Macguyver had a rc car motor and balloon and...

I feel this item is a bit pricy for what it really is -- it should be closer to $19.99 range. Latex does not last, if you wish to purchase this consider it a cheap thrills purchase and don't expect to keep it infinitely. It works well for its purpose, is fun, kinky, interesting and will be safe for the first couple of uses before it starts degrading.
fits in easy.
Dangers of inflation exploding
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


Clearly we all know what this is for, although I'm not sure how a woman would feel about having it in the front slot. Using it was interesting... My only gripe is you can't exactly sit on a chair in a solo session without pinching the air hose. I find it's best used in conjunction with something like fleshlight, or your partner. Some people like to leave plugs in while going out in public, this would never work for that. I'd like to point out that if you're like me where certain lubes have a 'burning' sensation anally you should stick to something less chemically and more natural as when it's inflated it will intensify this effect and give you a sensation quite close to what happens after eating really spicy mexican food, I can't say this any way nice... but it will make you feel like you need to dash to the throne, so try to stick to a non-burning sensation lube. I've found olive oil to work amazing for anal play, but this it is a no go as oil can rapidly degrade latex.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal

Material / Texture

It has a very faint smell to it, barely noticeable but as I'm writing this I noticed an odor on my hands that smells rubbery/plastic/chemical. It's rather stiff, almost like hard plastic with a thin soft coating of latex. Now, latex being what it is, I don't feel the toy will last for more than a couple of uses, the best I'd probably give it would be say... A month of heavy use before the latex starts to break down due to being inflated repeatedly, coming in contact with lubes which may have chemicals that will degrade latex long term. Condoms are meant for single use, so if a lube affected it barely it wouldn't be an issue but with this... atop the fact latex is porous, the more you use it, the more dangerous it may become. I personally am not going to use this toy more than a couple of weeks. Good cheap fun.
    • Light odor
    • Porous

Design / Shape / Size

It's a rather large one if you're new to this, it's probably not a good idea. Mine seems slightly curved, the base is flexible oddly enough given how stiff the shaft is, it fits in you nicely. I inflated it up to 12 pumps, I am not sure how many it would take to make it go "pop" but nobody wants that as it would be very painful. I honestly would suggest you stick with 5-10 pumps. I can't say the toy makes me feel too safe or keen about using it given the nature of latex and it being an internal toy. It doesn't feel too cheaply made, except for the vibrator controls. The quick release valve is hard plastic, you may or may not experience a slow leak.
    • Ergonomic
    • Partner play

Functions / Performance / Controls

You insert it, slowly with ample lube or risk damage - as with any toy. It does as it's intended and will give you a 'full' sensation. The vibrations are rather mild in this toy, more rumble than buzz. The vibration controls are wheel type which you can gradually increase or lower speed. There's not a whole lot to say about it, it's pretty straight forward.
    • Easy to use
    • Weak

Care and Maintenance

The only thing you could possibly do to try to extend it's life is attempt to take good care of it, avoid lubes that will degrade latex, so stick to water based lubes but try to find ones with the least chemicals/sugars/scent in them or avoid them altogether if you can. Most toys can last you a few years, this one will not and I definitely do not suggest anyone keep it beyond a month as it may start to degrade and risk serious internal damage, and build up bacteria.
    • High maintenance


The pretty tame, nothing tacky on it but the colors and design resemble something out of Russian politics. Instructions are on the back, but it tells you nothing of how many pumps are safe, it has no care instructions. The bottom has a spooky warning disclaimer and it is labeled as a 'novelty' only hence my earlier warnings about not keeping it infinitely. It's safe to use the first few goes for a few weeks, but beyond that one should just toss it.

Personal comments

Some days its quite hard to get off with just a fleshlight and takes too long, this would help speed that process up. I find it rather fun to have around, it feels a little cheap and I wish there were better inflatable materials, but due to the nature of them I don't think it's possible... yet.


Using it was pretty fun, I already got off earlier in the day on a different toy I was testing out, short of using wet natural and still getting a burning sensation, it was a rather intense experience. It may be too much for some, but I'm used to this kind of stimulation...and redundantly so, still intense even for me. I got off pretty fast with it.
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This review was edited by
  • Eva Schwaltz Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
  • Rank:
    6.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 294
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    You inflated it 12 pumps inside your body. Did you inflate it outside your body to see how big it would get? That would be a safer way to test the popping danger. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Nazaress
    Good review. I agree with what Jimbo Jones said.
  • Contributor: MementoMori
    I did test it prior upto 15 but didn't feel safe doing more than 12 or less.
  • Contributor: Falsepast
    XD the title
  • Contributor: Harpina is gone
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: godweensatan
  • Contributor: Schmidyslave
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
  • Contributor: travelnurse
    thanks for the info!
  • Contributor: prideandprejudiceanddildos
  • Contributor: Artishok
    Nice! Thank you!
  • Contributor: Anne
    thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: jamesbeam
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    Lovely review
  • Contributor: SecretKinksters
    Nice review! Love the title!!!
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