Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
How many people here are familiar with this? It's a system created by psychologists to help categorize different personalities, in order to help people better understand each other. There are four basic spectrums, and the theory goes that all people have a preference one way or the other on each spectrum, whether it's a strong one or a slight one.

For example, my type is INFP. This stands for Introvert (as opposed to Extrovert), iNtuitive (as opposed to Sensing), Feeling (as opposed to Thinking), and Perceptive (as opposed to Judging). This translates into a person who prefers to work out problems inside her own head and needs alone time to recharge; who tends to look at the big picture and how things fit together, rather than focusing on the physical facts in front of her (the forest instead of the trees); who tends to make decisions based more on how she feels about them than on what she logically thinks about them; and who prefers to continue gathering information and keep her options open, rather than having everything planned and settled.

If you've never heard of this, a quick Google search should bring up several websites offering an online questionnaire to help you figure out how you fit into this scheme.

What's your type?
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Contributor: SourAppleMartini SourAppleMartini
I am INTJ, which is apparently one of the rarest personality types.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
INTP Even rarer
Contributor: MrWill MrWill
I am an INTJ. Systems work, when they are used and improved (did you know the forum search is a type of system? That it would have gotten you at least 3 threads about this very topic?)
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I am INTJ, but it's almost 50/50 between J and P. Really interesting!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
INFJ (1-3% of the population), which seem to proliferate the net because we're introverted like that. My fiance ran a Meyers-Briggs testing and dating site back in 2006 as a project to see which types congregated where the most. He still has all the data, but hasn't done anything with it yet. Although he did get invites to quite a few weddings as the guy who introduced people through his site.

Oh, and he's an ENFP, so we match perfectly.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
IXFX, meaning I scored a 50/50 split on the 'X' areas, the Intuition/Sensing & the Judging/Perceiving were tied. It also was a very close split on the others. Figures, I always get weird results like that.

Here are some previous discussions about this topic, in case you want to see more answers.

link link link link

Two good online tests: link link

this is a helpful, short description of results, (from: link)

"The tag name is the best description for the most common careers for people of that personality type.
ISTJ (6%): "Trustee". Dependable and decisive in practical affairs.
ISTP (5%): "Artisan". Impulsive thrill seekers - good with tools.
ISFJ (6%): "Conservator". Loyal people with a desire to help.
ISFP (5%): "Artist". Creative people - keenly developed senses.
INTJ (1%): "Scientist". Pragmatic and decisive - system builders.
INTP (1%): "Architect". Precise in thought and language.
INFJ (1%): "Author". Complicated people, driven to help others.
INFP (1%): "Questor". A sense of honour - somewhat lost in life.
ESTJ (13%): "Administrator". Responsible - pillars of strength.
ESTP (13%): "Promotor". Dynamic, competive entrepreneurs.
ESFJ (13%): "Seller". Sociable - outstanding hosts or hostesses.
ESFP (13%): "Entertainer". Warm, optimistic, wity and generous.
ENTJ (5%): "Field Marshal". Driven to lead - natural executives.
ENTP (5%): "Inventor". Innovative people - open to possibilities.
ENFJ (5%): "Pedagogue". Helping others fulfill their potential.
ENFP (5%): "Journalist". Uncanny sense of motivations of others."
Contributor: KinkyKatieJames KinkyKatieJames
My results were:

Extroverted (E) 69.44% Introverted (I) 30.56%
Sensing (S) 50% Intuitive (N) 50%
Feeling (F) 58.33% Thinking (T) 41.67%
Perceiving (P) 57.14% Judging (J) 42.86%

Your type is: ESFP or ENFP
Contributor: VeganChick (is Gone) VeganChick (is Gone)
I just did one of the ones Wicked Wahine posted and got ISTJ.


You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%)
You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%)
You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)
You have strong preference of Judging over Perceiving (89%)

Doesn't really surprise me, I already knew I was a strong introvert, and the other ones make sense, too.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by MrWill
I am an INTJ. Systems work, when they are used and improved (did you know the forum search is a type of system? That it would have gotten you at least 3 threads about this very topic?)
MrWill, really? Do you have to be so sarcastic with me? I searched, believe me, I searched! I thought there must be something, as I'd seen MBTI types mentioned in several posts. If there's an older thread that should have simply been added on to, please feel free to bump it up for us! I could not find any, so it's quite possible I'm not yet facile enough with the search function.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Chilipepper
INFJ (1-3% of the population), which seem to proliferate the net because we're introverted like that. My fiance ran a Meyers-Briggs testing and dating site back in 2006 as a project to see which types congregated where the most. He still has all ... more
It has occurred to me that a dating site based on the MBTI would probably have good chances! OkCupid actually has a very similar typing system: they call it the "Dating Persona". Their categories are: Random vs. Deliberate, Gentle vs. Brutal, Love vs. Sex, and Master vs. Dreamer. I fall under RGLM, no matter how many times I've taken it over the last 6-7 years, and with all the little changes in my answers to the test.

We do seem to see a lot of introverts online here, don't we?
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
IXFX, meaning I scored a 50/50 split on the 'X' areas, the Intuition/Sensing & the Judging/Perceiving were tied. It also was a very close split on the others. Figures, I always get weird results like that.

Here are some previous ... more
"INFP (1%): 'Questor'. A sense of honour - somewhat lost in life."

Huh. That's a pretty damn good short description of me.

Wicked, having a balance between the extremes is actually considered quite healthy and valuable. It's also thought that, as people age, they tend to develop the opposite side of each spectrum a bit more.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by FieryRed
MrWill, really? Do you have to be so sarcastic with me? I searched, believe me, I searched! I thought there must be something, as I'd seen MBTI types mentioned in several posts. If there's an older thread that should have simply been added on ... more
Nevermind--just saw the beginning of WW's post!
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by FieryRed
"INFP (1%): 'Questor'. A sense of honour - somewhat lost in life."

Huh. That's a pretty damn good short description of me.

Wicked, having a balance between the extremes is actually considered quite healthy and ... more
Hmm, balance, well my other two sections were only a few points apart, not quite 50/50, but almost, so I guess I should be happy! What's funny is that I'm a Libra, ha ha! All about balance, but I don't really believe in astrology, it's still fun to know. Actually, I'm a Libra who can make up her mind quickly!

In my earlier post, I included the links to the other threads I found. I have a tip for you, that I use in order to search for anything on the forum. It's not you, it's the search feature that is lacking! That;s why I use a search engine to do it better & more quickly for me!m In this example, I'll use Google. All you do is go to the search engine page, type in whatever you're looking for, the same as you normally would. But, after the last word, leave a space, then type this: sex-forum

Let's say you were searching for this topic, you could enter this:
Myers sex-forum

That is just an example, but this is the fastest way to search the forums that I have found & I hope it helps! I really think MrWilly was trying to be ironic & funny, not trying to be sarcastic, but I'm not surprised you took it that way, maybe he will explain?
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
I am an INTJ married to a ESFP. It makes for an interesting combo.
Contributor: Silverwinds Silverwinds
I am an ISFJ! I took the test about a year ago, and back then got INFP. Over the course of the year I have changed dramatically, both for the better, and for the worse, so I took it again and got ISFJ.
Contributor: solitudinarian solitudinarian
I'm an INFJ. My boyfriend is an INTP. He's annoying sometimes, but overall we get on well. I like that he's not offended easily and that we can have meaningful discussions about things.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Has anyone been fooled as to what type they were? For most of my life, I thought I was an INTP. I was a big Ayn Rand fan, having read Atlas Shrugged at age 14, so I was answering the questions in the MBTI inventory based on the way I thought I SHOULD do things, not the way I ACTUALLY do things. Once I realized that, despite all my belief in reason, I make my decisions based on how I feel about them, I came to understand myself much better.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
INFP. My high school civics class all took the test.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
Hmm, balance, well my other two sections were only a few points apart, not quite 50/50, but almost, so I guess I should be happy! What's funny is that I'm a Libra, ha ha! All about balance, but I don't really believe in astrology, ... more
BTW, in my example, for some reason the system places a space where I didn't type one, so:
Myers sex-forum

is NOT supposed to have a space after the / !! The address should be typed in the same as it appears in your address bar. Sorry for not noticing the error earlier!
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
BTW, in my example, for some reason the system places a space where I didn't type one, so:
Myers sex-forum

is NOT supposed to have a space after the / !! The address should be typed in the same as it appears in ... more
I was wondering whether that space was intentional or not! Thank you for clarifying! I will be trying your search.

So, how have you all found the MBTI in terms of being helpful in understanding yourselves and being generally happier in life?
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
It's actually helped me in understanding that I am normal for my type, and that there are others who exist and are taken seriously because someone took the time to study how they tick. (Instead of just being like every other extrovert and saying "What the feck's wrong with you? You're abnormal.")

It's made me feel better about my career interests and "where" I am psychologically. I've spent my life feeling that I never jived with mainstream culture and societal expectation, so it was a relief to find this. Turned out I am a poster girl of INFJ because I scored 70% or more on those four indicator types.

I'm still working through integrating who/what I am in my life. Since C takes the Meyers-Briggs seriously, he's helped me a lot in doing so. Plus it's nice for me to have an instruction manual about him by knowing his type.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Chilipepper
It's actually helped me in understanding that I am normal for my type, and that there are others who exist and are taken seriously because someone took the time to study how they tick. (Instead of just being like every other extrovert and saying ... more
This answer is so great to read! I imagine a lot of disenfranchised people would feel the same relief that you do to have an explanation of sorts for why they are the way they are & also that they are not alone. Loved your example of an extrovert's response to you, ha ha, how perfectly you described that!

I think it's part of the human condition to want to know that we fit in somewhere & to understand ourselves. Well done tests such as this one, help in that exploration. No one can dismiss the popularity of astrology & that is, in essence, attempting to do a similar thing. Even the popularity of all different types of questionnaires in magazines & such, that purport to tell us something about ourselves that we never knew before, are always popular. One thing most people find endlessly interesting is exploring or finding out about themselves! ;-) And to Chili's point about the instruction manual for C, that is another excellent point about why these are also popular, finding out how to explain/understand a loved one's behavior!
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
This answer is so great to read! I imagine a lot of disenfranchised people would feel the same relief that you do to have an explanation of sorts for why they are the way they are & also that they are not alone. Loved your example of an ... more
Agreed! I loved Chili's response! I felt something very similar when I finally realized what my true type was--and this was just a few years ago. Everything clicked into place (again; the first time was when a long-ago boyfriend showed me a book about ADD, and in reading the list of "symptoms" I realized it was describing me, almost to a T).

Speaking of the responses of extroverts...I just looked at your very helpful list of type summaries, WW, and I noticed that 52% of our population is ES!! That sure explains a lot about our society, no?
Contributor: Lucifer the Cat Lucifer the Cat
I'm an INFP too
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I am an ISFJ and my husband is an INTP. I knew about this persoanlity test before reading the forum thread because my husband had to take a survey before starting his new job at the hospital. For his job position, the department was looking for one of two personalities and my husband was the perfect fit.
Contributor: joolie joolie
ISFJ and I am exhausted. I dislike how much I care about people. It's not productive or helpful for me.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann

And I realized today that it doesn't bother me in the least to see new threads created even when the same info may be available elsewhere.

Often, those old threads are old, out of date and filled with posts by people who aren't active anymore. Or we change and it's nice to be able to put a fresh opinion in a fresh place.

Plus, it's like going into a bar and telling someone who just walked in that they have to go in the back room to talk about that the weather because that conversation can only happen there,where it was started in 1872. Or, gee, sorry, you should have been here last week when we talked about the Braves. This week we're talking about the Mets - no more Braves talk allowed.

Silly, right?

I wonder if that opinion matches my personality type?
Contributor: ADrew ADrew
Originally posted by Carrie Ann

And I realized today that it doesn't bother me in the least to see new threads created even when the same info may be available elsewhere.

Often, those old threads are old, out of date and filled with posts by people who ... more
As a certified practitioner in the MBTI tool I can tell you that your laid back approach to this would not be in preference for you, but that doesn't mean that it is not genuine to who you are. Personality type defined by the MBTI is not a box, but rather a description of preferences that are innate part of who and what you are. Like being right handed or left handed. It doesn't mean you cannot learn to use your non-dominant hand it just means you have to concentrate on it a little more and it may not always be as comfortable for you.

Just because you have a preference for J, which is definitely more comfortable with structure and rules, does not mean that you can't learn to exercise the P side of that preference, which is definitely more comfortable with fluidity and flexibility. That is exactly what the long term goal of the MBTI should be is increasing your understanding of your your preferences, the strengths and challenges that come with those preferences, and then learning to exercise those that aren't your preferences.

And for the record I am an ENTJ.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by ADrew
As a certified practitioner in the MBTI tool I can tell you that your laid back approach to this would not be in preference for you, but that doesn't mean that it is not genuine to who you are. Personality type defined by the MBTI is not a box, ... more
Well! ENTJ seems like the perfect type for a certified MBTI practitioner! I am thrilled to see you here! Did I do a decent job of summarizing the system in my initial post?

I wrote a paper on the MBTI in an English class a few semesters ago, so I did even more research than I've done in the past on the topic.