Ever been scared/freaked out badly enough that you slept with the lights on?

Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I made the mistake of catching up with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. While I'm alone. In an older house that isn't mine.

It's such a good show, but my imagination tends to get a bit overactive when I watch scary shows, and I'm sleeping with the lights on when I finally make it to bed.

So, how about you? Every been scared badly enough that you needed the lights on to get to sleep?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Sodom and Gomorrah , Beautiful-Disaster , butts , wetone123 , Rossie , Andrey2052 , ViVix , Feisty , - Kira - , Rod Ronald , Lady of the Lab , Vanille , Kitten has left the site , Lildrummrgurl7 , Kitka , Beck , hyacinthgirl , js250 , Bignuf , Pixel , Thumper Logic , Terri69 , Sirena , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Bex1331 , AliMc , LaSchwartz , Dixiemomma , Supervixen , FantasyFanatic , Leather & Lace , Chilipepper , Shadoria , Happenstance , Bethy Cassatt , yw2 , K101 , Falsepast , Sera26 , ksparkles16 , edenguy , shorejen9 , Howells , KyotoAngel , tequilafish , GONE! , malantha , RomanticGoth , Alyona , utsukushiixtsumi , lilacviolet , charmedtomeetyou , JackRaiden , ARPKasso , JMTPG , xilliannax
56  (63%)
Allstars316 , Ansley , Stagger13 , BrittaniMaree , darthkitt3n , Zandrock , unfulfilled , damnbul12 , Antipova , marshmallow , Llewey , MK434 , LoooveMonkey , Gone (LD29) , kitty1949 , married with children , LovesAPoet , bayosgirl , MissCandyland , leatherlover , Skindiver , clockwork451 , mmmmm , subwayrailings , Wonderstruck , BlooJay , dv8 , Incendiaire , Voir , Kat and Aaron(aaron) , Living Doll
31  (35%)
Zombirella , True Pleasures
2  (2%)
Total votes: 89
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Ha, Yes!! Especially when I watch The Exorcist or any "reality" ghost show!
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
No, but i think i was concerned with my surroundings. I think I checked the doors a few times.
Contributor: butts butts
When I first moved out of my parents and into my very own place, I had no roommates at first. I have huge home invasion fear, and every time I heard creaks or tiny sounds I'd flip out. This hasn't been a problem since because I've consistently lived with 3+ other people, as long as SOMEONE else is in the house, I'm fine.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I did that when I was younger, lights on and blanket over my head, lucky I didn't suffocate!
Contributor: Andrey2052 Andrey2052
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Pixel
I made the mistake of catching up with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. While I'm alone. In an older house that isn't mine.

It's such a good show, but my imagination tends to get a bit overactive when I watch scary shows, and ... more
Not yet. Besides...having the lights on would let the killer see you better.
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
Nope not yet
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I don't generally have a hard time with those things. I've seen some stuff that can never be unseen but it doesn't make me afraid of my surroundings.

I suppose this mostly has to do with the fact that I'm very aware of the crime rate in this particular part of town, I pay attention to who comes and goes in the neighborhood and there are at least six county police officers who live on this property who come and go at all hours of the day and night.

I've also had real paranormal experiences and I've learned that if I lose my mind I can end up hurting myself, but if I keep my wits about me no harm can come to me.

(Probably also helps that I think zombies are ridiculous and could never be a reality in the first place.)
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Pixel
I made the mistake of catching up with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. While I'm alone. In an older house that isn't mine.

It's such a good show, but my imagination tends to get a bit overactive when I watch scary shows, and ... more
YES. I'm often home alone, and if I see anything scary or have a nightmare, I at least turn my hall light on and leave my door open. lol.
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
I have not
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
Aha, Yes!!!
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I sleep with the bathroom light on every night. I'm super paranoid and scared of the dark. If I get freaked out by a show or a story I heard then all the lights go one for a few nights.
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
All the time as a kid.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Yes...I scared myself shitless and stupid with that Slenderman thing. My husband was like: CHERYL SHUT THE FUCKING LIGHTS OFF. The nightlight is still on.
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
We've never been that freaked out, but it takes a lot for us to be scared.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I tend to easily scare myself sometimes when reading Stephen King but it mostly happens when the hubby isn't sleeping in bed with me like when he was OTR (Over The Road) trucking and would be gone for a couple weeks at a time. Thank goodness he got another job!
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
I can't fall asleep with lights on, so even though I might spook myself, keeping myself up longer by having a night light would only make it worse.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I have to have a TV on. I have slept with lights on before though. Too many CSI and Law and Order's. I freak myself out with those shows more than monster shows.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
The first time I read H.P. Lovecraft.
Contributor: js250 js250
True crime shows......you know it really happened. This puts me on the couch in the light and a BIG baseball bat beside me. Pretty funny, our Pomeranian will bark if a cat wants in, much less anything bigger and my pistol is in the bedroom, so is my hubby who is 6'3" and all muscle--he would protect me to the death. You think I would feel safe, but when I get freaked I want my couch and lights, lol!!!
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Pixel
I made the mistake of catching up with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. While I'm alone. In an older house that isn't mine.

It's such a good show, but my imagination tends to get a bit overactive when I watch scary shows, and ... more
Only during LA riots.....when was in LA visiting!!!!!
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
Originally posted by Rossie
I did that when I was younger, lights on and blanket over my head, lucky I didn't suffocate!
Oh my gods, yes! I used to do that all the time. lol Because nothing can get you if you're under the covers!
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
nope. i need my darkness!
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
Contributor: Sirena Sirena
Originally posted by Pixel
I made the mistake of catching up with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. While I'm alone. In an older house that isn't mine.

It's such a good show, but my imagination tends to get a bit overactive when I watch scary shows, and ... more
Yes! My cousin, her husband, and I watched the movie Event Horizon when I was 15 and all of us were so scared that we had a prayer circle and slept together in the same room. Still scares me, but I have my own husband now to keep the nightmares away.
Contributor: MK434 MK434
No, I don't really get scared like that.
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
The Walking Dead has never made me scared IRL. I do get scared watching them and being like, "Ahmahgah, what's gonna happen?! GET INSIDE, GUYS!!"
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Yea I have but not recently.