Not such a sweet blow.

This lube overall was a great lube, it just wasn't what we were looking for. Again, our goal was to deep throat, and that was not accomplished. I loved the price, but in this case its price didn't prove quality. If there was more of a peppermint flavor, similar to a candy cane, and it was just a little thinner this product would have been PERFECT. I would use this product more if there were those small little changes. I would recommend it to others looking for that little boost though!
Water-based, Non-staining, Clear
Flavor not strong enough, Thick, Felt fake
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Sweeten'd Blow is a flavored oral sex lube designed to spice up your average blow job. It comes in two flavors, Bubble Gum and Peppermint. When I found out there was a peppermint flavor I jumped all over it! Unfortunately I had to wait just a little bit because it was out of stock. Since it was such a good price for a water-based flavored lube, I couldn't wait to order it! After all, peppermint is my FAVORITE flavor! My boyfriend and I were aiming for deep throat when we had purchased this. We had read that lubing up the head and shaft makes for easier insertion, so of course that was the goal. Who could go wrong with a little added flavor, right?

Shipping was fast after I ordered the lube; I was very impressed. I've ordered things before and not received them as quickly as I did now. Of course, that made me even more excited to try it! I received the lube, and it was in such a cute pink 5-6 inch box that looked like "Sweet'N Low" sugar packets! Looking at the box at first glance, one would never be able to assume it was for giving head. I flipped the box to the back to see if there were any specific directions. There weren't any specific directions. However, it read: "Make your next oral encounter sweeter with Sweeten'd Blow. Simply rub some of the flavored gel on your lover's private areas (or any area you wish to sweeten) and then lick it off. Perfect for couples, but specifically formulated for him. Oral sex has never been more pleasurable!"

On the underside of the box it listed the ingredients in the lube, which were as follows: Glycerin, Water (Aqua), Hydroxyethylcellulose, Flavor, Sodium Saccharin, Menthol, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Propylparaben, and Methylparaben.
Also, there is a "warning" so to speak that reads "External use only. Discontinue use if rash or irritation occurs. No medical claims are warranted or implied by use of this product. Sold as novelty only."

I opened the box, and took out the lube. It was in a small lightweight 1.5oz white tube. So, small enough to store ANYWHERE! With the design on the packaging (identical to that on the box) no one would guess it's lube! I took the cap off to see there was a silver inner safety seal. This lube is a clear non-staining lube, therefore great for those dark sheets. I took the seal off and squeezed a little out to taste it. I wasn't too impressed. It didn't taste too much like peppermint. I tasted more of a lube taste than I did any peppermint. I smelled it; oddly it didn't have much of a scent. I could lightly smell mint, but it was nothing too strong. Again, it didn't make me that impressed. I wasn't about to just toss it out without using it though.

I waited for my man to get off work so we could try it out. I was pretty anxious to try it out. When he finally got home, he got a bit of a surprise blow job. I put about a dime-sized amount on the head of his penis, and "rubbed" it on him. I started to give head, and was instantly turned off. The lube was pretty thick on his penis. I didn't feel I used too much when I was giving him the hand job to start. When it was in my mouth though it was much thicker. Since this lube is water-based, my saliva may have just 'activated' it to make it thicker?

The flavor was not what I had tasted earlier in the day either. It had taken on a more menthol taste than peppermint. The taste was similar to that of Vick's vapor rub. Not sweet like peppermint, but it was tolerable. I didn't mind the lube during the blow job. It did make things go a little smoother with the hand movement. It really did help me not have that "drag" of skin when moving my hands around. If it weren't so thick when wet, in my eyes, and just a little more peppermint flavored, I would have been in heaven. We finished up and got in the shower to clean up. His penis became slimy because the water had reactivated the lube. It had done the same to my face. Since we were in the shower it obviously wasn’t a big deal.

There is one great added benefit to this lube! Peppermint is known to help with nausea, AND it’s a natural relaxant. Therefore it's the perfect lube for a woman who easily gets nauseated, or feels uncomfortable performing oral on her man. I see this is an amazing aspect to this lube.
I had asked him how it felt on him, because we had not succeeded in deep throating like we had hoped. He wasn't impressed. He said his penis not only had gone slightly numb using it (there are no numbing agents in this, not sure why that happened), but he also could smell it. The numbness didn't go away until I was done giving him head. When asked which he preferred, spit or the lube, he chose spit. He said it seemed too fake using it. We both agree that this lube is not sticky, which is a plus! He didn't feel that it was too thick, and again, that was a plus--- on his end. Overall he said it changed the feel of the blow job, which he didn't like. When I asked if he would like me to use it in the future, he said no.
Follow-up commentary
The Sweeten'd Blow has been tossed out. I tried it another time, and it's still not great at all. It tasted more fake than it did the first time and seemed more goopy. My boyfriend again felt numb while using this product. I will not buy any more Sweeten'd Blow products.
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    • Anyone
    • Foreplay
    • Mood enhancer
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party
  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Genitals
    • Oral
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  • Alan & Michele Contributor: Alan & Michele
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 608
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