Which things have you tried with the whole medical play thing? Does it turn you on? If you've never tried it, are you interested or not at all?
I've never done very risky med play, but I do have speculums and we've played with them before. Didn't find it very arousing, but I had them for taking cervical photos. Worked out great for that, but it just didn't turn us on. The med products for play are a pretty wide (a little scary too) variety. I might would do some things, but never cathedars and such. Pretend Dr. is fun, but not sure I could go too far. It does interest me though. What about you guys?
I've never done very risky med play, but I do have speculums and we've played with them before. Didn't find it very arousing, but I had them for taking cervical photos. Worked out great for that, but it just didn't turn us on. The med products for play are a pretty wide (a little scary too) variety. I might would do some things, but never cathedars and such. Pretend Dr. is fun, but not sure I could go too far. It does interest me though. What about you guys?