Anyone Else Receiving Spam in Their Inbox?

Contributor: animepanda89 animepanda89
I have been here for almost a year and have never received spam before, it worries me to be honest.

Maybe of you respond they give you a gift card that is worth the total value of your points so you can use 100% of them?
Contributor: LadyJiyae LadyJiyae
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I have received three of the exact same PMs form this tatcher1asare (tatcher1asare) at 5:53PM, 5:58PM and 6:35PM. I copied it below. I cannot find any mention of a profile for this person, but did reply to one PM asking what the heck? I also sent a ... more
Nope, not me. Maybe you can report the user to the admins?
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by LadyJiyae
Nope, not me. Maybe you can report the user to the admins?
Yeah, in my intro I mentioned I did report it & then the rest of this thread has their responses!
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
wow, that is just to to weird, scary. I haven't received anything like this but I did have a stalker.
Contributor: GingerSpice GingerSpice
yeah, i got that message too....
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
I got that once
Contributor: MizzMistress MizzMistress
I wish there was a "Report message" feature for these messages!
Contributor: TransMarc TransMarc
This is scary!
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I have received three of the exact same PMs form this tatcher1asare (tatcher1asare) at 5:53PM, 5:58PM and 6:35PM. I copied it below. I cannot find any mention of a profile for this person, but did reply to one PM asking what the heck? I also sent a ... more
I got that same message. First time ever getting spammed here.
Contributor: LoveBug721 LoveBug721
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I have received three of the exact same PMs form this tatcher1asare (tatcher1asare) at 5:53PM, 5:58PM and 6:35PM. I copied it below. I cannot find any mention of a profile for this person, but did reply to one PM asking what the heck? I also sent a ... more
yes I got this too