Do you think a wife who must control every aspect of her life scheduling kids and managing a household, begs to be dominated in the bedroom whether she asks for it or not?

Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I'm not really in control of anything outside the bedroom. I'm a sub in the bedroom, but I'm kind of in control, because I suggest to him what he should do.
Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
Absolutely not- that may apply to some women. You could even guess that it might apply to most women, but would I say wives who are controlling are begging to be dominated even if they don't ask for it? No. That statement just sounded too generic and all encompassing for me to agree with it.

I will admit I kind of micromanage things. I am neurotic. It bothers me if things are not in their proper places or if I do not manage to get everything done that I had planned in the day, but I do not like being dominated in the generic sense. I like to be in control of what is happening in the bedroom as well, but I do what I guess you might call 'topping from the bottom'.

I like my partner to take the more active role and to be a bit aggressive and rough during sex, but I absolutely do not submit to anything I am not into. I have the kind of sex I like and want, and if anyone crosses any lines, I am totally against it. Being dominated is a lot different than play-domination, and I think that is a very broad line and one that is really important.
Contributor: Amelia Stone Amelia Stone
I never thought I could be submissive in the bedroom. I have a past that makes it hard for me not to want to control everything. However, William, my awesome man. Asked me one day to trust him and I did. So now I've found I like both.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
The wording of this question is disturbing.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Roz W
The wording of this question is disturbing.

Seriously though.... I'd have to know her and how she is, but hell, just for the fun of it, lets say.... at least a switch.

Don't attack anybody.
Contributor: Mistress Jezebel Mistress Jezebel
I'm a dominant through and through, in the bedroom and out of it.
Contributor: Harpina is gone Harpina is gone
I like being submissive in the bedroom but I don't really care for being controlling outside of it.
Contributor: tigertiger tigertiger
Originally posted by Horny & Holy
I have a busy life with a busy husband and a chaotic household...I have to be in contol of every aspect of our lives from finances to chores. But I love feeling submissive in the bedroom and letting my man take control. Am I alone?
i really take issue with the subject title. NOBODY is asking for ANYTHING unless they LITERALLY ASK FOR IT. thinking/saying/implyi ng otherwise gets into some creepy consent issues
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Horny & Holy
I have a busy life with a busy husband and a chaotic household...I have to be in contol of every aspect of our lives from finances to chores. But I love feeling submissive in the bedroom and letting my man take control. Am I alone?
I enjoy being submissive, but I don't think it has anything to do with me managing a household.
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
wow i never thought about it that way lol
Contributor: corsetsaurus rex corsetsaurus rex
Originally posted by Elodie
My boyfriend and I both switch, though he's a bit more dominant and I'm a bit more submissive, sex-wise. Exploring both is awesome.
Balance is where my partner and I am at as well; we both have some control in the household, and tend to switch in the bedroom. Although I'd say left to our own devices we'd both end up Doms.

I would like to echo some of the other posters here and say I found the top question disturbingly rape-y. I understand the question, but the "whether she wants to or not" is a really bothersome and upsetting turn-of-phrase.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
My partner and I are pretty much equals, but I usually prefer to be dominated in the bedroom.
Contributor: Positwist Positwist
Agreed that the wording of this question is a problem.

I would beat the everloving shit out of someone who tried to dom me without my consent. I am a high-powered person outside of the bedroom who likes to sub, but consent is crucial.
Contributor: js250 js250
Originally posted by Horny & Holy
I'm sorry you find it offensive - it was not meant as such. I only meant that whether I admit it or not or whether I talk about it with my husband - I enjoy being submissive in the bedroom because it's something I don't HAVE to be in ... more
Thank you so much for clarifying your meaning! I am very much in charge of the household responsibilities--not chores exactly. By that, I mean..I make appointments, do all paperwork, meal planning, pay most bills (or figure out how to juggle them), run errand after work, take responsibility for animals extra needs, and run my own businesses. I do NOT personally want to be submissive in the bedroom as much as I would not mind having less control over the responsibilities. I do understand exactly what you are saying, if he was in control in the bedroom, you could just relax and let all your worries, frustrations, etc. go--and have fun. Correct?
Contributor: CandE CandE
I voted for option b, being submissive both outside and in the bedroom. He's mainly in control of finances and bedroom 'bed shaking' lol. We actually play Master and Slave roleplay, where I call him Master or Sir. I like the whole power dynamics, him being in complete control of pretty much everything. Except for the things he doesn't know (enter evil laugh) jk
Contributor: powerandintent powerandintent
I don't like being submissive at ALL.
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
Really depends on my mood, which depends on my day.
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
Originally posted by Gary
Things are usually never this simple or this black and white.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I've definitely met people who wanted to be submissive as a chance to be freed from all the stress, and some who were just always dominant and in charge. It depends a lot on the person.
Contributor: blackadeezee blackadeezee
So much grey area in this question. There is no way three answers would cover it.
Contributor: theavocadopit theavocadopit
Originally posted by Horny & Holy
I have a busy life with a busy husband and a chaotic household...I have to be in contol of every aspect of our lives from finances to chores. But I love feeling submissive in the bedroom and letting my man take control. Am I alone?
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
Hmm never thought of it like that before
Contributor: Envoutes Envoutes
The title here is definitely very misleading, since it suggests rape. Because in that case, no, a person does not "beg" to be dominated if they do not ask for it.

But since the real question here is if it's alright to be naturally dominating in every aspect of your life, yet want to be submissive in bed...I'd have thought that'd be normal, since I'm sure that's one of the reasons people become interested in BDSM. Though, I'm speaking as someone who isn't naturally very controlling in any aspect. I don't think there's any right or wrong way to feel about it. If you like it, you like, and someone else probably does too.
Contributor: xxjoel xxjoel
I'd say as a generality, a lot of control freaks are subs. It's a vacation.
Contributor: cheesewizz cheesewizz
Originally posted by Horny & Holy
I have a busy life with a busy husband and a chaotic household...I have to be in contol of every aspect of our lives from finances to chores. But I love feeling submissive in the bedroom and letting my man take control. Am I alone?
it makes sense that you would want someone else to be in charge for a change
Contributor: CaliGirl CaliGirl
I am so dominate all day long between work and being a mommy that I love being sub behind closed doors.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
I am a.very "in control" specialist, with a large group to run. So is my hubby. In the bedroom, however, we enjoy being mellow. No one is controlling or submissive. We are both there as equal team-mates in the game of fun!!!!!
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
Yes, I am the controlling bitch that has to take care of everything and I am usually the one instigating sex and I wish he would take control in the bedroom and I could be somewhat submissive, I really don't see that happening in my world though.
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
I think she made it clear in posts after the original one what she meant was "whether she admits to it or not," not "whether she asks for it or not." Unfortunate wording.

In any case, I think it's quite common for people, male or female or whatever, to enjoy being submissive in the bedroom when they have to be dominant in other aspects of their lives. Sex is an escape in a lot of ways (a good escape!), and it's nice to be able to let go and hand over the control to someone else for a while. I'm like that, myself.

But it's not true for everyone. There are also plenty of people who are dominant in all aspects of their lives, including their sexual ones. And there are people who are switch, and there are people who don't enjoy power exchanges in the bedroom at all, and want things to be totally equal. But it's not unusual at all to be submissive in the bedroom while you aren't elsewhere.
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
My husband and I take equal responsibilities in our household and I greatly appreciate it. We each back each other up one way or the other, I used to do the finances, now he does, I cold, he cleans, he drives, I navigate. But in the bedroom, I would for once like him to make all the moves first but I guess thats my lot in life. Just for once I hope he'll surprise me and take the initiative first.

I don't mean BDSM though I wouldn't be opposed to it, even light BDSM but I would love to have him explore my body as I enjoy exploring his. At least he's willing to try new things, sensations, experiences and he loves me. Oh yes, and I love him too!