how many 24/7s and M/s couples (or families!) are there out there?

Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by oliverHyde
I'm very curious... I know there's at least a few of you who rock it full-time!
I'm in a full-time M/s relationship that is TPE (Total power exchange) with my Master.
Contributor: inkky inkky
Me And My Master Are 24/7, But It Is Long Distance Since He Is A Marine.
Contributor: bottled-diva bottled-diva
My husband and I are in the beginning stages but are at the very least are in a serious D/s relationship, but since his preferences vary from "standard" concepts it harder to define.
Contributor: bottled-diva bottled-diva
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I have no idea what this post is about.

Could someone edumacate me?
24/7 M/s = All day everyday Master slave dynamic. This dynamic varies based on the Master.

Generally before two people enter into a Master Slave dynamic there is a contract the illustrates like and dislike of both parties. This is a highly simplified definition. While these contracts are not legally binding the parties signing them is usually view as a major commitment.

D/s = Dominate submissive dynamics which can be long term (like steady dating in standard relationships) or on a scene by scene basis. Scenes may or may not include sex variance based on the the agreement.

Part time generally references "bedroom only" or is based on specific circumstance when the submissive or bottom falls into that position but isn't in it all the time.

I have researched this topic a lot but have little real world experiences. If anyone with more disagrees with my definitions feel free to add.

If you want more info feel free to check out. link
Contributor: marriedlady123 marriedlady123
Originally posted by oliverHyde
there's multiple people involved in the power dynamic. For example, there's often several slaves to one Master.
does family mean that you have children together?
Contributor: hall5885 hall5885
Sadly we don't have a 24/7. There's been mentions of it and I want too but nothing as of yet. Hopefully soon.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
We just do scenes, though sometimes our roles come out in our daily lives when we're flirting or just joking with each other.
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
I scene when I have the time.
Contributor: RavenInChains RavenInChains
Originally posted by oliverHyde
I'm very curious... I know there's at least a few of you who rock it full-time!
We are 24/7 in theory. Admittedly it doesn't always work out that way with all the things and responsibilities we have to take care of.
Contributor: Sima-pusya Sima-pusya
we're in a full-time M/s relationship