Would You Include Sex Toys in Your Will?

Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I have never thought about it. I guess they will just get thrown out cause no one would want them.
Does seem ashame for all my babies to be thrown out but as long as I enjoy the crap out of them while Im alive - I'm HAPPY!
Contributor: KnK KnK
I only have to worry if I die before my parents or my older sister. It'd scare the shit out of them and then they'd be offended and think I had gone to hell...
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Never thought about it till this post, I have been thinking about it and decided that I would. I would make sure that the toys that are not "cleanable" are identified. The rest they can come here and read my review's on use and ... more
Oh you're just evil. Lol
Contributor: Mistress M. Mistress M.
I haven't thought about it before.. But I think I would put them in my will.
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
Never really thought about this but now that I am i think i would arrange for a friend to get rid of my collection so it wouldn't be found in the event of my death.
Contributor: EJ EJ
What a great question. I'd never even thought about it. I think I'd want them split up between my s.o. and my closest friend.
Contributor: systematicweasel systematicweasel
I've never really thought about it before. I don't have any kids so I know they wouldn't be passed down, and if my mate is still alive after I pass on, he'll probably be the one to look after them ^^
Contributor: Breas Breas
I've never thought of that before..
Contributor: meitman meitman
Never really thought about this before now, but I don't think I would have anything in my will. If I had some friends or family that I knew would be in to them I would make sure they went through the toys first and they could dispose/get rid of the rest. Our collection's not very big yet, but this may all change in the future.
Contributor: InNeedOfABuzzzz InNeedOfABuzzzz
It's horrible to think something awful like permanent dislocation into a landfill somewhere could be the home of my little playmates someday...so just to save them and just to freak out my family I do think I'd include them in my will.....

Really...imagine that reading! They would have to laugh (bringing cheer in a time of mourning) and maybe from heaven I'd see a little spat over who got which ones!
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
Never thought about it before. I have a partner right now. So She'd get everything and go through everything. If I wasn't, I think I'd write something in my will.
Contributor: Booktease Booktease
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I was reading this post by Shepegs about a woman apparently getting a heart attack while using a vibrator, and it got me thinking.

Do you care about what will happen to your sex toys after you die? It's not like I'm married and that ... more
I would assume my partner would do something with them. If we both died, I would hope someone would just throw them away.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
i found the fountain of youth a few years back while on hiatus in africa and therefore
i shall never die.

so that pretty much takes care of that.

Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i found the fountain of youth a few years back while on hiatus in africa and therefore
i shall never die.

so that pretty much takes care of that.

Lucky you!
Contributor: SilverIsis SilverIsis
I don't think I would designate anyone in particular to deal with them, as my family finding would not cause that big of a stir. But this conversation got me thinking, if died of "unnatural causes" and the cops had to search my house, what would they they think of it?
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
Interesting, I had never thought about this before! I don't know if I'd put it in my will, but maybe I would tell a friend to take them? I honestly have no idea...I'm hoping to be really old by that point, so who knows. I wouldn't really mind if my family found my toys, although they may be surprised by the amount...
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
I've not really thought about it, but no, I wouldn't put them in my will. I suppose, if they've never been used, then that's okay. But passing on used sex toys? No.
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Originally posted by Errant Venture
I've not really thought about it, but no, I wouldn't put them in my will. I suppose, if they've never been used, then that's okay. But passing on used sex toys? No.
The passing on of used sex toys would be those like glass or pure silicone as they can be sanitized. Passing on a used jelly toy that was used for years is a highly disgusting thought.
Contributor: Katastophy Katastophy
If you put it in the will, everyone else in the will would potentially be able to see it as well. I would be okay with passing on the sterilizable things to someone else that was close to me.
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
Nah...let em throw them out. No one wants used sex toys.
Contributor: Illumin8 Illumin8
Wouldn't ever put them in my will. I just think it's a bit weird...
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
LOL, never really thought about it...
Contributor: big b big b
hell no
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Depends. :/
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I've never really thought about it. I don't think I would.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
I was reading this post by Shepegs about a woman apparently getting a heart attack while using a vibrator, and it got me thinking.

Do you care about what will happen to your sex toys after you die? It's not like I'm married and that ... more

That would be an awkward part of the will reading, that's for sure. XD But I still wouldn't add it for the shits and giggles. If anything, I would just freak my siblings out. If they want to trash them, fine with me. If they want to clean and keep them, fine with me. It's not like I could yell at them for taking my things without my permission.
Contributor: LoganAlexander LoganAlexander
That... Is not something I've ever thought of before. I don't think I would.
Contributor: Jax Jackson Jax Jackson
I hadn't ever thought of it, but no. That would be really weird.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I never thought about it. But I don't think I would include it in my will.