Trunk for Your Junk

Overall, this was a fun product to review but I really don't think it will do much to help maintain an erection or make you last longer. Unless you have an elephant fetish and really want a Dumbo for your dong, this cock ring will probably be a disappointment.
Provides a good laugh.
Very low level stimulation and no instructions on how to get this wrapped around your package.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Lover's Delight Ele is a dual cock ring that features an elephant shaped clitoral stimulator on top. Presumably, "Ele" is a cutesy name for the elephant. Unlike previous cock rings I've tried, this one contains "two rings for shaft and testicular support" - at least that's what that package states. When I first opened it up, I wasn't quite sure how to adorn my junk with it. If you look carefully at the product photo, you may notice that there are two rings, a large one on the bottom and a slightly smaller one on top of that. I assumed that the larger ring would go around my nuts and the smaller one would fit around that base of my penis, so that's what I tried. Hmmmm...something just didn't seem quite right though; everything seemed to fit, except that "Ele's" trunk was facing the bottom of my shaft. If the "tickling trunk" is intended to stimulate a partner, the cock ring certainly wasn't positioned correctly for that either.

Not knowing what to do, I hopped in the shower with "Ele" (really a dumb name, if I say so myself) for a little solo play. As my brain had already moved south, perhaps a little clean fun might help get the creative juices flowing (so to speak), and I'd figure out how to position the thing. Still no luck, I set the three-speed vibrating bullet to its highest setting to stir things up a bit more; I knew something wasn't right and then it dawned on me. The big ring, on the bottom, is supposed to be positioned around your entire package. That's right, it fits under your testicles and over the top of your penis. Duh! Then, when that's in place, the smaller top ring is stretched over the penis and the stupid elephant thing is then in position to stimulate whatever is in its path. At least I no longer felt like a Dumbo!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Can be worn during masturbation
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Don't wear this to the airport
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • Penis
    • Testicles

Material / Texture

Ele is made from clear pink colored TPE (also known as TPR), a rubbery material that is very soft and flexible. This particular cock ring is extremely stretchy, and, I suspect, might even fit over Dumbo's schlong (assuming it doesn't break first). The bottom ring (again, the one that fits over your entire package), is smooth and seamless; I'm sure that it will fit around nearly all men, as well as elephants. The top ring is a bit thicker but is also extremely stretchy; it will also fit around all human and elephant penises. This ring is, for the most part, smooth and seamless, although there are nubs on the top side that must be intended to please a female partner; these fail, however, to provide any stimulation to a man's or a bull elephant's penis.

When positioned properly, "Ele's" trunk and two front legs are aimed for clitoral stimulation, but they are, like the rest of the cock ring, so soft and squishy that I doubt they can be felt. Fortunately, Ele is into body piercing and had a big hole bored through the nape of her neck (I'm assuming Ele is a female because she's pink - sorry if I'm stereotyping, but that's just the way I see it), and this provides a convenient place to put the accompanying three-speed vibrating bullet. The bullet is made from ABS plastic and has a metallic silver-colored plating. It's obvious that Ele is an Asian elephant (she is made in China), so it is unknown what kind of metal was used to plate the bullet.

Fortunately, Ele passed the taste test (not that I've ever had an Elephant steak), and gratefully, she didn't taste like chicken or anything else. Even better, there was no discernible smell. I can't say that I'm disappointed that she didn't smell like an elephant!
    • Extremely stretchy
    • No odor
    • No taste

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

Once I figured out how to get this dual ringed contraption wrapped around my manhood, it was very comfortable. So comfortable, in fact, that I could hardly notice that I was wearing anything at all (okay, so I was naked but I still couldn't really feel much wearing this cock ring). The problem is that Ele is simply too soft and stretchy to serve as most cock rings are intended - to maintain an erection and help men last longer. If anything, I think of Ele as more of an ornament for my junk. (Anyone want to wear her to the airport and see if TSA notices anything?) Other than feeling that there's something holding onto your package, there really is very little sensation except for when the vibrating bullet is turned on. Even then, it doesn't provide any worthwhile stimulation to the penis, and I suspect, will provide just minimal stimulation to your partner's clitoris.

As already mentioned, Ele is so soft and flexible that it will wrap around just about any size penis imaginable (human or elephant). It is so stretchy that very little, if any, lube is needed to get it properly positioned. This cock ring is certainly appropriate for a beginner who wishes to see what one might feel like around his goods. Even then, Ele's not going to shake your noodle much unless the vibrator is set on high.
    • Beginner
    • Can fit over both shaft and testicles
    • Will fit most men

Functions / Performance / Controls

Once I figured out how this cock ring was supposed to be worn, I found it to be extremely easy to get on and off. It's too bad that simple instructions aren't provided to show how the two rings are to be worn; heck, a picture or illustration would have been useful. A simple, one ring cock ring has only two options, around your penis or around your penis and balls. Ele, however, is a bit more complicated.

The vibrating bullet functions well and even includes an extra set of batteries (always a nice feature). Fortunately, it is fairly quiet and only the highest setting produces a sound that others might notice. Operation of the bullet is also simple; simply press the button on the end to cycle through the three speeds or to shut it off. Due to the design of this cock ring, the bullet provided me with almost no stimulation and may, or may not, provide a low intensity experience for a partner; don't expect an elephant stampede with this one.
    • Comfortable during use
    • Easy to use
    • Not very stimulating

Care and Maintenance

This cock ring is made from easy-to-clean TPE, also known as TPR. Although it is somewhat porous and should not be shared with others, mild soap and water can be used to clean it. One advantage of TPE/TPR is that both water-based and silicone lubes can be used. Both the cock ring and the vibrating bullet are waterproof; I had no problem testing them in the shower. This toy is fairly small and should be simple to store.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


I've got to admit, I enjoy reading the packaging of most sex toys (okay, I used to read cereal boxes as a kid too). The Lover's Delight Ele comes in a cardboard box with two (humans) pretending to be hot and bothered for each other. It's the text, however, that provides the most useful information. The packaging contains enlightening comments such as, "tickling trunk for her", "intricately detailed elephant", and "dual rings for shaft and testicular support." In my opinion, these are all gross exaggerations of what to really expect. I had to chuckle at the statement that Ele is "the perfect assistant for maintaining and stimulating your partner . . ." I wonder how many people really enjoy "maintaining their partner!" It should be evident that the packaging isn't very discreet, but at least you get an idea as to what is inside.

The small print also contains the standard warnings about not wearing cock rings for more than 30 minutes and to call a doctor if complications should occur. Hopefully, you won't end up in the ER and have to tell them you've got an elephant's trunk wrap around your member.
    • Not discreet
    • Recyclable

Personal comments

Although this has been a fun product to review, the overall experience with it has been very boring. Other than a little stimulation from the vibrating bullet, this cock ring really didn't help me maintain an erection or last longer. I'm not particularly fond of the pretty pink color, and I am not sure why an elephant was selected to adorn a cock ring. Sure, it's a novelty and is worth a good laugh - that, alone, is great. Just don't expect this product to do a whole lot more than that. This might also be fun to give away (anonymously, of course) at a white elephant party.
Follow-up commentary
While elephants may never forget, I'm afraid that I've nearly forgotten this cock ring - I'm just about ready to put Ele's trunk in a trunk where it will rapidly disappear from my memory. Sure, some might think it's "cute" but, overall, it is just a very boring toy that provides very little stimulation and, as previously noted, doesn't do a thing to keep me harder or last longer. On a positive side, the bullet still works well so this is not a total loss.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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This review was edited by
  • Alicia Contributor: Alicia
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 72
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  • Contributor: Penguin
    Elephant trunk? thanks. good review b8tr
  • Contributor: Danielle1220
    Great review!!
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Your reviews are getting better and better!
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    Thanks, Penguin - yeah, pink elephants are, well, pink elephants

    Thanks, Danielle915!

    ~LaUr3n~ - Thanks! I must have had a great mentor I've got to admit these are really fun to write!
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Very good review!
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    Thank, NuMe! It was fun to write (and review)!
  • Contributor: SexyStuff
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    You're welcome, SexyStuff
  • Contributor: LittleBird
    Great review!
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    Thanks, LittleBird
  • Contributor: SadoMas
    awesome thanx
  • Contributor: freud13
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    You're welcome, SadoMas and freud13 !
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