Sex » Fetish, Techniques: "Got Rope?"
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Got Rope?

Don Sir —
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People are often curious as to why a particular play-style, pervy activity or kind of kink appeals while others leave you cold. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I’ll tell you about why I so love bottoming to rope bondage.


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Contributor: iLashe

awesome article and insight. thanks for the introduction and loving reflections on rope bondage

Contributor: Serena Shirley
Serena Shirley  

So eloquently spoken. I loved how you describe the ropes and the marks left behind as an extension of the hands that placed them. That's exactly how I feel about the marks left behind by the ropes, or any activity I have submitted to. I love to trace my hands over any indentation in my flesh until it fades, because it serves as sort of an extension of the scene, a way to hang on to that feeling. Even better, once my "dom" left his handprint on my breast. I loved it, because even when we were apart I could look down and see his hand on me, a reminder that I am owned.

Contributor: wanderlustre

I have struggled for years to explain this to those folks who ask, "why rope?" That whole article was wonderful. The perfect answer to the why. Thank you!

Contributor: TarnishedHalo

Spectacular. You've put into words what I have struggled to explain since I began. I especially loved how you spoke of the rope making you feel beautiful. That is one of the very first things I felt when my partner and I got into rope. Now it is all that you describe, especially communication, the way you can tell your partner is feeling based on the way that you're being tied.
