if you were traveling far how would you get there?
Plane Vs Train Vs Bus Vs Car
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Plane Vs. Train Vs. Bus Vs. Car
(87 posts)
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
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I love driving my chevy trailblazer all over the states, less than 20 to go.
I love to fly!
Car, always. Hate crowds, and wouldn't want to meet that frigging TSA.
I prefer driving, unless it takes more than twenty-four hours on the road, then I'll fly.
I don't drive. I realized a long time ago it makes absolutely no sense to take a flight for a short trip (less than 500 miles). In almost every case, it's faster to take the bus or train. After you fight your way to the airport, deal with all the check-in crap, wait forever for your plane, wait for it to take off, then do the same in reverse once you land, you aren't saving any time. If it's a long-distance journey, than it's plane all the way.
In the mood for a roadtrip.
Exactly!!! And it is your very own space, no one else there to tell you what to do, what not, and how you are supposed to be! ^^
Originally posted by
Master DarkWolf
Car, always. Hate crowds, and wouldn't want to meet that frigging TSA.
Definitely depends. Longer distances-plane or car
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
It all depends. Going overseas, I'd rather a plane than a boat. Going across the country, I'd take either a plane or a train. Driving extremely long distances (10+ hours straight) is too much of a pain without someone else to switch off.
Been on a plain when I went to Mexico and hated it, scared me the whole time. I'd rather drive.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
My car if possible.
Well, I prefer by car.
I use to like to drive - but now it's all about flying - even though I loathe the security theater that is foisted on us by airport screeners.
car, cause then I can stop any time I want. and with kids that is really convenient.
Plane or car
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
I am afraid to fly and taking a bus is just a miserable experience. I have never been on a train, although I would love to. So I chose car. At least in a car, you have control over when and where you stop.
It depends how far it was but I'd choose plane or car. I love driving! I actually really love long drives. I'm not a big fan of flying. Every time I'm on a plane I think I'm going to die lol all the little noises freak me out
Depends on how far I am going. If it is overseas then of course by plane. If the drive is usually under 12 hours we will take it by car. Either just leave early in the morning and make the trip in one day or stop half way through and stay some place.
Plane. The service & experience has really gone downhill. It's still the most time efficient way.
Bus or car, but I hate to drive in places like Chicago.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
Car or plane.
Depends on how far the trip is. I've always wanted to ride in a train on the west coast though!!
It would depend on how far the trip was, but most likely plane if I could convince the hubby to get on one.
I love the train! I know it takes longer but I love the feel and looking out at all the sights!
I like to fly, so plane.
buses anyone? lol
It depends on the distance but I've never been on a train so I'd love to try that.
Plane if I have to be there by a certain time, but I really enjoy road trips through the states with some good friends by my side.
I have only traveled outside the U.S. once, when we drove to Canada one night for a casino trip. I was on a work related trip to Michigan and the guys and gals wanted a night of fun. I remember driving past a cop doing just over 100 MPH and being thankful I either wasn't seen or not worth the trouble, cause that would've been bad.
I hate traveling by bus! But, be aware, AmTrak also employs buses to run parts of their routes and also is willing to stuff people on buses if they are running late.
I paid a large sum of money several years ago and rather than taking a leisurely train trip (where I could easily sleep and PEE whenever I wanted), I was crammed onto a bus for an 8 hour trip with no toilet (or food options)! On the return trip (with a 3 year old in tow), the ENTIRE trip was by bus (the first 12 hours were planned) and then I basically had to force myself onto the second charter bus that came through the train station (they didn't hire enough buses to carry all passengers) when there was only one seat available. The people left at the train station were left there for more than 24 hours waiting for another ride!
Lesson learned though, I'll never travel by train without doing it in a sleeper car (they got priority and FOOD on the buses).
I paid a large sum of money several years ago and rather than taking a leisurely train trip (where I could easily sleep and PEE whenever I wanted), I was crammed onto a bus for an 8 hour trip with no toilet (or food options)! On the return trip (with a 3 year old in tow), the ENTIRE trip was by bus (the first 12 hours were planned) and then I basically had to force myself onto the second charter bus that came through the train station (they didn't hire enough buses to carry all passengers) when there was only one seat available. The people left at the train station were left there for more than 24 hours waiting for another ride!
Lesson learned though, I'll never travel by train without doing it in a sleeper car (they got priority and FOOD on the buses).
buses are terrible!i like car trips but if its too long for the amount of time that im going to stay at a location i would rather take a plane.
I really like traveling by train, but there isn't a lot of opportunities to do that in the US. I been traveling mostly by plane for longer distance and car for shorter distance.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
I'd pick train if I can.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
I would pick anything BUT the bus. I am so not a fan of most bus systems. I have had way to many scary experiences on Greyhound.
I go by train in hopes that it will be robbed by bandits! It never ever happens. But some guy did get his wallet stolen once! But nobody went looking for it so I had to put my smoking jacket and pipe away...F%U% TRAINS!!!!
I would go by plane, though I would like to travel by train sometime
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
I can't afford to go anywhere, but it would depend how far. Likely car or plane though.
I'm generally a car person, even on long trips.
It really depends on where I'm going. If it is really far plane. But sometime short is always nice and fun by taking the train.
Train, if it makes sense. Car if it's a shorter distance. Plane, generally only if the distance is too long or I am on a tight schedule. I don't mind taking extra time to travel and traveling by train is pretty comfortable all things considered.
plane. get there fast/
I drove from Florida from Ohio and back. We took 2 vehicles and there were 8 of us. Took me over a full day to get home because of all of the stops. Next time I go that far I'm taking a plane!
I love flying, but it would depend on how far I need to go.
I love road trips in the car!!
I don't have my car for part of the year, so I'm usually stuck taking public transportation. I'm okay with this, except some busses get kind of sketchy. So when I'm going across many states, I get my car back.
I traveled in Europe for two months by train, and loved it. Planes are fine, but I wish we had a better rail system in the States. That would be my preference.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
I really wish trains were more affordable and common in the U.S.--it seems a shame that we don't have this option more readily available to us.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
I think it depends on how far i'm travelling. I quite like train journeys as it's really comfortable and the sights can be really cool, although planes are really nice as i don't tend to go on them that often and they seem qquite luxurious
Ive never been on a plane or train so i'd have to say car lol
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
depends how far and how long the stay is
Depends on how far we are going, but the car is my first choice.
Seeing as I cannot get to North America from China by anything other than boat or plane, I take a plane.
If I am travelling a great distance, I travel by plane. If I've lots of time and it is not a holiday time, I'll take a train.
I love road trips, and boat trips.
If it is under five hours, I might consider a bus... but sometimes I will get friends together and road trip it.
If it is under three kilometres, I try to walk. And if it is a pleasant day, under five.
If I am travelling a great distance, I travel by plane. If I've lots of time and it is not a holiday time, I'll take a train.
I love road trips, and boat trips.
If it is under five hours, I might consider a bus... but sometimes I will get friends together and road trip it.
If it is under three kilometres, I try to walk. And if it is a pleasant day, under five.
All depends on where and why I'm going. I do prefer to fly if I don't have a lot to bring with me
It depends on where we are going and for what. If it's a longer stay we may drive so there is no luggage fees. I'm not scared of flying, I just find it incredibly annoying sometimes.
Definitely by plane for speed and comfort, but by train for the adventure (when you don't have to be there anytime soon)
Never a bus. Ever.
I prefer planes.
If just myself and hubby? Train. With the kids? Plane.
flying is faster
Plane or car depending on how much time you have to travel. I fly a lot and it still amazes me how you can get from one part of the world to another in such short amount of time.
I prefer trains over planes.
Well pretty much everything over planes!!
Well pretty much everything over planes!!
I like the open scenery of a car. All you can see are clouds from the plane... although the plane takes you there quicker, it takes longer to go by car.
Since I have my own airplane, I usually use it for far away places, otherwise I drive my SUV for everything else.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
I actually think planes are pretty fun. Less fun now with the 2 hour security lines, but still fun.
Plane but I have always wanted to go on a train.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
train. love the scenery and not having to deal with traffic. i hate flying, for fear of crashing. busses are alright, but there's the traffic again.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
Fastest way possible...a plane.
Depends but plane or car
I meet so many cool people on the greyhound, but oh the stories I could tell. Once, when I was sitting in the back seat, there was this couple back there with me and they thought I was sleeping, so they started making out and then she whipped his dick out and was jacking him off. O_O I didn't know what to do, so I pretended to be asleep. . . lol
I don't ever make any friends on planes. All most anyone flying cares about is getting from point A to point B quickly.
I bet riding a train would be really fun if you can find one going where you need to go.
I usually end up driving, though. . .
I don't ever make any friends on planes. All most anyone flying cares about is getting from point A to point B quickly.
I bet riding a train would be really fun if you can find one going where you need to go.
I usually end up driving, though. . .
Depends on where I am going.
Probably a train first, then plane, then something else
Plane, if I'm traveling very far, which I haven't done yet.
plane if it'd take more than a day. train otherwise.
If it's more than 1000 miles away, plane but train otherwise. I would take a train to see my boyfriend but it would take DAYS to get there. Trains allow you to walk and stuff.
Well I've flow, traveled by rail and bus cross contry, North America that is when I was younger. They all have much to offer though now I think I would avoid the bus.
Plane for long distances.
anywhere that's longer than a day-by-car away, definitely flying.
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
Fly if possible.
I love flying! It's been a while since I've gotten the chance to do so though.
i love the train but some trips its fly or take boat..
It depends on how far. If I'm going out of the country (and not to Mexico or Canada) I have to take a boat or plan, and I prefer plane. It also depends on time constraints. If you only have so long to spend on your vacation and driving would take multiple days and you can afford it plane would be the way to go. Stuff like that. It can also depend where you are. Trains in America? Not so great. Trains in Europe and Japan? Much better. Buses can be cheap. So they can be a pretty affordable way to get around.
Plane, but if I have the time and the scenery is nice train
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
How would you travel if you were going somewhere far?
Car!!!!! I am afraid of planes.
I prefer the train. That and a bicycle are what I use inside the nyc metro area. For the rest of the country/world, we usually drive or fly. I HATE flying, but it's just not possible to take the train to Europe.
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