sex before marriage and guilt.

Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
I actually felt pretty proud of myself for having sex without marriage.
Contributor: JDear JDear
Try before you buy. I don't know if I will choose to get married at all. I have had regrets about sex but it wasn't because of religion or feeling the need to wait.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I don't feel GUILTY per se, more like sad. Sad that I lost my virginity to such a...I'm trying to be a good Christian here! a relationship that got me nowhere and actually set me back in life (not my husband, my first boyfriend.) I'm trying to work that out with God, because I know He doesn't want me to live in condemnation. I'm one of those antiquated types of people who believe virginity is a precious thing and it's wonderful if it can be saved until marriage. I realize though that other people have different values and I respect that. I just wish I had known how important it was to ME and listened to my head instead of my vagina.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I had sex before marriage, but I've never felt really guilty about it. I'm still with him, and I know I'm gonna marry him. It probably sounds like puppy love, but I know it's not. That's what's important.
Contributor: TheHardOne TheHardOne
I have felt more guilty about having sex knowing a relationship won't follow.
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
anyone else ever feel like this?
I voted with your first option because I feel that is closest to my answer. Honestly I felt most guilty about masturbation. Like bad guilty and it lasted for years, but it stopped shortly before I stopped believing in religion. Now I don't feel bad about masturbation or sex, especially as I have been with my partner for years.
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
We're both Christian (though we'll be the first to say we don't go to church enough), and were both active before marriage. Granted, to this day he is still the only person I've been with, but I do know that he's been active since he was around 11 or 12 years old, (though just how many partners I couldn't say; not sure I really want to know, either).

What guilt I did have has more or less vanished. I did end up marrying him, so it's not that I feel I've "cheated" him out of anything, but sometimes I do wish that I would've held out a little longer, (we were only on our 3rd day of dating when I gave it up). As far as I know he doesn't have any guilt over his past exploits, as he's always said that if anything were to "come out of it" (for example, a past partner coming forward years later with what turned out to be his kid) that he would take full responsibility for his actions.
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
on the topic of religion and its effect on sexuality:
wondering how many of you have felt at some point in your life a sense of guilt over being sexual before marriage?

how many of you eventually overcame that feeling to pursue a healthy, ... more
Even in college, I was taught that there should be extreme seperation between men and woman. For the longest time I thought you shouldn't even kiss before marriage!
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
my guilt came mostly from my sexuality not being unmarried
Contributor: joja joja
I never felt guilty about it, though my family tried to make me feel like a heathen for moving in with my fiance when I was 20. They even refused to refer to him as "boyfriend" or "fiance," opting instead for "friend" or "special friend."
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Never felt guilty about it, though I've known plenty of people who have. I wasn't raised to a strict religion, though I got to see a lot of different faiths and pick and choose from the core values. Not worth feeling guilty over by my beliefs, but they're mine, not everyones.