Ever been scared/freaked out badly enough that you slept with the lights on?

Contributor: JackRaiden JackRaiden
Lights on, but more often just stay very still under the sheets, because the sheets are magical barriers, of course. I get teary thinking about memories or movies that I find terrifying.

I've found that being up a lot all through the night and just generally analyzing the odds of (bad) things happening help me stay cool vs terror/darkness.
Contributor: ARPKasso ARPKasso
Yes, so much so that I had to call a friend over to hang out with me because I was that terrified.
Contributor: JMTPG JMTPG
Originally posted by Pixel
I made the mistake of catching up with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. While I'm alone. In an older house that isn't mine.

It's such a good show, but my imagination tends to get a bit overactive when I watch scary shows, and ... more
When I was a little kid.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by Pixel
I made the mistake of catching up with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. While I'm alone. In an older house that isn't mine.

It's such a good show, but my imagination tends to get a bit overactive when I watch scary shows, and ... more
I have an overactive imagination, am a scaredy cat... lights on is a normal thing in my house. I'm TERRIFIED of the dark.
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
I've gone to bed feeling creeped out but I've never slept with the lights on.