Does it insult you?

Contributor: LovesAPoet LovesAPoet
I've never been called a slut (by a partner or anyone) so I think I would be pretty upset. I don't mind talking dirty so maybe if it were in a sexual context I could be open to it (if we had talked about what was ok and not ok to say). But since my partner hasn't really expressed any interest in saying things like this, I think I would be hurt.
Contributor: roskat roskat
Depends on the context. Inside the bedroom, no.
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
It insults me but only because we have BOTH had our problems with cheating, (all under the table supposedly) and I still have it thrown in my face almost on a daily basis. So when I get called a "dirty little whore/slut" I HATE IT.