Ladies, how do YOU....wipe? (private voting :))

Contributor: Hekate101 Hekate101
Originally posted by switzerland
It's just easier.
Contributor: Sexy Desire Sexy Desire
I was taught correctly, but apparently do it wrong now.
Contributor: So Long Ya Doofuses! So Long Ya Doofuses!
(I actually had to go to the bathroom to remember how I did it... )
I stand, spread, and reach around, then fold the toilet paper and repeat for good measure!
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
As my wife has told me, it's more sanitary for a lady to wipe from front to back, where us guys don't have the same issue.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
In the last few months, my girlfriend has gotten comfortable using the toilet in front of me (I'm still getting used to it...) and I've noticed one big difference between us. How we wipe. She wipes by sitting up slightly and reaching around ... more
I believe the way your girlfriend wipes is standard for girls because we have to wipe front to back to prevent infection
Contributor: Anne Anne
i do it both ways... but i spread my legs more