Since you specified in your question it was used negatively, then yes, it is offensive. However, most people use it and don't realize they are hurting someone with the comment. Those types of people get a quick, "Use different phrasing please" from me, and that's about it.
Thats so gay Offensive?
Definitely offensive. My sister will say it and I've drilled it into her head about how insensitive it is. She has finally quit, or at least around me she has.
Most of the time, people who say "That's so gay" are ignorant. It will always be offensive, people just grow used to that kind of ignorance.
Usually I find it offensive, but it takes a while for people to really start caring about an issue like this and many never really will.
I feel that this statement is so old that it can no longer be considered offensive...
When I was in high school I broke my track team of the habit of saying, "That's so gay," by always responding with, "No, it's not that awesome."
I don't think people realize what they're saying when they do use the phrase. I've never heard an adult say it. It's really something that should be left behind in high school.
I don't think people realize what they're saying when they do use the phrase. I've never heard an adult say it. It's really something that should be left behind in high school.
I used to just let it go but now it's beginning to bug me.. Like.. There's nothing wrong with being gay and I always mess with my friends and say "Thats soo gay" but mean it as "that's cool" or any way that's positive or I'll say that's so hetero when it's lame and they say I sound dumb.. But I don't think they realize how much it hurts
I'm pansexual and I use the phrase. It does not bother me but I do respect the view when I'm around people that it does bother. It depends who you ask.
If you mean it in a negative way, it makes you sound about twelve. So, go ahead and be seen how you want to be seen.
Offensive. Period.
I mean, there are positive contexts for it. Like if you're on your way to a Pride dance party and your party-buddy put on an ostentatious outfit for the purpose of attracting members of the same sex, they might look really gay, on purpose, in a complimentary fashion. I've been here, and it's fun.
If you are, for some reason totally foreign to me, still equating "gay" with "stupid," you should probably think twice about calling yourself any kind of thoughtful adult.
If you are, for some reason totally foreign to me, still equating "gay" with "stupid," you should probably think twice about calling yourself any kind of thoughtful adult.
It's very offensive, because I've never heard of someone saying "That's so straight" in a derogatory manner.
yes it is def offensive and kind of a stupid thing for ppl to say
Originally posted by
Does anyone find that when people use "Gay" as a negative way to address something its offensive?
Yes, this one bugs me. In most cases, I let it roll of my shoulders. If I hear it from someone at work though, I politely (as possible) remind them it's inappropriate for the workplace. That usually stops it pretty quickly.
There are better ways to express your feelings
It's not something I personally get offended by, because I'm not especially sensitive to such things, but I think don't think it's a good thing for gay children to have to listen to, and so it's offensive in that regard.
I don't personally find it offensive. It's definition is more diverse than referring to homosexuality.
While none of the meanings are negative it is used as slang and rarely meant to be offensive.
It's like calling someone a dude. When we all know what a dude really is but it is also not meant to be offensive.
To me it's just another word that is abused and used wrongly but that's speech, it's what happens. A word is only what you make it and to me there are few if any words that offend me.
People are apt to repeat what they hear and this is one of the many stupid phrases that is repeated and people pick up on without second thoughts on if it could be derogatory or not.
At the end of the day, someone is always going to say something that offends someone else. I say shit that offends people all the time, not really intentionally but it does offend people, we're always going to step on SOMEONE's toes and while some people do make an effort to be polite most people don't care about anyone but themselves.
Not saying the phrase isn't offensive, it can be, but you could always turn the situation around and make a positive rebuke. "OH so you think that such and such is really happy or you find pleasure from it? That's great haha" -continue one with life while moron sits there and wonders wtf just happened because they have no idea what the definition of word is and just throw around terminology they've heard their peers use.
I've used the phrase before, doesn't make me ignorant or stupid, my brain just supplied the quickest phrasing that I was most exposed to in HS. My language has since changed, it's more along the lines of "that fckin sucks" or something like that these days but eh. No one's perfect and you can't expect everyone to drop a word because it's offensive... lots of words/phrases are and they're still used so.
I'm mostly indifferent to it because I know it doesn't carry in a literal meaning when the majority of people use it. Most people who are going to belittle and be assholes to gay/homosexual individuals will find much more offensive ways of doing so, or so I've paid witness to.
While none of the meanings are negative it is used as slang and rarely meant to be offensive.
It's like calling someone a dude. When we all know what a dude really is but it is also not meant to be offensive.
To me it's just another word that is abused and used wrongly but that's speech, it's what happens. A word is only what you make it and to me there are few if any words that offend me.
People are apt to repeat what they hear and this is one of the many stupid phrases that is repeated and people pick up on without second thoughts on if it could be derogatory or not.
At the end of the day, someone is always going to say something that offends someone else. I say shit that offends people all the time, not really intentionally but it does offend people, we're always going to step on SOMEONE's toes and while some people do make an effort to be polite most people don't care about anyone but themselves.
Not saying the phrase isn't offensive, it can be, but you could always turn the situation around and make a positive rebuke. "OH so you think that such and such is really happy or you find pleasure from it? That's great haha" -continue one with life while moron sits there and wonders wtf just happened because they have no idea what the definition of word is and just throw around terminology they've heard their peers use.
I've used the phrase before, doesn't make me ignorant or stupid, my brain just supplied the quickest phrasing that I was most exposed to in HS. My language has since changed, it's more along the lines of "that fckin sucks" or something like that these days but eh. No one's perfect and you can't expect everyone to drop a word because it's offensive... lots of words/phrases are and they're still used so.
I'm mostly indifferent to it because I know it doesn't carry in a literal meaning when the majority of people use it. Most people who are going to belittle and be assholes to gay/homosexual individuals will find much more offensive ways of doing so, or so I've paid witness to.
Of course it is!!
Originally posted by
Does anyone find that when people use "Gay" as a negative way to address something its offensive?
I think if you say it in a "safe place", like... among friends or whatever, then it's fine. But it's not something you should use "in public" coss you could offend someone.
It is a synonym for stupid sometimes. Just like it's a synonym for happy.
I learnt, and was using, the phrase long before I knew what being gay in terms of sexuality meant. Maybe that's the problem, though. If we taught children what being gay WAS, they wouldn't pick the phrase up or use it.
However... Unless someone's trying to pin point homosexuality as the thing that is wrong, then I personally can not see the problem.
It is a synonym for stupid sometimes. Just like it's a synonym for happy.
I learnt, and was using, the phrase long before I knew what being gay in terms of sexuality meant. Maybe that's the problem, though. If we taught children what being gay WAS, they wouldn't pick the phrase up or use it.
However... Unless someone's trying to pin point homosexuality as the thing that is wrong, then I personally can not see the problem.
=/ there are times people are to sensitive and should look at the intent behind the word usage. I'm bi with bi, gay and straight friends we all use "thats sooo gay." When we want to insult it's faggot otherwise any referance to gay is our own amusement and we don't care how it's used.
Retarded means stunted growth, it's not offensive and is still a medical term. It only becomes offensive when insulting others or when some one is in denial. Frankly every word that has been used that means below average intellect seems to become offensive over time. -_-
Originally posted by
I think that it's not right that it's the new slang for something that is dumb. It's just like saying "that's retarded." It shouldn't be like that because both are offensive to many people, and just because it's common, doesn't mean it's right.
9/10 times, it's offensive.
I believe it has the potential to be offensive. Use with caution.
It depends.
Sometimes I say it, but only around those who know I mean no harm by it. I have "Guncles" and a gay brother, along with my gay friends. They know I mean no harm, but I am more aware when in public. I like to keep the peace.
Sometimes I say it, but only around those who know I mean no harm by it. I have "Guncles" and a gay brother, along with my gay friends. They know I mean no harm, but I am more aware when in public. I like to keep the peace.
To try and combat the whole "THATS SO GAY", every time somebody says it? Im like "yeah totally, i really think thats so homosexual" - i get a great response and they feel really bad for saying it and even apologise! xD
I think it's definitely offensive.

Of course it's offensive. Several people in this conversation have covered eloquent explanations. I'll just say that, for myself, ignorance is annoying. I refer to intelligent people choosing to be ignoran - poorly read, etc. I used to get upset and attack people who used it in front of me, but that makes more problems. I discussed it with several people who used the term. Now I calmly try to educate in a cute, accepting way. Usually, if someone uses it in front of me, I quip, "no, that would be me," and chuckle. They usually laugh with me. They love that I'm so open anyway. Then sometimes we get to discuss it. Either way, I hope I've planted a seed and done it in a nonthreatening way. Most people respond to attacks with non-acceptance. I think ignorant people are esp easy to threaten and esp likely to simply reject the whole idea.
Look into Gregory Herek's work. He's a UC Davis psychologist and professor with tons of research published about how to get gay is ok over to homophobic people, with conclusions that polite and nonthretening are by far the most effective.
Look into Gregory Herek's work. He's a UC Davis psychologist and professor with tons of research published about how to get gay is ok over to homophobic people, with conclusions that polite and nonthretening are by far the most effective.
In my opinion it is offensive.
I say pick your battles. It goes along with "That's retarded" etc. It's a word that has been mainstreamed...offensi ve to some, maybe, so I don't use them, but I know plenty of other gay people that say "that's gay."
Another important thing to remember is respect, if you know or don't whether someone is offended, err on the side of caution. I'm not gonna cuss around my church friends, or talk about how I had so much fun banging someone, but I'm also not going to feel guilty if those things don't offend me, and someone else tries to make me be offended by them. Show me good reason, I will. If not, I'll avoid it with you.