Rape, and what you wear.....do you think wearing revealing clothing increases the chance

Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
there is something I wondered about rape maybe someone can answere...since ther is no wetness or excitement from the woman how can the guy even enter her without hurting himself,even riping some skin and bleeding?
As Airen said women lubricate them selves in vaginal rape.

dont forget the anal rapes, granted vaginal rape happens more then anal rape there are still anal rapists out there. And some use lube, some dont.

And lets say dang they do a good job of tearing skin with anal rape.

In a gang rape after the male cums on the victums vagina or anas if another guy continues the cum tends to help as a lube for a minute or two.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by sarahbear
Rape? Not so much. I think a rapist is going to rape and it's not going to be based on clothing. Though, if you appear to be an easy target (not aware of your surroundings, alone, etc) that may affect it.

Attention? Absolutely. I have no ... more
Again not what determines it but increases or makes her look more appealing or fit his fantisy even more.
Contributor: MnWolf MnWolf
The clothes that are worn shouldn't make the difference, but that isn't to say that the cloths a female would wear wouldn't make her a object to be sared at or hit on by countless guys, hoping that she is easy and have their way with her still the same. So if the women is flirty and engages one of the males that was dooling over her body, for more then just friendly drinks or what ever, they start to kiss, a rub here, a rub there, on thing lead to another and next thing ya know they are doing the nasty..... Now perhaps the women comes to thinking that she didn't want things to go this far, says no, and gets tense... all the while the guys finishes. Then she goes and claims rape. This is a hard one to swallow, and most of the time isn't the case, even though it is still rape!

I believe what you are talking about is the out right women walking along out of no where someone attacks them and rapes them this way, no matter what the person is wearing, it could be a toss of the quarter if it makes a differece or not, it is hard to tell.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
As a non-rapist, I don't know for sure.

Speculating (like usmcwife99 is), it seems that it could be an issue. You could walk around with a wad of $100's in your hand in some bad parts of town, you'll prolly get mugged. If you have it tucked away, you'll appear less enticing as a target.

I think the important thing to think about is this: be smart about it. Don't go out alone if you can help it. Carry mace or something to protect yourself. Stay in the lit streets.

Rape isn't a positive topic; however, talking about prevention and coming together to comfort people who have been violated like that IS positive.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
No, rapists don't go on looks, they go on feel (vulnerability). I am talking about serial rapists. I'm not talking about spousal or date rape.

I don't care wtf someone is wearing. They can be wearing nothing and dancing in front of you, it does not give you the right to rape someone.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
there is something I wondered about rape maybe someone can answere...since ther is no wetness or excitement from the woman how can the guy even enter her without hurting himself,even riping some skin and bleeding?
I'm wet all the time. You don't have to be wet on the outside to be entered inside. There is a lot of tearing and bleeding. Some women need reconstructive surgery!

A man can be raped also, even if he gets hard, it is still rape. It is a biological reaction for your body to get sexual prepared when touched in a certain way even if it is unwanted.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
I think this entire post is incredibly offensive and harmful to the mental and emotional health of many people in the community here, myself included. I do not think it's appropriate and I do not believe it's in line with the values that Edenfantasys tries to promote, including the feeling of a safe and respectful space. I really think that the moderators need to step in here and look at this, because I find this seriously upsetting.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
I personally do not like the way this thread started. However, I do like a lot of the experience and opinions that have been shared here, and for that, I think it should stay up. It is upsetting, and I can see why. It is not the best representation of this community - but it gets there, if you keep reading.

In order to break with old ideas, one must be challenged in a way that makes them think differently. I can only hope that we have threads here that are progressive enough to change minds and offer insight.

It is hard working for Eden sometimes; we have to strike a balance that works for everyone, and that is no easy task. But we try. I hope everyone understands that.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
No, rapists don't go on looks, they go on feel (vulnerability). I am talking about serial rapists. I'm not talking about spousal or date rape.

I don't care wtf someone is wearing. They can be wearing nothing and dancing in front ... more
Again if you read the orginial post i included a few things saying that at no time is rape right

ile try to reword it for you

At no time is rape or sexual assault right. No women deserves it no mater what she did. There is no excuse for rape. RAPE SHOULD BE HIGHLY PUNISHED IN THE COURT OF LAW, AND IS NOT A LAUGHING MATTER, thats how I feel about it
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Owl Identified
I think this entire post is incredibly offensive and harmful to the mental and emotional health of many people in the community here, myself included. I do not think it's appropriate and I do not believe it's in line with the values that ... more
I am not trying to offend anyone, at anytime in anyway. I am deeply sorry if you are offended by this post or thread. You have the rights to your thoughts witch is good, but at the same time so do all other members of EF.

I can only ask that you read each post on this thread and go through them and follow along before you feel offened.

Thank you, and I am sorry for how you feel and if touched a soar subject for you.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
I have recognized that some have been offended by this thread....here me out for a few paragraphs while I try to clear some things up. Hopefully this will help you understand a little better were ime comming from.

I also ask that you read each post and follow along in this thread if you feel that your offended so you know what exactly the thread is all about.


Ime first gonna say for the tenth time RAPE IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE, and there is no rime or reason for it. It should not be taken lightly. It is a serious crime and should be punished highly by the court of law.

I can see someone saying "while you dont know what being raped is liked" so ime gonna throw out there ive been a raped at a young age and gang raped a few years back. And on top of all that had sexually abusive parents till I ran away with my sisters at 16. I do not look at that as a poor me situation. Yes it was a terabile time, and yes it was not right. But what happened happened, its in the past I cant change it. I was lucky enough to walk out alive of a gang rape and not be shot, I was also lucky to be able to be there and well lets say I made sure my dad only touched me and never my sisters. I feel that they should be highly punished for that, luckily most of them were. Those expiernces make me who I am today, they have helped in some ways. I think that from that I am mentally tougher, and also handle alot better under stress.

I came upon this question because well it was actually something that I got to thinking about as I was in the grocery store and noticed one laddie had a very short skirt on in front of me. It came to mind that when half your but cheeks are showing your sort of attracting attion to yourself. From there I dont know how it got to rape. But I was just thinking can what you wear increase(i say increase not cause) your chance of being raped. I was talking to my husband later that night and hes like you wonder why some girls get so much attion and from there......

Ive done alot of research on the topic, over the years. I never saw were it said what someone wears increased it. I got to thinking thoe what about his fantisies, and what you wear. Could those possible increase that chance. I mean ive heard of crimes wear the rapist will force the victum to dress up or "tend to his needs" in a fantisy way. So what if her clothing some how respembled a fantisy of some sort.

I know some rapes are completly random, but at the same time theres some that the victum is stocked for several monthes.

Also, we all have our rights to our thoughts and feelings. We have all been through different stuff and know different people. Not to meantion the different views we have, weather they be political, moral, religious, etc. That is totally good to have your views, and I repsect whatever they may be.
Contributor: paralax paralax
Originally posted by usmcwife99
I first want to say at no time is rape ok, nor is there ever any excuses. It is a crime and personally should be punished highly because its deffinitly wrong in my book. Please do not think I think its ok because its not. I have been there and I feel ... more
In most rape cases the women generally knows the male involved. It usually doesn't matter what she wears but who she is in relationship to him.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I read an article about a rape victim and wanted to post it here.

A woman was raped on her way home from work. The man viciously attacked her several times. Guess what she was wearing, usmcwife99?

A floor length skirt with a turtleneck sweater, also thick socks and loafers. She was asking for it, huh?
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
I think it could increase the chances of being propositioned or harrassed but rape itself is generally about power, dominance, and opportunity and the clothing matters little.

I think the punishment for rape is way too lenient considering it's torture. Grrrr...
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by usmcwife99
Again if you read the orginial post i included a few things saying that at no time is rape right

ile try to reword it for you

At no time is rape or sexual assault right. No women deserves it no mater what she did. There is no excuse for ... more
I never argued that.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Blinker
I read an article about a rape victim and wanted to post it here.

A woman was raped on her way home from work. The man viciously attacked her several times. Guess what she was wearing, usmcwife99?

A floor length skirt with a turtleneck ... more
Exactly my point. Thanks for bring this up. Rape often isn't based on sexual attraction.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Exactly my point. Thanks for bring this up. Rape often isn't based on sexual attraction.
Often? Its Never about sexual attraction. Its about power, control and humiliation.

This whole thread really angers me. I'd better just say nothing or I might say something that results in my banishment.
Contributor: Riccio Riccio
Originally posted by P'Gell
Rape isn't about SEX. Rape is about power and non consent and humiliation. Most rapists are involved in a regular sexual relationship with a woman, many are married.

Studies have proven again and again that clothing, hair, looks etc have ... more
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
Originally posted by P'Gell
Rape isn't about SEX. Rape is about power and non consent and humiliation. Most rapists are involved in a regular sexual relationship with a woman, many are married.

Studies have proven again and again that clothing, hair, looks etc have ... more
Just what I was abut to say. I really couldn't have said it better. I'm a survivor of attempted rape and I'm well aware that it has nothing to do with sex, and certainly wasn't because of what I was wearing.
Contributor: Alegria Alegria
I was assaulted and almost raped during a private nude modeling session. I was the nude and he was drawing me.

Perhaps it was my fault because I was alone with him.
Perhaps there was some attraction for me but I mostly got the feeling he wanted to "own" me.

I'm sorry if this was a trigger for some victims, but I really just wanted to say; clothes don't matter. I think he just wanted to feel powerful and dominant.

I'm not saying that girls who wear skimpy clothes are going to be targeted, because I don't think that's what rapes (opportunistic or otherwise) are about; but I do wish I could feel safe being a nude model again.
Contributor: Isadorabelle Isadorabelle
I don't have statistics on this and am speaking from my own experiences and observations.

But, I don't think it increases the chances. Rape is rarely about sex, but instead about power and control. Again this is just drawing on experience and conversations with other women, but it seems like it'd be kind of the opposite. Every story I've heard, the woman was always dressed in very ordinary and modest fashions.

This is just a theory, but it seems like it takes a lot of self confidence to dress in and really wear sexy, sensual clothing that shows off a lot of your body (which, by the way, hurray for self-confidence!).

I think if someone were to target another individual to take advantage of them in any way, they'd target someone that doesn't appear to have a strong personality so that they can be more easily swayed or easier to overpower. While I think it is totally untrue that just because you are dressed ordinarily and not to flatter yourself like that means that you lack that confidence, I think I could see how someone might target another person who appears very unassuming.

The best example I can think of of this is an underhanded vehicle mechanic. If he or she were to try and take advantage of a customer, it would likely be more successful to target the guy with the pocket protector looking at car parts and tools in wonder rather than the big muscular man helping the mechanic hands put in a transmission.

I'm not saying that deceitful mechanics are the same as rapists or trying to lessen the terrible crime of rape. Unfortunately, I have experience with it and I find it a crime that is appalling and still today not given the appropriate amount of legal attention or support. What I am saying is that everyone, especially those who are up to no good, profile people.

So, long explanation short, I think rapist target victims that appear the easiest to overpower or control, not necessarily those that show the most skin.

This is just my opinion and I'm not saying anything bad about women that have the confidence and courage to dress in such a sexy manner or the women that have the confidence and comfort with themselves to dress in a modest manner. Also, I don't have any proof to substantiate this, it's just my own observations and conclusions.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Originally posted by usmcwife99
As Airen said women lubricate them selves in vaginal rape.

dont forget the anal rapes, granted vaginal rape happens more then anal rape there are still anal rapists out there. And some use lube, some dont.

And lets say dang they do a ... more
Besides, it's not about pleasure. It's really not about getting off. It's about power. Sick, twisted, misplaced power.
Contributor: Rayne Millaray Rayne Millaray
I've been raped more than once, and by people I knew and thought I could trust. I rarely ever dress in anything that could be considered provocative or skimpy. Usually sweats, or jeans, or scrub pants, and a baggy t-shirt or sweater.

Matter of fact, I've found that people are often more afraid to approach me when I do decide to dress in something sexy. Is that the norm? Who knows?

If you ask the chick who used to live behind me, she'd tell you all crime, including rape, is because of a lack of resources.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
And just my two cents, I don't think clothing has anything to do with it. I go to raves and see 500 underage girls naked or near naked, and they're not getting raped left and right (with the exception of the rise of "date rape," which with the girls around here, isn't much to shake a stick at. It's unfortunately more like "oh shit, now everyone thinks I'm desperate because I got with him. RAPE!" I know at least 9 girls personally who've done this, and told me about it. For some reason people like to confess their secrets to me. Dunno why.). If someone's going to rape someone, it's not sexual. It's all power. They could give a fuck what the girl's wearing, just like not only "pretty" girls are raped. They just want to humiliate someone.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Tuesday
Often? Its Never about sexual attraction. Its about power, control and humiliation.

This whole thread really angers me. I'd better just say nothing or I might say something that results in my banishment.
OK, so if date rape is a form of rape that he does not choose witch drink to drug(depending on how it is down) knowing witch one he finds more attractive or something like that
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I think that certain apparal send out different messages, its true bcs everyone dresses differently to suit their personality.

I would like to wear sexy stuff a lot bcs its sort of a norm to see ladies to be revealing and its sort of tempting to do but when ever I wear something slightly revealing I get horrible attention which I don't want.

So I don't think what you wear makes it more likely that you get raped but I do think that what you wear says somthing and gives you different types of attention.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by usmcwife99
OK, so if date rape is a form of rape that he does not choose witch drink to drug(depending on how it is down) knowing witch one he finds more attractive or something like that
What I mean is that rape doesn't happen because men see a sexy woman and are so overcome with desire that they can't help themselves. Its a conscious choice.

Sexual attraction isn't the root cause of rape. The need to control, punish or humiliate is.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Tuesday
What I mean is that rape doesn't happen because men see a sexy woman and are so overcome with desire that they can't help themselves. Its a conscious choice.

Sexual attraction isn't the root cause of rape. The need to control, ... more
Exactly. Date Rape is simply when a man wants to non-consensually humiliate and punish a woman, and he "uses" the fact that they are already in the same place as an excuse that "she wanted it." Even in Date Rape, it still has nothing to do with "attractiveness." It has more to do with a rapist realizing a woman is in a situation where he feels comfortable enough controlling and overpowering and ignoring her ability to say "no."
Contributor: sarahbear sarahbear
Originally posted by usmcwife99
OK, so if date rape is a form of rape that he does not choose witch drink to drug(depending on how it is down) knowing witch one he finds more attractive or something like that
"Date" rape (and I happen to agree with Hal Sparks who says the 'date' is over when the raping begins) has nothing to do with how attractive a man (or woman) finds their date. They're not choosing the prettiest girl (or guy) in the club and dropping a rufie in their drink. They're choosing someone who left their drink unattended or someone who will take a drink mixed by someone they don't know, the easy target, the victim. Someone who is easy to dominate and take control over because, as has been reiterated over and over again in this thread, rape is about power.

The only thing that is going to cause you to be raped is being in the room with a rapist who chooses to rape you. You can not prevent a rapist from raping you by wearing more conservative clothing.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by sarahbear
"Date" rape (and I happen to agree with Hal Sparks who says the 'date' is over when the raping begins) has nothing to do with how attractive a man (or woman) finds their date. They're not choosing the prettiest girl (or guy) in ... more
Well stated. And you're not "asking for it" by wearing revealing clothing either. Women (and men) retain the right to choose their sexual partners no matter what they wear.