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I have a few of them, lol!! Some were mentioned in your earlier post, but a few others:
--I 'find' things. Seriously, I do!! For example, my mother in law lost a small 1/8 carat onyx round earring somewhere in my yard. I walked around for
I have a few of them, lol!! Some were mentioned in your earlier post, but a few others:
--I 'find' things. Seriously, I do!! For example, my mother in law lost a small 1/8 carat onyx round earring somewhere in my yard. I walked around for about 4-5 minutes and was immediately drawn to it.
Another time a couple years ago, a friend of mine from high school and I were hanging out and she was wondering what had happened to ____, a health conscious, very buff and fitness motivated classmate. I had not seen or heard anything about him since 1988--graduation time. I just told her I thought he was probably dead from boredom and we laughed. But as soon as the words left my mouth I just had a feeling that I had found out where he was...a month later at our class reunion, we found out that he was murdered---the day before we brought him up. He lived on the east coast, I live in Montana.
Everywhere my hubby and I go I am always finding something good, unusual or lost by others. My eyes and feet are just drawn to wherever...
---I can put myself in other people's shoes and empathize with exactly what they feel/think/do. It has freaked a lot of my friends, family or acquaintances out! I do not even have to meet or know who they are talking about.
--I write both left and right handed. I write with my right hand and shoot a gun with my left arm/eye.
There are quite a few other little goofy things, but hey--they are mine!!
I think you are incredibly lucky to be able to do those things! Finding things like that is too cool! I think a lot of your success is from actually listening to your gut instinct, or whatever is guiding you! Many people override certain feelings as not rational.
The mentioning people who something bad has happened to, or some other event, is something I definitely relate to, as well as finding things (though not to as high a degree as your talent). I, too, have the empathetic thing down and I get similar reactions as you do from people who are not as in tune. May I ask if any of this is from pre- or post-crash? I am very intrigued if some or all of your talent arose, or increased after the accident!
@ Love Bites: I am in awe of anyone with your talent! I am a classically trained musician & would KILL to have your natural gifts! I would like to know if you have pursued any musical talent you have, or if it's just something you can do, but are not interested in?
@Kendra: Hey you, prehensile toe lady! My whole family, except for my father, can do the foot thing! We never even think about it, but it does come in "handy" hahahah! Now that I'm older, I have a whole new appreciation for not having to bend all the way over to pick things up! As they day, the getting down isn't the problem, it's the getting back up, lol! I'm delighted to see you around here, by the way. I know you're busy with your sister's new baby & writing, but I enjoy seeing you around here & reading your answers!
@stacylyn12: What does the "I agree" mean, exactly? Can't you tell us if
you have a talent? I'm sure we would appreciate hearing more than just one word from you!