Slick, then sticky.

Swiss Navy lubricant isn't a total waste of money, but you can get a better bang for your buck with other lubes. I wouldn't recommend it to people with sensitive genitalia.
Slick and safe for use with most toys.
Leaves behind a filmy residue that "tightens up" your skin, causing discomfort.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
As a woman with a busy life and a relatively sensitive vulva, I'm picky about lubricants. The last thing I need is a vaginal infection when I have a project and three papers due on Monday! Unfortunately, Swiss Navy lubricant|Swiss Navy lubricant doesn't quite make the cut, and it often ends up being more of a hindrance than a help.

Swiss Navy lubricant comes in a professional-looking bottle. It's actually pretty discreet, and I would have no qualms leaving this lube on my bathroom sink when guests were over. The bottle is made of thin plastic, which makes it easier to squeeze, and larger quantities come with a handy pump.

The lubricant itself is clear and odorless. It has a very slight bitter taste, but nothing that would throw you off of oral sex completely. It's also very slick, which makes it great for vaginal penetration and oral sex. The consistency is runny as far as water-based lubricants go, though, and it's certainly not enough for comfortable anal penetration. Don't fuss if Swiss Navy lube gets on your sheets: it won't stain!

A little bit goes a long way, which is a positive; a few drops is all you need for comfortable penetration. On the downside, however, it dries out within 10 minutes and--if you don't add more lube or saliva--it gets very sticky and gummy. It actually leaves a sort of "film" on your vulva that tightens over your flesh, making you feel rather uncomfortable. My male partners have never felt this kind of "restricting film," but my female partners agree that it isn't a good lube if you want to "go to the distance" with it.

The other damning issue with Swiss Navy lubricant is the chemical composition. This lube contains glycerin, which can cause infections in more sensitive vulvas. It hasn't caused any infections on my end to date, but extra-sensitive people may want to avoid this lubricant.

In the end, Swiss Navy lubricant is mediocre. It is no better or worse than any other water-based lubricant, and all of its positive points (the slickness) are canceled out by its negative points (the way it dries in to a film). Swiss Navy lubricant may work in a pinch, but I'll take a thicker lube like Maximus or a more basic lube...
While Swiss Navy lubricant has never given me an infection, it has caused me a decent amount of pain. Every time I use it, my vulva begins to burn and itch after 20 minutes. There's no redness or unusual discharge, over, and the pain fades after a thorough cleaning of my lady parts, so I can't write Swiss Navy lubricant off completely.

A 2 oz bottle of Swiss Navy lubricant lasted me a couple of months with several partners. Most of them had no strong feelings about this lubricant, although they did say they would prefer something that didn't leave a residue behind, while one of my female partners loathed it completely and said it made her vulva burn horribly.

Because it is water-based, Swiss Navy lubricant is safe for use with most toys.
Follow-up commentary
As the days have gone by, I've asked a few people about their experiences with this lubricant, and their experiences have been primarily negative: "If it stayed on my genitals for more than 15 minutes, I felt like somebody was grabbing them in a fist and lighting them on fire!" I don't ever plan on buying this lubricant again, and I can't warn people about it enough. Considering that my experience wasn't the only bad one with this lube, I have to bump its rating down to 1 star.
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  • Contributor: Beautiful Dreamer
    Burning vaginas?? Never a good thing. The bottle shows such promise! Too bad the product didn't match up. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Backseat Boohoo
    It was quite a shame. I would've rated it 3 stars (perfectly average, not bad but nothing special) if it didn't have that burning quality to it.
  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    Sigh, another mediocre water-based lube. That kind of irritation would definitely be enough to write this lube off completely in my book.
  • Contributor: Backseat Boohoo
    There are a lot of medicore lubes of all compositions, IMO. And then there are always those lubes that are consistently craptastmal (KY Yours & Mine) or super friggin' awesome (Pink).
  • Contributor: Epiphora
    Ack!! I'm sorry you had to endure that!
  • Contributor: thedude
    almost ordered this...until i read, thansk
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