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Sex.Massage: all articles

  • Unselfish Hands

    I looked into coming back to write some new articles for EdenFantasys and saw that Touch is the theme for this month. More specifically, how hands relate to touch. I couldn’t wait to write this article.

  • Phoenix Goddess Temple: Brothel or Church?

    Newspaper reporter goes inside the doors to find out.

  • Scent of Arousal: The Science Behind the Sexy of the Great Pheromone Debate

    Whether it’s the first flicker of sexual attraction, or deep in the throws of passion, it’s a good bet that when you’re in the moment, you’re not worrying about the chemistry of desire.

  • Mixed Massages: A Therapist Balances Healing With Sexual Expectations

    In every city, hundreds of beautiful men and women are including sexual activity into their massage practice. Alternatively, could it be that they are involving massage in their sex work? Nudity, mutual touch and sexual stimulation are becoming common complementary features to therapeutic touch…. There’s always been a thin line between massage parlors and cathouses—if any distinction at all.

  • Dr. Dick on Demand: Healing Sexual Trauma through Sensate Focus

    One of the most difficult things for me to deal with as a therapist is the aftermath of sexual trauma. And I know that the trouble I have with this is only a tiny fraction of the difficulty my client has as he or she faces his/her past.

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