Originally posted by
Wicked Wahine
Wow, that is some turning point! But, no doubt, you are better off for that struggle & decision to turn in a direction better suited to your needs & happiness. I see in your profile that you identify as gay, so I am guessing maybe you are
Wow, that is some turning point! But, no doubt, you are better off for that struggle & decision to turn in a direction better suited to your needs & happiness. I see in your profile that you identify as gay, so I am guessing maybe you are with that same female? (It's not my business & I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable by asking!) It would just be a happy ending kind of thing, if it were true. But, as long as you are happier now, than when married, that's all that matters. I'm just nosy!
I'm just so impressed with some of the things I've found out about members who have gone through so much, things I haven't & probably will never experience. You just never know, do you, until you ask a question like this discussion and then someone surprises you with their candor! I already knew I get on well with you & sunflower because I like what comments I've read before, but then I find out more & it makes the appreciation even stronger, you know? Oh, well, maybe no one knows what I mean because I've been up for hours & had a few too many muscle relaxants, so don't expect me to be particularly articulate, sorry!
You can always ask! I have the choice of whether to answer or not, you know.
The answer is no--I am not still with her. We actually weren't involved in a romantic way for too long, because I needed time to be single and independent, and get back in touch with myself, while she wanted to jump into a relationship right away (she had never really been single, always jumping from one relationship to another). I dated both men and women for around six months, before realizing that I much preferred women. After dating more women, I wound up in a relationship with a very emotionally abusive woman who turned out to be schizophrenic. That was quite the ordeal, to say the least. Talk about some life experience! So, then another relationship with a wonderful woman who had issues with depression and repression--we literally never fought, because (as I later learned) any time she disagreed or got upset with me, she just kept it to herself. She broke my heart pretty good, and then I started dating my current partner, who was also recovering from heartbreak, about two years ago. We took our time, were friends/dated for months and waited to have sex. I had thought, at first, that we would have fun together for a while and then be just friends, but boy was I surprised!
This was a great discussion question, WW. What made you think of it?