THE Perfect Dildo

Dildo didn't disappoint! Will be using it often in our toy rotation. My partner loves giving me multiple orgasms with this toy. Safe material, lightweight, comfortable length and width make this the go-to Perfecto dildo. The suction cup base gives you different play options. Easy to clean and store.
suction cup, beginner-friendly, anal play, harness compatible, firm on inside, Silicone
Might be small for some advanced users
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


There are multiple ways to use this dildo. First, you can use it solo or with a partner by lying down and/or doggy style and manually thrust the dildo in and out by gripping the suction cup base or by the balls. Second, you can use the suction cup base on some surfaces like in the shower. Third, you can also use this in a dildo harness. The size of this toy is perfect and not intimidating for beginners vaginally or anally. With the suction cup and balls, this toy is safe to use for anal play.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Solo
    • Travel friendly
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Beginner friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot

Material / Texture

When I first opened the Perfecto dildo, the premium velvety silicone material felt extremely soft and smooth but firm at the same time, I couldn't wait to try it out! There was no smell upon opening. There is a bit of a veiny texture. Material is safe for beginner and advanced users.
Perfecto out of package
    • Harness compatible
    • Not porous at all
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

Very simple yet pleasing design. The length and width of the insertable shaft are Perfecto for beginners looking for their first dildo or those exploring anal play. It can also be a tolerable length for those with smaller vaginas. The suction cup worked really well on tile surfaces such as the shower. It wouldn't work so well on textured walls or surfaces.

    • Beginner
    • Partner play
    • Realistic


Perfect performance! Great for warming up. Slips in nice and easy when properly lubricated. The suction cup is wide and thin and not as strong as other suction cup bases. Harness compatible for those looking to step up their dildo play. Length and width are perfect for beginners or even for advanced users who might have smaller-sized vaginas. Suction cup base and balls make this good for anal play.
    • Beginner friendly
    • Comfortable
    • Easy to use

Care and Maintenance

There are no care and cleaning instructions included with this dildo. Cleaning this silicone toy before and after use is super easy, though. You can rinse with warm water, apply toy cleaner or soap, lather up and wash (make sure to get into all the creases and crevices), and then rinse again. This toy doesn't come with a storage bag. I safely store all my dildo toys in a padded gun case. It's best to use water-based lubricants with this toy, as silicone lubricants can damage the toy and cause it to become porous.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store
    • Water-based lubricant


My order arrived in a brown discreet box labeled as "Web Merchants". The dildo was packaged in a plastic bag. There were no care instructions included.
Perfecto plastic packaging
    • Discreet shipping
    • Minimal
    • No storage bag

Personal comments

Velvety soft yet firm enough to go for a ride. Added some pictures that show a comparison between the Perfecto dildo and the Junior dildo. Both are great for beginners.

    • Smooth
    • Soft
    • Velvety


My partner and I were excited for our first experience using this toy on me. I've used insertable toys before but haven't used a somewhat realistic suction cup dildo. The name Perfecto caught my attention right away. After reading the size of this dildo, I figured it would be a great place to start. I started out with some foreplay and clitoral stimulation to get me warmed up before lying on the bed wet and ready for my partner to easily slip in Perfecto. Don't be hesitant to use a water-based lubricant with this silicone dildo if you need to. I easily could take in the whole length of Perfecto. It did not have the bottom-out feeling I get when my partner wants to be all the way inside of me, but that wasn't a bad thing. Depending on the angle, I could feel it hit my g-spot, which helped bring me to an amazing orgasm. You can hold the toy by the suction cup base, the balls, or a bit of both, depending on what's comfortable. Can be used in different positions. Next, we tried doggy style, and it definitely hit all the right spots from behind. Easy to use a toy for clit stimulation while this toy is inserted. Definitely made my orgasms so strong my vagina kept wanting to push out the dildo, but my partner did a great job keeping it in place and up against my g-spot. My partner loved switching back and forth between the dildo and their penis for an even more exciting experience. Next, I attached Perfecto to a custom-made step stool and placed the sex stool from EdenFantasys over it, and went for a ride. I was able to insert the whole length of the dildo in that position with no discomfort or worrying about hitting my cervix too hard. I was also able to hold this dildo easily while putting on a show for my partner. Having carpel tunnel makes it difficult when toys are heavy, and this wasn't the case with Perfecto.
    • Beginner friendly
    • Couples play
    • Lightweight
Follow-up commentary
Still love this perfect dildo! It is a staple in my rotation of toys. Gets me warmed up and wet every time. Can't get enough! ;)
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  • Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears
    Super job. More than nailed it
  • Contributor: MissMichella420
    You did such a good job on this review, WildOrchid31!
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