No Stimulation here!

The Oro Stimulator is an interesting concept! I really thought they had something going here, but it definitely needs some improvements!
Seems Sturdy
Just an all around pain in the ass!
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Oro Stimulator is one of those rare, "non-thrusting" masturbators I see once in awhile. It consists of a hand pump connected to a rubber sleeve fitted over a plastic cup by a plastic tube. You simply slip the sleeve over your penis, and use the hand pump to simulate the sucking action of a blowjob. An interesting concept...but how well does it work? Well, I decided that I was interested enough to try one, and having done so, I wouldn't do it again. Here's wy:

Detailed Ratings: (Any questions here? My profile has a basic explanation of how my scale works, and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!)

The Oro Stimulator's penis sleeve should fit men of average size down to the hilt; longer men should fit, but won't be balls deep in it. It is a little bit bulky to use though.

The Oro Stimulator is made of rubber and plastic, and does have a slight chemical smell to it. The Rubber sleeve felt pretty good against my penis, but the plastic cup didn't feel very good against my head. Personally, I think that they should have lined it with the same rubber as the sleeve.

Rubber gets a 3 on the EF Safety Scale, and Plastic gets an 8. I averaged these together and got a 5.5 (rounded up to a 6). Here's the important stuff, straight from the experts at EF
Rubber-"Being porous, rubber does not clean well. You can make a rubber toy last longer and keep it cleaner by using a condom over it each use."
Plastic-"Can easily be cleaned with antibacterial soap and hot water or by wiping down with isopropyl alcohol."
Rubber is pourous, so use a condom if sharing. Both are compatible with Water and silicon based lubes.

Not really a flesh color here...just a couple of different shades of off-peach.

Visual Appeal
The Oro-Stimulator doesn't have any eye-candy. Just a pump, a tube, and a sleeve.

Ease of use
Using this thing was a LOT harder than I thought! the toy came in 3 pieces, so I had to first put them together, which was a lot harder than I thought, given the unyielding firmness of the plastic. Once I had done that, I had to lube up, work my penis in, and begin pumping; The hand pump is very firm, and it took quite the effort to keep pumping it, and I only achieved minimal results.

This toy does provide a very little bit of tightness, but not a whole lot...

There was in fact a little bit of suction from this toy, but not as much as would be expected from something you had to pump!

I was actually surprised at how fgood this felt for the first few seconds! Unfortunately, I started to thrust further in and found myself hitting the plastic cup of the toy...ouch! That, combined with the pitiful amount of suction didn't get me anywhere close to an orgasm! I finally gave up after 5 minutes...quite a disappointment!

Cleanup here could be easy, or could be should only have to rinse the cup and sleeve with hot water, but if you got any...fluids into the tube, you might have to disassemble the whole thing! Luckily, I doubt anyone will be pumping said fluids into one of these anytime soon!

All in all, it looks to be a sturdy toy. If I ever use mine again and it breaks, I'll be sure to adjust the rating!

$14.99? Not worth it! Hell, I've seen it offered for $4, and I still wouldn't pay that!

At A glance:
Size 12/30
Material 8/20
Safety 6/10
Color 8/10
Visual Appeal 4/20
Ease of use 10/40
Tightness 14/40
Suction 12/30
Sensation 10/60
Cleanup 12/20
Versatility 30/70
Price 5/50

2 Stars
Ever the enterprising reviewer, I tried inserting one of my masturbation sleeves into the sleeve of this toy to see how well it would work...Let's just say it didn't work too well! The already underwhelming pump action was diminished, and it just didn't get me off!
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    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
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    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Genitals
    • Nipples
    • Oral
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  • Contributor: Carrie Ann
    Rubber is not generally compatible with oil based lubes, just fyi.

    Rubber and plastic are both compatible with silicone and water based but rubber often contains latex, which should not be used with oil.
  • Contributor: redheadedperfection
    Oh my Gosh!! I meant to say silicon!!!

    Thanks for the heads up!!!
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    Meh we all make mistakes Sorry this was such a bust.
  • Contributor: redheadedperfection
    Hey, it was a learning experience! at the very least, I hope I can keep someone from making the same mistake!!
  • Contributor: Kynky Kytty
    If it's a pain in the ass, you're not doing it right.
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    Is this like a penis pump or does the suction do something different?
  • Contributor: redheadedperfection
    It's just supposed to simulate the feeling of a blowjob, and it's not considered a penis pump.
  • Contributor: bootybegood
    I've been using Oro stimulators for many years. They haven't all been the same. The first one I had to assemble the parts. Later ones were already completely together.

    I did get one with a squeeze bulb that was way too hard to squeeze. But I still have one that is easy. And I've also gotten one that used a thinner size tubing and it didn't work as well as the 1/4"(?) tubing.

    The other potential problem is not having enough girth in your erection. It has to fit fairly snugly to keep the suction, and it's not adjustable in size.

    Regarding hitting the plastic, all you have to do is adjust its placement so that it's not so far down on your penis.

    What I've always dreamed of is hooking it up to some kind of oscillating pump with adjustable depth and speed.

    Here's a link to a video showing the Oro in action...
  • Contributor: redheadedperfection
    Well thank you for the advice! You inspired me to give it another shot, actually, and I did have a little better luck, but nothing like the guy in that video!! I saw an executive model of this advertised somewhere....I think I'm going to try it!
  • Contributor: DJBounder
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Steve of Eden
    Very nice review!
  • Contributor: angel142stx
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Zombirella
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: Rhiulan
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Hunmax
    Good review
  • Contributor: locomotion
    great review, thank you
  • Contributor: SoloJoe
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