Do you coupon?

Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Im one of those "extreme couponers".....Do you coupon? If so, how "deep" in are you? LOL. My husband says that he'll leave me if I clip another coupon or rant and rave about how much I saved while drooling over my receipts again LMAOOOO.

All I can say is, Im no fool when Im paying half (or 100% less) than everyone paying full price! He just rolls his eyes and I can't stop counting the money in the bank that we're saving lol.

Do you coupon? If so, how often? Do you watch Extreme Couponing? (I hate that show by the way, they let out all our good secrets! LOL Now I can't find anything in the stores when it goes on sale grr!) lol.
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Contributor: K101 K101
Nope. I don't go to the extremes because I don't want to be the coupon lady holding up the line at WalMart Lol.
Contributor: ladychristie ladychristie
I use to coupon a lot but life just got to busy
Contributor: BobbiJay BobbiJay
Originally posted by MamaDivine
Im one of those "extreme couponers".....Do you coupon? If so, how "deep" in are you? LOL. My husband says that he'll leave me if I clip another coupon or rant and rave about how much I saved while drooling over my receipts ... more
No but I really want to.
Contributor: Kissy Kissy
I use coupons, but we eat healthy, so not as often as I used to... I used to have a binder... now I just do it for bathroom items and a little food.
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Originally posted by MamaDivine
Im one of those "extreme couponers".....Do you coupon? If so, how "deep" in are you? LOL. My husband says that he'll leave me if I clip another coupon or rant and rave about how much I saved while drooling over my receipts ... more
I'm starting to coupon, actually. I've wanted to get into it for about a year, but I never had a way to keep up for it, but now that I work at a popular everything-you-need store, it's much easier to keep up with store coupons, manufacturer coupons, and my own employee discount. So far, the biggest savings I think I can brag about is maybe spending $15-$20 less. Nothing big, but I think it's a good start, right?

I want to watch that show more often, but it's been hard since I haven't lived in a place with consistent internet access/cable.
Contributor: js250 js250
I rarely use coupons, but have in the past. Usually I clip them and forget to use them. OOPS!!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I used to, but the coupons never seemed to be for anything we'd use.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
I don't go to extremes, but I try and use them on what I'm buying.
Contributor: Megan Jean Megan Jean
Contributor: acessorie acessorie
I coupon and shop deals but I am not into the hoarding mentality and I hate clutter so I don't go to the extreme.
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Originally posted by acessorie
I coupon and shop deals but I am not into the hoarding mentality and I hate clutter so I don't go to the extreme.
The hoarding part of the extreme couponers is what gets me. I don't see the need to have that BIG of a stockpile. I like to have a small stock of things to last a few weeks to maybe a few months (depending on the product, ovbiously), but I think to have entire rooms dedicated to it is WAY too much.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
I probably should have added that I am NOT one of the "Crazies" lol. I don't shop at walmart (for the person that mentioned) because I prefer to support the local grocery stores and the US products . So don't worry, You won't find me holding up your line lol.

I don't "hoard" per se. We live in a small apartment, but I had the space, I would definitely be stocking up on things that we need. Thats another thing too, I don't buy things I won't use. I have about 15 tubes of toothpaste right now, but I won't be getting any more of those deals, because I already have more than enough. Same with shampoo/conditioner and body wash.

Things like laundry detergent and dish soap stuff....things we use on a daily basis like that, I will definitely pack my laundry room full because Im constantly running out lol.

Thing is, this stuff never goes bad. and If you get it for free or for a couple of bucks each, why not, right?

Thing is....A lot of people get irritable when they are standing in line behind someone with coupons. Simple solution: Move to another line lol.

We don't need those dirty looks or the "sighs" behind us. That just makes you look like a crab and it really sort of aggrivates us because we are supporting and providing for our families at pennies on the dollar, and you're getting mad at us about it? Thats not right. My kids can finally be able to do things that we never could afford. I purchased a zoo membership and this past christmas was so awesome for my kids! In the past 10 years, I have never been able to really give them things that I wanted to. Things they need or deserve, and so when I started couponing, I was saving hundreds of dollars.

So please, if you are one of those snotty people having a grump attitude in the lines behind us...simply move to another line or know that because I am couponing and you have to stand in line for an exra four minutes while they ring up my coupons, my kids are able to have the things they need without me draining my bank account. Life is too short to be in a hurry anyways... LOL.

I must say though....there was a lady in Detroit (my friend lives out that way, she told mea bout this) that actually scaled the counter to physically go after some manager at CVS because they had a misprint and she wasn't able to get her shaving cream for free!! I couldn't believe that! I was dumbfounded and its people like THAT that seriously need some sort of intervention. If you coupon, for the love of god don't make the rest of us look bad!!!! lol. That Extreme couponing show can be a good source of information BUT a lot of those people do things that just make us look outright bad.

On another note, when I stock pile, I am usually dishing out to my friends/family and I just donated a slew of kids toothpaste and toothbrushes to a missionary family down in Haiti that just opened a school there. Sooooooo some of us are actually doing good with our stock piles !
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by js250
I rarely use coupons, but have in the past. Usually I clip them and forget to use them. OOPS!!
I can't tell you how many times Ive done that LOL. Now though, I never leave home without my coupon binder I keep it in the car after I pack my coupons away in it.
Contributor: MelSC MelSC
I don't coupon but am slightly envious of those who do. I would love to learn all the secrets and save all that money and be able to donate some of it too.
Contributor: slynch slynch
We coupon a little, but not to the extreme.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
No because most of the food I eat (fresh fruits, vegetables, and local meat and dairy) don't have coupons. I do use them for household products sometimes.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by MelSC
I don't coupon but am slightly envious of those who do. I would love to learn all the secrets and save all that money and be able to donate some of it too.
Its actually fairly easy. Its time consuming, but oncey ou get a system down, its pretty simple. If you want to learn more about it, you can always visit my blog at link

I do mainly giveaways (free stuff, woot!) and I do coupons and daily deals.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by bayosgirl
No because most of the food I eat (fresh fruits, vegetables, and local meat and dairy) don't have coupons. I do use them for household products sometimes.
Actually, if you go to some of the brands company pages or facebook pages, you can find quite a few of their coupons. I know a lot of the healthier eaters are afraid to coupon too cause there isn't any coupons out....Or at least they don't see them.

They are out there, they just arent' as advertised.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
No I don't, when it comes to them the ones I do save, I always forget them. Funny you asked because I was emptying my trash in bathroom and I had threw out a coupon that I meant to save.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I don't usually. I don't mind people couponing, but it gets annoying to hear about it all the time. I have a classmate who just talks about it constantly and it gets old to hear about. I mean it's great to save money, but really I don't need to hear about the 20 bags of free chex mix you got, and I especially don't need to hear it every day.
Contributor: Swish Swish
I coupon, but not crazy, if i know what i want, i will look for a coupon, if there isn't one, i will still buy it, i don't want to buy things i wont use just because its on sale or cheaper, i see no use in wasting or getting things that aren't what i want or aren't good for me.
Contributor: voenne voenne
I only use coupons for things that I need right away, I don't go out of my way. I love saving money, but I would never get that obsessive over coupons. I've watched the show a couple times, and it's too much work.
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Originally posted by MamaDivine
I probably should have added that I am NOT one of the "Crazies" lol. I don't shop at walmart (for the person that mentioned) because I prefer to support the local grocery stores and the US products . So don't worry, You won't ... more
I'm a cashier so I deal with it a lot.

I think the other guests annoyance with it is the fact that sometimes they've already put their things down on the conveyor belt and then they have to wait while the cashier confirms that the coupons are valid. There are now a lot of people who are committing couponing fraud. So, cashiers are being told to be sure, and if a guest has a lot of coupons, at least where I work, we have to call our supervisor to help us make sure they are valid. Definitely a big pain in the ass not only for us, but the guest with the coupons, and the others.

And if they've already put their things on the belt, then it's going to be more work for them to have to pick up their stuff and move to another lane.

Definitely not saying that you're wrong for couponing, I'm really not. I do coupon and I'm trying to work out a system for myself so that I can be successful at it.

Though, I'd say it's about 50/50 between the people who have their shit together and those who don't. The ones who have their shit together, not a big deal, it goes by swiftly. Those who don't, it goes slowly and holds up the line.

I'm looking forward to when I have my coupon system together and can end up spending large percentages less than what I would without the coupons.