Rape, and what you wear.....do you think wearing revealing clothing increases the chance

Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
I first want to say at no time is rape ok, nor is there ever any excuses. It is a crime and personally should be punished highly because its deffinitly wrong in my book. Please do not think I think its ok because its not. I have been there and I feel for all the women who have been sexually assaulted/abused or raped.


Do you think what a women wears can increase her chance of being raped. I mean Theres no doubht that if you walk down a dark ally at night in a high crime area it will increase your chances but what about what you wear

Clothing like this



compared to a girl who is totally covered in her head to to toe omish dress

or even skirts wear it could easily be pulled up

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Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Yes, they are increasing there chances
usmcwife99 , SydVicious , Sapphire Pet , Evoluchun , Kindred , sandblastedskin , Inara , That Man from Mars , zracer , Valentinka , Gigi128 , Sex'и'Violence , Wildchild , Noelle , AwesomeAmanda , natashaanime , gehuwd
17  (13%)
Unsure, sometimes
deadpoet , Envy , Sidewinder , LittleBoPeep , Rayne Millaray , MaryExy , CAKES , Ash1141 , Hallmar82 , SadoMas
10  (7%)
No, they arent
NightNight , Midway through , Love Buzz , P'Gell , joja , Lady Venus , VieuxCarre , Selective Sensualist , GNGenie , Tori Rebel , Alicia , Ciao. , Annemarie , MnWolf , Adriana Ravenlust , paralax , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Darling Jen , Lavender*Moon , Tuesday , Riccio , Madeira , LikeSunshineDust , razmataz , learnlivelove , DeliciousSurprise , Trashley , Naughty Student , Hot'n'Bothered , Sir.DragonMage , The Giveaway Diva , The Girl With No Name , RosesThorns , The Nakanas , sasweetheart89 , Pandahb , Xavier7 , Xander Knoblock , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , KikiChrome , C4ss , BadassFatass , Miss Madeline , dv8 , Jackol , Ms. Paprika , Linga , .Fairy. , Reyes , mandiegk , Ansley , systematicweasel , angel142stx , Eucaly , Angelica , cheetahpita , PussyPurr , Melissa Smith , Eliza , dhig , Papershotglass , ParisLove , geliebt , ToyBoy , 0 , LadyDarknezz , Defi Enyo , Kkay , Menarae , lilly555 , mama2007 , momma22js , WetJenn , slynch , wrecklesswords , padmeamidala , Andrey2052 , Lildrummrgurl7 , Artishok , Apirka , Allstars316 , pirata , edeneve , remember.me , Leather & Lace , potstickers , Qozt , Girly Juice , GONE!
89  (66%)
Airen Wolf , ~LaUr3n~ , Penguin , PussyGalore , 34 , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Taylor , UnknownGirl , Rossie , TameTemptress , mizzmilla , Beck , Breas , K101 , jennifur77 , edenguy , *Camoprincess* , charletnarouh
18  (13%)
Total votes: 134
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Contributor: SydVicious SydVicious
I totally think that the clothes that you wear can be attractive to a rapist, depending on what they are looking for. The rapist can easily decide to go after a certain victim because of the way they dress, and they don't mean just dressing sexy... if he is into school girls, or girls that look very innocent. It may even be something as simple a shoe fetish that makes the attacker to go after a girl in cute boots.

That being said, the second picture that you linked... I don't think that it's an overly sexy outfit. I woman should be safe to wear whatever she wishes, but when you wear a shit like the first link, you can't be mad when people are looking at your boobs.
Contributor: NightNight NightNight
I'm not aware if there are any statistics on this but I think the fact that even elderly women are victims of rape indicates something about how unimportant physical appearance is in being "chosen" by a rapist.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I think that it doesn't matter. They pick victims on a number of things. A lot of it has to do with easy targets. Not necessarily what you wear. They usually pick women who are unaware of their surroundings (headphones, ipod, etc) and are alone. Low lighting areas, etc. Statistically we see this as a repeating incident.
Contributor: Love Buzz Love Buzz
what a person wears doesn't have any affect on their chances of being attacked or raped. In my opinion it's ludicrous to think there is a correlation between the two.
A woman in a club wearing jeans and a t shirt could just as easily become a victim as another who's wearing a barely there skirt and revealing top.

Rape is an act controlled by the perpetrator, one that is often completely beyond the control of the victim no matter how they are dressed.

To me it's like thinking a blonde is more likely to be attacked than a brunette. The victim is chosen by the attacker for a myriad of reasons, all of which differ and depend on the perpetrators screwed up mind, and no one can predict just what those reasons will be.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Rape isn't about SEX. Rape is about power and non consent and humiliation. Most rapists are involved in a regular sexual relationship with a woman, many are married.

Studies have proven again and again that clothing, hair, looks etc have NO effect on who gets raped.

You can decrease your chances by not being alone in certain areas, not letting strange men into your home or apartment, by not looking distracted (you are more likely to be attacked when you are off guard. Wearing headphones or even talking on the phone while in a deserted area are a clue to rapists that he can get close to you, without your being aware.)

Studies have shown that what a woman looks like (unless the rapist has a "type" like someone who looks like his mother, that's a common one) has nothing to do with whether you are raped or not.

Many rapists are opportunists, they choose ANY woman who is in a situation where she can't get away. Parking garages are very common places for assaults, as they are often deserted, sound doesn't carry well, and women are often walking alone at night in them. Small children and old women get raped, they certainly don't "dress sexy" it has NOTHING to do with how you look.

EDUCATING yourself about WHAT rapists look for (and it ISN'T your outfit) can help cut down on your chances of being assaulted.

The victim is NEVER to blame and I frankly think women need to NOT play into stereotypes about the fallacy that "rapists want sex." They want power, they want to hurt you, they HATE women. ANY woman. How you are dressed is not a concern of theirs.
Contributor: Evoluchun Evoluchun
I believe with the wear of provocative clothes doesn't help but think that the sicko already has it in his head to do just wearing clothes a little more revealing may catch his eye on you as the victim a little more
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Blame the victim much?
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by P'Gell
Rape isn't about SEX. Rape is about power and non consent and humiliation. Most rapists are involved in a regular sexual relationship with a woman, many are married.

Studies have proven again and again that clothing, hair, looks etc have ... more
This is all true for standard rape and a certain type of rapists but, honestly, the majority of rapes are date rapes or sexual assaults that don't include penetration or even the attempt at it; groping in a bar, having your ass grabbed. Most of those types of things do happen cuz the guy is attracted to the girl or wants sex. And those types of things often can be at least slightly minimized by taking precautions and making good choices.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by SydVicious
I totally think that the clothes that you wear can be attractive to a rapist, depending on what they are looking for. The rapist can easily decide to go after a certain victim because of the way they dress, and they don't mean just dressing ... more
i was refering to the shortness of the shorts, witch are shorter then i personally would wear
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Love Buzz
what a person wears doesn't have any affect on their chances of being attacked or raped. In my opinion it's ludicrous to think there is a correlation between the two.
A woman in a club wearing jeans and a t shirt could just as easily ... more
compeltly beyond the control of the victim

witch is why we walk down dark alleys at night
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Blinker
Blame the victim much?
I am not blaming the victim and saying its there fault. Personally I think that SOMETIMES wearing reveiling clothes will increase your chance of being raped or harrased.

Theres a differnce between incressed and caused.
  •   (1)
    I am personally offended by this
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by usmcwife99
I am not blaming the victim and saying its there fault. Personally I think that SOMETIMES wearing reveiling clothes will increase your chance of being raped or harrased.

Theres a differnce between incressed and caused.
I think that is like saying a man who has a nice watch or owns an expensive suit should never wear it in public because it will "increase his chances" of being mugged. NOBODY blames a mugging victim. It is also a fallacy that clothing incites rapists.

I think we also need to separate actual rape (date or otherwise) from other unwanted physical touching. No, nobody wants their ass grabbed, if they didn't consent, but it isn't even in the same ballpark as actually being physically penetrated and humiliated against one's will. When I think "rape" I think actual physical, sexual, penetrative assault, not that unwanted touching isn't disgusting, it's just NOT "rape" by the standards of Law.
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
If you ask any rapist in jail they will tell you that they look for women who are wearing baggy clothing and are generally relaxed. First of all, they don't want to have to fight to get your clothes off. Most rapists have also said that they seek out women in the early morning or early evening when they are walking or doing other things around their home, neighborhood, etc.

I was raped. I wasn't wearing skimpy clothing. And I also wasn't raped by a stranger. I don't think clothing has anything to do with getting raped. Period.
Contributor: deadpoet deadpoet
I think maybe at times it may be the clothing. Most of my guy friends don't stare at the girls with pretty much nothing on, because it leave nothing to their imagination, unlike girls fully clothed.

It is still wrong for a person to assualt another person. I have been assualted, but I was too young to remember it now.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I don't think it has anything really to do with the clothing.
Like, stated above... it all depends on his type of prey. If he likes fiesty, wild bar girls.. he'll go after that.
Or the cutesy innocent school girl in a sweater dress, he'll go after that... So... regardless... rapists kind of do whatever they choose.
Contributor: joja joja
A woman could walk down the street buck naked, and the vast majority of men would not rape her. Why? Because they're not rapists. Rapists don't rape because they're horny. It's about control and humiliation.

Also, the vast majority of rapes are committed by partners or friends/acquaintances. The old "jumping out of the bushes" rapist is practically a myth.

Women should be able to wear what they want and go where they want, when they want to. That is all.
Contributor: GNGenie GNGenie
Research and interviews with rapists have shown that what actually attracts them to a victim is the victim's attitude. They're looking for someone who isn't going to fight much. This may mean the shy person in Amish get up or it may mean the person with low self esteem in the world's sluttiest outfit. The clothes don't matter, it's who is wearing them and how.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by usmcwife99
I am not blaming the victim and saying its there fault. Personally I think that SOMETIMES wearing reveiling clothes will increase your chance of being raped or harrased.

Theres a differnce between incressed and caused.
But in the long run that is blaming them. What if someone gets raped and they are told "oh well, you increased your chances because you wore that short skirt to the club.." that is BLAME. You might not be using the same wording, but it's still blaming them because you're saying that THEY increased their chances by the clothing they CHOSE to wear.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by joja
A woman could walk down the street buck naked, and the vast majority of men would not rape her. Why? Because they're not rapists. Rapists don't rape because they're horny. It's about control and humiliation.

Also, the vast ... more
Thank you!

I think most people don't get this because they aren't rapists themselves! They think rape is due to being horny, a man with an "out of control libido" etc. I had this conversation with My Man, and at first he was (almost joking) saying, "Well, if I was gonna rape a woman, I'd pick one with big tits with a slutty outfit on." I said, "Because you want to punish her?" He said, "What? No, it turns me on." I then asked him if he had EVER raped a woman. The answer of course was "No." I asked him if he ever took advantage of a women under the influence or unconscious, of course the answer was "no" I asked him if he ever had sex with anyone against their will, he said, "I couldn't do that."

The crux of it is, he isn't a rapist and thus, doesn't think like one. He's a horny guy, but knows not only where his boundaries are, but also has no desire to punish, humiliate, or control women against their will. He is like MOST men, who are simply not rapists and can't think like one.

I do, however, know at least two girls who were raped by strangers. One actually had a man jump out of the bushes at the park, she was only 12 at the time, and it was, like said before, early morning. The other was lost in Chicago, after a party, and a man offered to "show her" to the El platform, and then attacked her. This was also early morning. Neither woman was dressed provocatively, one was basically a CHILD, and the other was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, through no fault of her own.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I think that women who dress provacatively are subjecting themselves to being hit on, and maybe more sexual advances from men then those that aren't. BUT that is not rape. I agree that if someone wore a shirt out like that first picture a lot of people would be staring at her breasts all night because they are basically out for display. It's possible more people would hit on them and there might be some men/women who think that she's easy and might try to get with her, which she could just decline their advances. However, that's completely seperate from rape. As the others have said a rapist is not just someone who is horny and gets turned on by someone. It's about control and power and they're going to look for someone they feel they can over power and/or someone who fits their personal description of what they're looking for in some cases.

I think a lot of people confuse what gets someone sexual attention and something that would "get them raped". I don't believe that someone's clothes increases their chances, and like I said above I think that is kind of victim blaming in a round about way. Because I'm sure that some women who are dressed provacatively DO get raped, just as the ones who don't. But if people have this idea that it increases their chances what is that saying? It's saying to the girl dressed plainly "well, you did everything you could to prevent it" and to the provacatively dressed girl "well..maybe if you hadn't dressed that way..." it's just wrong.
Contributor: sarahbear sarahbear
Rape? Not so much. I think a rapist is going to rape and it's not going to be based on clothing. Though, if you appear to be an easy target (not aware of your surroundings, alone, etc) that may affect it.

Attention? Absolutely. I have no sympathy for women who dress provocatively/post nude photos of themselves on their blog, profiles, etc and behave that way and then act surprised/indignant when guys gawk at them and make comments. But that's completely different than sexual assault and rape.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Well when it comes to rape, it's *usually* someone the victim knows. So i doubt clothing comes into play with that.

For others, it might have some correlation but I don't think it's the main reason.
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
Yeah, I don't think clothing choices really affect rapes. There are so many other factors involved that are likely more important than simply what a victim might be wearing.

Unwanted attention, definitely, rape, though is a much more complex situation.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by usmcwife99
I first want to say at no time is rape ok, nor is there ever any excuses. It is a crime and personally should be punished highly because its deffinitly wrong in my book. Please do not think I think its ok because its not. I have been there and I feel ... more
there is something I wondered about rape maybe someone can answere...since ther is no wetness or excitement from the woman how can the guy even enter her without hurting himself,even riping some skin and bleeding?
  •   (1)
    I am personally offended by this
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by P'Gell
Rape isn't about SEX. Rape is about power and non consent and humiliation. Most rapists are involved in a regular sexual relationship with a woman, many are married.

Studies have proven again and again that clothing, hair, looks etc have ... more
YOu said exactly what I was thinking P'Gell. What a woman was wearing is an excuse the court system uses to blame the victim. Men are not animals they can control their impulses just as easily as we woman can and do. Not all victims of rape are female either...which is why I find this question a bit offensive. If a guy is in short shorts, going commando or without a shirt does HE "deserve" or "invite" rape? It's ludicrous.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
there is something I wondered about rape maybe someone can answere...since ther is no wetness or excitement from the woman how can the guy even enter her without hurting himself,even riping some skin and bleeding?
The female body lubricates itself to prevent damage and the penis has built in mechanisms to prevent injury as well such as precum. Thing is a lot of the time a rapist doesn't either last long enough to cause terrific damage or INTENDS to cause damage, either to himself or to his object of control. That is how a rapist sees his/her victim as an object. The tearing and bruising that rape victims suffer can be stomach turningly awful...and is nearly ALWAYS there.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by joja
A woman could walk down the street buck naked, and the vast majority of men would not rape her. Why? Because they're not rapists. Rapists don't rape because they're horny. It's about control and humiliation.

Also, the vast ... more
Most men are not rapists but some are. Untill every rapist or sexual preditor is off the street its not a good idea to walk down the street naked if you have common sense.

I dissagree, with that jumping out of the bushes is practicly a myth. I think when you say jumping out of the bushes it refers to a number of hidden or unseen places. With that said I can assure you that gang rapes still happen by walking out from behind a corner and taking her back behind that hidden point to hold her down at gunpoint and take turns.

Yes I agree women should be able to wear what they want, when they want, were they want. But thats in a fairy tail world. We should also not have to sacrifice incent men in war, but to live free we as a coutnry have to sacrifice a life. My point that sometimes life aint fair.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
YOu said exactly what I was thinking P'Gell. What a woman was wearing is an excuse the court system uses to blame the victim. Men are not animals they can control their impulses just as easily as we woman can and do. Not all victims of rape are ... more
Its not an exuse or a reason, its wrong either way

I dont mean for this to be offenseive but a MAJORITY or rape victums are female.