Inflatable tilt master review

Just imagine all the sexual possibilities with this position pillow. I love this thing. I would recommend it to anyone!
Many position possibilities.
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After 30min of blowing, I finally had the monster aroused. I sat down, laid back, grabbed the handles, and was ready for the ride of a lifetime. The positions we could get into were amazing, and we even took a suggestion or two from the pictures off of the box.

Doggie style was so much more comfortable for me and my back. We turned over the Inflatable Tilt Master|Position pillow: Inflatable tilt master so that the arch part was facing up. I laid stomach down and hiked up my legs some for easier insertion, and he slid on in like a pro. Lying in that position made his head hit the very tip of my walls. With each and every thrust I could feel his head as is passed across my g-spot. I could feel the cum as it ran down my lips. That was the best dog I had in a while, although he did complain about getting carpet burn on his knees.

Missionary was even better. The rocking motion was a real turn on for me, and made my partner a lot happier seeing that I was getting turned on. He stands 6’3 and I stand 5’4 so some positions are a lot harder for us than others.  The Inflatable Tilt Master brought he and I to the exact position we needed.

He loves getting ridden, but I can ride for as long as he wants me to. With this position pillow it made riding easier because of the bounce back motion you get from the pillow. Also our height variation is a challenge, so with the master, it brought him to the position I needed him to be in. This made it great for me, and much more of an enjoyment for him. Now I can’t get him off the thing! I guess we found a new play toy.

The biggest disadvantage of the Inflatable Tilt Master was having to blow the thing up. After you are done playing, the pillow is very large and is hard to hide around the house, so we had to deflate it. Then when we wanted to play with it again we had to take turns to blow the dern thing back up.

I love this thing!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: BlueEyedBitch
    Great review definately has caught my intrest I will definately be checking this item out.
    Also instead of blowing it up by mouth would you be able to use like a pump [that you might use for a yoga ball etc?]
  • Contributor: passionnnow4u
    i dont see y you couldnt find a pump to blow it up. its like blowing up a beach ball. so sure. i have tried to find one. but i cannot find one that fits perfectly. if you find one. let me know.

    thanks blueeyedbitch
  • Contributor: Nashville
    How much weight would this support?
  • Contributor: Fruity
    Thanks for the review!

  • Contributor: Pinkhare
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Eucaly
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Michelle Conner
    nice review
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