Where did you get your screen name?

Contributor: submissive.sweetheart submissive.sweetheart
Delilah comes from the song Hey There Delilah from Plain White T's. I always enjoyed that song and find many aspects that apply to my life, plus just really love the melody.

The little part comes from me feeling little in a BDSM relationship and the security that comes along with being small and protected.

Put them together and there you have it, little delilah!
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Mine comes from a poem by William Blake :

And I made a rural pen,
And I stain'd the water clear,
And I wrote my happy songs
Every child may joy to hear.

Basically it means that to make something joyful you have to take the bad from life (the dirty ink) and stain it clear. That you have to remove the soils to make a happy story because life is full of bad things. To make something fresh you have to force it to be that way. Cheerful stuff, huh? Been my username since I fell in love with the poem back in my English major days.
Contributor: domsub1993 domsub1993
Domsub because we are living a D/s lifestyle, and 1993 because it's the year we were married.