
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
While your question is bit unclear, I very much empathize with what I think you're saying. I came out as bi (I now identify as pansexual), and the amount of crap I got. And still get! It's fucking terrible.
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
When I first came out, I came out as bi - I didn't know the word pansexual yet. I got a lot of rude, disbelieving, and negative reactions from monosexual people, both gay and straight. Even stranger, I got accused of being a slut, or of wanting to turn on guys by making out with girls, in spite of the fact that I had never kissed anyone at that point and did not do so for over a year more...
Contributor: Nanuk Nanuk
I am bi
Contributor: Nanuk Nanuk
i identify as pansexual
Contributor: PinkiePie PinkiePie
It's ridiculous that members of the LGBT community would hate on bisexual people, especially since bisexual/pansexual people are awesome and just as valid in their sexualities as any other queer person.
Contributor: Moniqua Moniqua
I would never do that.
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
I identify as bisexuality and I definitely don't always feel welcome in the LGBTQ community. People think I'm greedy, confused, lying to be "cool", I also hear a lot of people denying my place in the LGBTQ community because in a heterosexual relationship I get "straight privilege". I think people need to remember that there is a B in LGBTQ.
Contributor: Equae Equae
I agree with Rockasaurus; we're hated enough without hating each other.
Contributor: terrytas terrytas
Originally posted by MaryExy
Ditto. Yes it's just you, the LGBTQ community doesn't tend to hate on bisexuals? No, the LGBTQ community doesn't hate on bisexuals?
Many parts of them do, either that they're straight and trying to be gay for attention or gay and trying to be straight to fit in ot the societal norm. It's total bs.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by PDXlady
I identify as bisexuality and I definitely don't always feel welcome in the LGBTQ community. People think I'm greedy, confused, lying to be "cool", I also hear a lot of people denying my place in the LGBTQ community because in a ... more
This. This exactly.
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
I am a bisexual female been with hubby almost 9 years now was 16 he was 23 and im more attracted to girls now but yet he turns me on more than any other guy perfer looking at hot girls than guys maybe cuz of our history together but dont need any approval on my life i choose this dont like it shove off then im me
Contributor: amazon amazon
I dated one, and it was an adventure.
Contributor: katat katat
i have no problem with bisexuals
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
Bisexuals are so forgotten in the community and are treated badly. I am primarily attracted to women but occasionally attracted to men, and when I date or have sex with a man, lesbians don't treat me well about it. It really pisses me off.
Contributor: altheasmarnella altheasmarnella
Originally posted by C-Rae
Is it just me or do a lot of the LGBTQ community tend to hate on them or something? Mostly the LB part. I don't I just wouldn't try and get too serious with some because a lot of ppl who say they are Bi are just confused but I know that's ... more
I'm bi, and at first I did think they took issue with me.
however, the few lesbians I've met don't have any issues with me being bi.
They don't hate me.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by C-Rae
Is it just me or do a lot of the LGBTQ community tend to hate on them or something? Mostly the LB part. I don't I just wouldn't try and get too serious with some because a lot of ppl who say they are Bi are just confused but I know that's ... more
Bi are not just confused.
Contributor: Bittenflame Bittenflame
it really just depends from person to person
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
I don't get how refusing to date someone who isn't strictly lesbian is really that different from hating on them.
Contributor: LeeBee LeeBee
I know exactly what you're talking about. Too many times I've heard people mention that they would NEVER date someone who is bi or pansexual. Seems ridiculous to me, honestly.
Contributor: RAVEN 1826 RAVEN 1826
Originally posted by RAVEN 1826
If a girl gets fucked in the ass it's anal sex. If a guy fucks another guys ass thats Gay. What if the likes it in the ass? He's gay. Course, the guy gets a trophy fucking a girl in the ass, and can't wait to tell his friends about her. A ... more
I feel Women are fantasized as lesbian more often by men. I feel many Women also, get called a lesbian if she doesn't put out. As for a man. I'm little with a small nice muscular frame. I feel because of my size and looks I get hit on more strait men than anyone could ever believe. As soon as the door locks behind me, I hear how this has never happened with anyone before and cause, it's a Gay act no one can ever find out about it. I was thinking we were just hanging out as two dudes. Suddenly I part of a fantasy. As for women, just cause She uses a Toy she felt guilt of being Lesbian/Bi? When really Men have all they need until, they find themselves with the same guilt. If the girl uses a Toy = Means Lesbian/Bi. If a guy uses a Dildo? Oh he is gay! If he experiments with a male partner. Even though I disagree. He's always gonna be gay forever. When really, what happened in the past I feel is lost. Should He/She continue to interact this way regularly Masturbation/Toys. Feeling the need for a partner I feel is completely normal. If the Girl puts the Toy in her ass she's still a girl. If a guy puts any thing besides his Fruit of a looms near his ass? Oh he's gay. I could care less of what others think. It feels good I like it!
Rockin as/s we came knockin'
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
I've never had a problem talking to lesbians about being Bi. I'm married to a man, and they don't question my sexuality at all. On the other hand, gay men seem to have a problem with it (or at least in my experience). My dad is gay and grilled me for 10 mins straight about my sexuality. He didn't believe me at first and rolled his eyes. By the end of it, he was satisfied, but I was sitting there going "what the fuck?". Also, when I was talking to a gay man at a gay volleyball tournament in Chicago (my dad was playing), my sexuality came up and he whispered to me, "That's great, but don't say that too loud. A lot of people here see it as bad thing." I was left thinking, "Uh, okay?". Lesbians seem to be more accepting and many find it common ground. So, in the long run, I don't mention it much to gay men, and have no problems talking to lesbians about it.
Contributor: SydneyScreams SydneyScreams
I've had a lot of girls think I'm "not gay enough" because I do get attracted to men. It kind of sucks, but whatever. their loss!
Contributor: lovelyzombie lovelyzombie
little confusing
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
When I've been in a GLBT bar just talking with a guy and I mentioned my GF, I was actually asked why I was there. Just being a bi man didn't seem to be sufficient "bona fides" of GLBT affiliation. I felt that I had to justify my "right" to be there.
Contributor: Creepellah Creepellah
I wouldn't dislike a person just because of their sexuality.
Contributor: soapsud05 soapsud05
Originally posted by PassionQT
Having a Bi man in my life, I can attest that they are shunned by both sides. It's like they are saying "you can't have both, make up your mind already, pick a team!".... A drag queen at an event I was at once said "bi's ... more
I think its frustrating. I am a bisexual woman and that doesn't mean I haven't made up mind, only like women when drunk, or am a closet lesbian. I like both. And no I do not need both to make me happen.
Getting constantly shunned by the gay and straight communities because I'm 'experimenting' is ridiculous.