condums dont feel good
When having anal sex

Never, but we've been together 25 years disease free. Perks if married life ??
Originally posted by
do you use condems?
Neither one of us can stand condoms.
I do not use condoms in general with my fiancé as we are both clean, I have an IUD and we are monogamous. That being said, I always used them before when I was sleeping around, except with one friend with benefits I trusted. Better safe than sorry.
Never ruins everything for anal
Your response might be better understood if you said. "Never use condoms, for us it ruins everything for anal." Punctuation isn't just an anachronism - a well placed comma will help people to understand your reply.
Originally posted by
C and J
Never ruins everything for anal
Yes, I didn't understand his post to mean that. I thought that post meant that condoms were fine to wear because they never ruined anal play. Even though it was kind of a strange way of wording it.
My answer: I'm dating so I definitely protect myself with every sexual encounter I have. I have a stash of condoms in my bedroom just in case the other person doesn't bring one.
My answer: I'm dating so I definitely protect myself with every sexual encounter I have. I have a stash of condoms in my bedroom just in case the other person doesn't bring one.
This may be a stupid question but what is going on in that picture? lol
Originally posted by
C and J
Never ruins everything for anal
I said no because most of the anal I have is with my primary partner. Otherwise condoms always.
Originally posted by
do you use condems?
With a regular partner, no.