Do girls mind when their guy cums on them?
Featured by EdenFantasys
Cumming on you?
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I don't--but I have a friend that thinks it is disgusting.
Depends on where it lands. I don't mind him squirting it on my stomach, but I'll be pissed if he squirts anywhere on my face.
Don't mind it as long as it is not a shot in the eye. Sometimes if I am feeling particularly dirty I will ask him to come on me, but not like smearing it all over my face and hair.
I don't really mind, I've never gotten a facial though- I don't think I'd really like that even if I could be coerced into it.
My wife hates it unless we are in the shower and she can wash immediately... she hates giving head, too. Thinks it is all disgusting.
Originally posted by
Do girls mind when their guy cums on them?
I don't get it, but I let him, it's whatever. Just not on my face >gag<.
I don't mind at all. It's not something I personally enjoy, but I don't dislike it either. I let him do it anywhere but my face. If it's on my boobs I've noticed my guy loves when I rub it in a little. I shower after so it's not a big deal to me.
I don't mind. What's a good fuck without a good finish?

i dont think its really anything she'd be into, i always cum in her anyways
My boyfriend likes to ask where I want his cum. He gets really excited when I say I want it on my face, which is rare. Usually I swallow, but every once in a while I'm not in the mood and he has to get a tissue.
I usually let him put it anywhere, just because i know it will make sex so much better for him when I let him have some control.
I usually let him put it anywhere, just because i know it will make sex so much better for him when I let him have some control.
I like it when my guy cums on me. Personally I enjoy it. All over my body but prefer it not in the hair, don't mind the face (well it kinda turns me on) and after all if it's on the face and in the hair just a good reason for a sexy partner shower
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Do girls mind when their guy cums on them?
This is very common. Do you feel this is degrading?
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Depends on where it lands. I don't mind him squirting it on my stomach, but I'll be pissed if he squirts anywhere on my face.
try it with your mouth opened and eyes closed. Thats how my wife enjoys it!
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I don't really mind, I've never gotten a facial though- I don't think I'd really like that even if I could be coerced into it.
I dont mind, just as long as it doesnt get on my face or hair...just make sure you wipe it off before you add water to it lol it clumps up and its hard to get off lol i learned that the hard way a few years ago
In my hair is a pain, but any place else. I love it
I don't mind as long as it's not on my face/in my hair. I actually like it on my back or stomach.
my wife is not a fan of it at all on the face but she likes it on her chest
I don't like it at all. It's warm and slimy, the guy might as well be blowing his nose on you.
I do not as long as its not in my hair
Originally posted by
Do girls mind when their guy cums on them?
Have no problem with it...just not in my eyes.
I don't mind when they cum on me. I just smile at them and rub it. I tell them it can be lotion till I get around to taking a shower. Seems they find that a huge turn on.
It depends, but I don't mind, I even ask for it. I just don't like getting cum in my hair. It always happen when I just washed my hair
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Do girls mind when their guy cums on them?
I don't mind as long as it's in a place where I can clean it off easily.
Like most of the girls here, I don't really mind where he comes, as long as it doesn't go in my eyes or hair. I have only just got into the act of swallowing, it always made me gag before, but I seem to have developed a taste for it now!
Given a choice, I prefer it when he comes inside me, next choice would be over my vulva and fingers.
Given a choice, I prefer it when he comes inside me, next choice would be over my vulva and fingers.

my wife doesn't mind it, but at times she wants me to lick it off her. which I don't mind doing.
It completely depends on where it is aimed. Never on my face, neck or nether regions. Stomach is OK, though not something I enjoy.
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Do girls mind when their guy cums on them?
I don't. I do get annoyed if it gets in my hair, though.