Mighty Little Moon Rabbit!!

Moon Rabbit is a great toy for beginners and advanced users alike. I love the combination of suction and powerful vibration all in one toy. It's a great toy for the price and would be a fun addition to anyone's toy collection. It's also super adorable!!
100% body-safe silicone
no instructions
no box just comes in a bag
battery life isn't all that great
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

First impression

Moon Rabbit arrived the same as any other items that I have ordered from Eden Fantasys, in a plain brown box with not even a hint that my fun new sex toys are inside. Inside the shipping box, I found Moon Rabbit wrapped in plastic inside a mesh storage bag with its charge cord inside; no sign of instructions.

I will say my first reaction was this is a luxury sex toy that retails for $150.00, and it doesn't come in a box like the other luxury toys I have gotten.

I opened the bag and took Moon Rabbit out of the plastic. It is made of super-soft silicone and fits in my hands wonderfully.

It's very pink and does indeed look like a space alien but in a cute way.

There are 3 function buttons on Moon Rabbit. Since there were no instructions, I had to explore to figure out which does what. The top function button has a water droplet inside, and it operates the self-cleaning function. You place it under running water and hold the button, and it flushes out the back of the toy. The middle function button has a heart on it, and it controls the suction. You hold it down for a couple of seconds, and it comes on, and you can cycle through the different suction patterns. The bottom function has a jagged line on it, and it controls the vibrating ears.

After exploring the function buttons, I cleaned the toy with soap and water ( you could also use a sex toy cleaner).

Then I plugged Moon Rabbit into its charger. I will say be mindful not to put the charger in the wrong hole. The charger hole is located on the bottom of the toy, and above it, there is the hole for the self-cleaning function.

Now it was time to let my new little toy charge and prepare to try it out later.

First Use

Once the Moon Rabbit had charged, the light turned off on the toy, and I knew it was time to try it out finally. I didn't wait for hubby to get home to test it out; I played the first time by myself. I drew myself a nice hot bath and decided to test Moon Rabbit out in the bath. First, I cycled through the vibrating ear patterns to find one that I liked. I found a steady-on vibration that I enjoyed. I used the ears to play with my clit until I was ready to try the suction on my clit. I turned on the suction and placed it on my clit, and oh my, it was an amazing feeling! I let the ears slip inside my vagina to tease the orgasms out of me. I was very happy with Moon Rabbit. It was a great way to wind down after a long stressful day. I loved how I could have suction and vibration in the same toy. The first time with Moon Rabbit left me excited to try it out later when hubby got home.

Further Experience

After having more fun adventures with Moon Rabbit, I can say I am even more in love with this little toy. All the functions are great and work wonderfully for me. I love the feel of the super-soft silicone. The size of the toy is perfect in fits right in the palm of my hand and isn't too small for my hubby's large man paws. I use lube with this toy to enhance the playing experience. I found the suction to be painful without it. I enjoyed letting hubby play with me with this toy. He was a little weirded out by the look of the toy at first, but eventually, he warmed up to it after I showed him how much fun I had with it. He likes to use it on me during foreplay, making me squirm around our bed. He starts by playing with my nipples with the ears until I am really hot and bothered, then slowly moves Moon Rabbit down to my clit, starting with the ears to tease me while he sucks on my nipples ever so gently. ( we tried to use the sucker on my nipples, but my nipples are way too sensitive for it making it just too painful for me). He gets me all wet and adds some lube and turns on the suction and places it onto my clit. I started to moan louder, he then places two of his large fingers inside me, stroking my g-spot slowly at first. After a couple of minutes of his fingers playing with my g-spot and Moon Rabbit sucking on my clit, He starts to stroke my g-spot faster until I gush what seems like a wave. I am able to squirt almost every time we play with Moon Rabbit together. I have only gotten a little gush during solo play once. I enjoy this toy the most when hubby uses it on me. I still enjoy playing with it solo also.

Vibration Map

The Vibration is all in the ears on Moon Rabbit, and it is a very strong vibration. This toy might be small, but the vibration is powerful and could be a bit too much for a more sensitive person. I use the vibration on my nipples often more on my clit, though. The suction is too strong for my nipples but perfect for my clit. I have not tried to use this on my hubby he doesn't enjoy any of those suggestions, but I am sure it could be used on a male if that was something they enjoyed.
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

My orgasm intensity with Moon Rabbit is a 7.5 out of 10 during solo play and a 9.5 out of 10 during playtime with my hubby. This toy is great for clit and vaginal stimulation. The suction is too strong for my sensitive nipples, but I really enjoy the vibrating ears on my nipples. I am able to squirt when hubby plays with me with Moon Rabbit, but I have only had one experience squirting with solo play.
Pleasure Meter

This is how
I describe
my orgasm

This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: frisky069
    I was looking at this and thought about trying it! I can't figure out which one to choose
  • Contributor: FunLoving6086
    @frisky069 Moon Rabbit is a great toy I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Not sure which other ones you are considering I can say this is a great choice among a lot of toys out there.
  • Contributor: FunLoving6086
    Thanks for reading my review I hope it helped you!!
  • Contributor: frisky069
    I was looking at the satisfyer pro 2 and another one, can't remember the name! There are alot of good choices, and it makes it hard to choose!
  • Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears
    Very detailed review
    Well, I guess if Chuck approves, it must be good
  • Contributor: FunLoving6086
    @frisky069 I haven't tried the Satisfyer Pro 2 or any of those yet I have been wanting to try them. I can say that Moon Rabbit has vibration I don't think the Satisfyer does. Either way, whichever one you choose I am sure it will be a great toy!!
  • Contributor: FunLoving6086
    @OH&W, Lovebears Thank you I am glad you enjoyed the review Lmao I agree with that! You know its good lol If Chuck approves!!!!
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