for points, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Ditto! I give as much time as I possibly can to EF to benefit the sales side of the place. I always try to give back as much as I have been given.
Originally posted by
I try to make sure I review everything I get for free and give at least that back to Eden.
Don't feel guilty.. they wouldn't do it if they couldn't afford it and they do it to encourage participation on the site.
I dont think there is a problem redeeming your points or gift cards if you have them, they are there to use.
Originally posted by
Would you feel guilty if every item you received was free, either from points, gift cards, and/or assignments? I am broke right now so I'm really grateful for the points and review programs here. I do feel a bit "guilty", or should I
Would you feel guilty if every item you received was free, either from points, gift cards, and/or assignments? I am broke right now so I'm really grateful for the points and review programs here. I do feel a bit "guilty", or should I say embarrassed, but I also know EF wouldn't have the programs in place if they couldn't do it and stay in business. I only earn like 100-150 points per day, which is much less than some others here. Thoughts?
That's sort of the way I feel, but I still feel a little bit guilty.
Originally posted by
As long as we are honest about the way we get out points/ gift cards I see any reason to feel guilty. We do Eden a service, we write, we do videos etc. They respond in kindness and generosity with gift cards -points etc so we can use more stuff to
As long as we are honest about the way we get out points/ gift cards I see any reason to feel guilty. We do Eden a service, we write, we do videos etc. They respond in kindness and generosity with gift cards -points etc so we can use more stuff to review and enjoy our lives.
Money is tight here right now, but I feel I do work for Eden and they pay me with product.
It works for both of us. less
Money is tight here right now, but I feel I do work for Eden and they pay me with product.
It works for both of us. less
If it's honest then I wouldnt worry
Same here.
Originally posted by
No. I get a lot of free stuff from this website from my points and what not.
It's their system. Work it.
I too am the same way, I feel a little bad, however this is their system I am using it, I have every intention on buying things when I can. My husband recently found a job after being unemployed for just under two years we are in the process of moving and this is the only way for me to get things. I am very grateful for Eden, I plan to buy just as much stuff as I have gotten free, as soon as I can do so. I too feel like this is my job and I get paid in products this is fine by me since it allows me to do more work.
Perfectly said!
Originally posted by
No, i would not feel guilty, first of all - people who write reviews, interact on the forum, even click "I like it on FB" - all advertize EF and i believe EF would have to pay much more to someone who does social media networks
No, i would not feel guilty, first of all - people who write reviews, interact on the forum, even click "I like it on FB" - all advertize EF and i believe EF would have to pay much more to someone who does social media networks professionally.
I feel more like - we invest our time and get little reward in exchange. less
I feel more like - we invest our time and get little reward in exchange. less