Water-based lubricant
by Body Action

Liquid V review

Liquid V makes orgasm easier to achieve with further stimulation. It may not be the solution for all women, but it certainly helped me.
Cooling effect; Increased sensitivity
Funny smell
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
There are a lot of products that promise quick, miracle fixes to women who struggle having an orgasm. Sometimes people think these enhancement products are supposed to magically cause orgasms to start occuring. In reality, they really are just enhancements to what you already do.

As such, Liquid V|Liquid V Gel by Body Action really does do what it is actually designed to do. The instant you put it on, you do not feel much, but quickly there is a cooling sensation. This is similar to the feeling you get from using a menthol cough drop and then sucking in air. I did, however, notice an immediate increase in sensitivity. I am normally able to handle more direct contact, but a light touch is all that was necessary after applying this. It did not start causing orgasms for me with just applying it, but I was able to have them easier with further stimulation from my hands, toys, or intercourse. I do need to say though, the first time I used it, after the initial cooling sensation I got an overwhelming feeling of a lot of heat down there. It literally burned painfully for a minute or so, but then it stopped. I have not had this since the first time, so I figure I must have had a slight abrasion in the area at the time.

By the way, my husband says it smells strange to him as well, like Icy/Hot. He can tell if I have used it as soon as he walks in the room. I cannot smell anything overt though. Overall, Liquid V|Liquid V review cannot cause orgasms on its own (at least not for me) but it did make them come easier with later stimulation.

So I would recommend it as a product to be used in conjunction with other methods. It may not be the very best enhancement on the market, but it is the best one that I have tried.
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  • Contributor: Ms.Bebe
    Raccoon Girl,

    Thank you for the review. It actually explained some effects the Liquid V produces. May What still gets me is how it actually increases the sensation? You mentioned cooling sensations when applied to a clitoris, which then gradually disappear. It doesn’t look like the cooling itself heightens the sensitivity, rather to the contrary. What is it than? May be it irritates clit making the skin even more fragile? Would you please elaborate a bit on your sensations. BTW, what did you husband smell? Can he tell us what the man smells in it? Thank you for your time and very helpful information.

  • Contributor: Nashville
    I tried this once and it did not work for me...
  • Contributor: Evoluchun
    thanks for the review if it smells might just stay away thanks
  • Contributor: titi
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: TheSlyFox
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Stark
    thanks for the great review!!
  • Contributor: SexySoundLab
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
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